by Gloria Brooks | Apr 11, 2022 | Boondocking, Staying Clean
BACK IN 2013, WHEN I FIRST BEGAN FULL-TIME VAN LIFE out of my 2001 Ford E350, dubbed the Evergreen Queen, I did not immediately have a plan to wash hair without showering. I assumed that I’d wash my long hair at truck stops. But, I quickly realized how costly and...
by Al Christensen | Apr 10, 2022 | Adventure, Fear, Survival, Travel, Vandwelling Philosophy
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. —Robert Frost THE EMPTY HIGHWAY. Just two lanes. A long way from anywhere familiar. A long way from anything at all. No traffic. No signs of civilization other...
by Al Christensen | Apr 8, 2022 | Build-Outs
SO, THERE YOU ARE, having decided you want have a nomadic life, living in some type of vehicle or trailer, and perhaps you’re feeling overwhelmed. Ack! So much to figure out! So much to prepare! Where do I start? ……….AAAAACK!!! Start with the essentials If you’ve been...
by Al Christensen | Apr 8, 2022 | Personal
I CAME ACROSS SOME VIDEOS of lawn care guys doing free cleanups of horribly neglected and overgrown properties. In many cases the homeowner or tenant was elderly and too weak or poor to maintain their place. It made me think about the question we older full-time...
by Al Christensen | Apr 6, 2022 | Vandwelling Philosophy
A VERY COMMON TYPE OF QUESTION from nomads and aspiring nomads: “What’s the best _______________________?” Fill in the blank. The answers often begin with, “It depends.” It depends upon your priorities, your plans, your preferences, your abilities, your financial...
by Al Christensen | Mar 29, 2022 | Fear, Security/Safety Versus Freedom, Survival, Tribe, Vandwelling Philosophy
VERY FEW PEOPLE CAN MAKE THE LEAP INTO FULL-TIME VEHICLE LIVING without experiencing some degree of anxiety. Most of us have never done anything like it before. There’s so much that’s unknown and unpredictable. There’s so much uncertainty. Humans tend to avoid...
by Bob | Mar 27, 2022 | Build-Outs
MARY HAD AN ANTIQUE STORE. When she decided to live in a short bus she said, “If I can’t have antiques I’m not going.” She was true to her word. There’s a 200 year old table, an old dresser with a sink added, a cupboard from a sailboat, fruit crates turned into...
by Russell Vance III | Mar 25, 2022 | Adventure, Canada, Northwest Territories, Yukon
WE DIDN’T GO TO THE YUKON with the plan of traveling up the Dempster. In fact, we had driven by the intersection on the way to Dawson City without the slightest idea of what it was or that we would be back the next day. Pamela and I aren’t town people, but...