A VERY COMMON TYPE OF QUESTION from nomads and aspiring nomads: “What’s the best _______________________?” Fill in the blank.
The answers often begin with, “It depends.”
It depends upon your priorities, your plans, your preferences, your abilities, your financial situation, your health, your location, and so on.
It would be great if there were always one-size-fits-all answers. We prefer certainty rather than risk. We prefer simplicity rather than nuance. And some of us prefer others making the hard choices for us so there’s someone else to blame if decisions don’t work out.
Some of us are in situations so tenuous that one bad choice can destroy us. So we absolutely need the most certain answers we can get. But that means we need answers that best fit our life, that fit all the “It depends.” Someone else’s perfect answer might be exactly wrong for you. So, when asking for advice, provide as many relevant details as you can about your situation and intentions.
Vague questions beget vague answers
They say the wrong question won’t result in the right answer. Likewise, the right question without the right context also leads to wrong answers.
Many of us became nomads, or are considering becoming one, because our life wasn’t/isn’t what we want. And many of us ended up in that situation because we listened to the advice of others. Although it was aften well-meaning, it was advice based upon their priorities, plans, preferences and so on, not our own. And that made it the wrong advice. Heck, what I’ve written here could be the wrong advice for you.
Living in a vehicle is a break from what society says is best. It’s an assertion of our own will. It’s a commitment to self-directed living and to making our own choices. Gather information, data, the experiences of others and their recommendations. Then weigh them, sift them and run it all through your own It Depends filter. Because the right answer depends upon you.
best way? be VERY skeptical.
there are those making tons of money promoting things that are stating to be closed down.
look CAREFULLY at guru’s parking in sisters yards and others scuffling to get “home bases”…
it ain’t all roses and teacups and is sure to get tighter.
I wish we could all give “if/then” answers. But, I agree that first we have to know the other persons “ifs”. Sometimes it takes a lot of questions to be able to give a helpful answer.
Even becoming a Nomad is not necessary for everyone just because one State has few low cost Housing options. Get on the list for Senior Housing in another State. Call the Community Action, public library, and Department of Social services for assistance. In most cases, there are options. You don’t have to be 65, and those on disability can also live in some Senior communities. So, don’t feel like it’s one thing or nothing. Don’t give up. And don’t forget, you are not alone. Prayer helps.
Spot on Al !
Everyone perceives that as a human being, we HAVE to live in a sticks and bricks. Not so. Just because you CHOOSE to live the nomadic life, you are NOT homeless. You have CHOSEN to live an “alternative” lifestyle. It’s less stress(very few monthly bills), if you don’t like your neighbors you can pick up and move somewhere else with much less hassle, you can live at your own pace and space.
As things are progressing at the rate presently, in this country,, nomadic lifestyle is going to be the only alternative.
Dear Strawberry Z, agree with U for the most, one thing I have doubts about is your statement ‘ nomadic life is going to be the only alternative ‘, while it makes sense I believe it won’t come massively to fruition, the reason been is the elite will continue passing laws to make it unworkable; one of such laws has been in place for quite @ while…’ prohibited to sleep in your car ‘. As @ result they will ticket the hick out of you guys, citations will pile up & U & other nomads will get your vehicles impounded. They will push U to live in a tent lined up on a sidewalk along with other homeless; so unfortunetly many nomads’ life style will be brought several notches downward. I may be wrong but I have known @ few people that began living in nice car & nowadays have a tent over their heads over a crowded sidewalk :-(( . My regards: Lucy.
* Please read ” FoxLA online’ today’s edition: it reads: ‘ Enforcement returns to L.A. for people living in their vehicles’. As I said, the authorities don’t want vehicles’ dwellers, they want them in tents, better yet, under tarp-sheets, sad !
Spot on
You have a way with words. I am so glad you joined this site.
I agree with you Patti. Each article is well expressed. Thank you Al for your always informative & insightful words. I follow you from Western Canada ?
Thank you Al for your thought!
Lou, I think your correct. I’ve been following this website for 8 years traveling and Boondocking thru-out the Western US. This Lifestyle has changed dramatically. Crowded areas with people
having little respect for others and especially the land itself seems to be the norm. BLM and US Forestry Closures) ie. Mingus Mtn, AZ
RV Mfgs and others that gain to profit are selling a lifestyle that simply does not exist anymore in some cases. Living in a WHITE Van with a roof vent is not stealth camping anymore. 🙂
I can sure see why BoB would want to head to Alaska.
I don’t intend to paint a negative picture however, those entering this lifestyle “now” need to proceed carefully. It is not as easy as it has been portrayed by some.
Good Luck to you all and God Bless !