Usually the people asking that question have innocent intentions, but it gets my cranky old man hackles up. To me it’s part of the spoon-fed culture. To me it means those people don’t have opinions of their own, that they lack curiosity and ambition and a willingness to go find out. To me it means they don’t want to put in the time and the effort and the miles and the money to learn for themselves, to create their own experiences and library of knowledge. They seem (dare I say it?) lazy.

On the other hand, I totally respect people who say, “Okay, I’ve heard about and read about all the usual must-see places, but I’m looking for tips on less well known—even obscure—places, especially those that fit with (insert personal interests here).” These folks have done some research. They know what their preferences are. They listen to the stories, ask about details, take notes, then go find out more. Yes. Good.
Maybe the first type of people have always been told by authority figures what to do and what to think. Maybe now they’re trying to escape all that but haven’t developed the habits of mind to do it on their own, because it was discouraged. Sometimes strongly. Okay. I can empathize if that’s the case. Though it’s probably rare.
When I answer the question at the top of this post with, “Go everywhere, see everything, find out for yourself,” it’s only a little bit out of disgust and resentment. Mostly it’s about me wanting the questioner to become a better, bolder, fuller, more knowledgeable and more independent person. I’m doing it for their own good, because that’s what we cranky old men do. Whether anyone asked for it or not.
Pick up an atlas. there are a lot of things to see for free, a donation or cheap that a lot of ppl don’t even know about and therefore No Crowds! I can tell you about 20 places in Iowa that are awesome.
Atlas Obscura for the win.
Brother Al different people are at different stages with their journey through life. I would reply to those type of questions with the suggestion that they subscribe to RV Escape magazine. The RV Escape club was set up as a resource for people who want to RV.
Yes, the only way we learn, is to do it. One man’s adventure, is another’s dream. You set and
dream about doing it or you do it!!!
What happens when the people who refuse to think for themselves become the authority figures?
I’m not just being cantankerous. Follow-the-leader is a crushing, dangerous, soul-destroying problem.
People lack the ability and conviction to make tough decisions based on knowledge of world history. So decisions are based on current politics and popular values without seeing the big picture.
I’m not just lashing out at young people. Clear brave thinking has been gone a long time.
I too have had those sort of reactions.
However, and it took years of her whacking me with the idea for it to sink in, not everybody is as capable, (won’t say smart), as we are.
Many if not most are doing the best they can and if it looks sub-par to us them perhaps it’s US not them that needs a little more kindness in our adjustments.
Go where your flow takes you. You never know what thrill awaits.