Welcome to the Nomadic Community Events Page at CheapRVliving.com. Back when I created this website in 2005, one of my primary goals was to build a community and find a way to bring nomads of all ages and backgrounds together. Little could I know just how diverse and enormous the community would grow in just 16 years!
As part of that continuing mission, it was important to me, in this latest remodel of the website, to include a meeting place for the many diverse groups to share their activities so we could all come together as often as possible.
But, it’s important for you to know, this page only acts as a “virtual Bulletin Board” and I am not involved with, nor am I endorsing any of these events unless I specifically say so. They are all the sole work of their creators and they alone are responsible for them and what happens at them. While I hope they are all well run and come from a place of good intent, it’s human nature that, statistically, it’s likely some of them may not be.
Therefore you are responsible to do your own due diligence and research the events to assure they are safe and what you want. Any problems encountered at the event are strictly between you and the holders of the event and any participants at the event involved.
With the legal stuff out of the way, I hope you go and make lots of new friends and enjoy the best times of your life!!
Click the button below and fill in the form. The more information the better. Have your location information—including coordinates, if applicable—at hand. You can add an image (copyright-free, of course) if you like.
All event posts will be approved by CRVL before being added to the calendar.
In posting any announcements you agree that Bob Wells, Cheap RV Living, its board members and employees are not involved with nor endorsing the event, and are not liable in any way.