Friendships really are the most important thing that happens here at the RTR, but several other wonderful events are nearly as important. First, we have several shared meals where we break bed together and enjoy a meal as a group. Second, we hold numerous seminars through the 2 weeks covering topics of interest to most of us. Third we have hands on classes where we actually learn skills instead of just sitting and learning.

One of the great Seminars at RTR. My friend Randy Vinning leading the “Tin Can” Seminar. That’s where we each put questions in a tin can and then the group answers them.
- A Chili Dinner
- A Soup Dinner
- Finally, a Baked Potato Social
Below are three photos of the Soup Dinner looking West, North and SouthEast. You can see the group eating and also see the surrounding areas and some of the rigs in the background.
- Solar Power
- Cooking for Vandwellers
- Favorite Gadgets and Camping Aids
- Budgeting
- Traveling to Mexico for super inexpensive prescription drugs, dental care and eyeglasses.
- Workcamping
- Tin Can (Questions and Answers)
- Boondocking
- Stealth Parking: How and Where

Everyone who had something to sell had the chance and anyone with a business got to operate it. My wonderful friend Kyndall gave haircuts. Here I am getting a much needed trim!
- Buying, Caring for and Plugging Tires
- Cooking Over Fire
- American Sign Language
- Two Women-Only Gatherings
- Lithium batteries for RV house batteries
The last weekend of the RTR is also the first weekend of the Big Tent RV Show which is a giant tent with a huge variety of RV related items for sale. It’s fun and interesting but it’s main advantage for us is that there are many opportunity for jobs. Most of the major companies that operate National Forest campgrounds are there hiring Campground Hosts for the summer season. also has a booth and they are hiring for the 2014 holiday season (September-December 2014). Every year several people go to the big tent and get jobs for the following summer and winter, and this year was no exception. I know several people got Campground Hosting jobs and at least one person is all lined up to work at Amazon next winter.
During the Workcamping seminar we heard from several people who had worked through the summer as campground hosts and then went right to Amazon and worked in their warehouse during the super-busy holiday season. They shared about their experience and the amazing thing is that is entirely realistic to be able to save $8,000-$10.000 from May to December, and then draw unemployment January to May. To me, that is the GOOD life!!!
All in all I have to say this was by far the best RTR so far! It was wonderful and pleasant weather the whole time and we moved to a new location and it was the most beautiful yet! Every year we have a great group of people and I think it can’t get better than this, but every year it does! And this years group of people was as nice as any people I have ever met!!
I’d encourage all of you to start planning right now for next year. I know it is a long and expensive trip for many of you, but if you start planning now, maybe you can make it next year. I know all of us would love to get a chance to meet each and every one of you!
Hi Bob,
This was my first RTR, had a great time. I picked up many tips and learned a lot from the seminars. I took a few walks around camp and met people from all over the country. I really enjoyed seeing all the different rigs everybody has, and how they set them up for the way they camp. I am not use to camping by so many, it was great to be able to go to my rig and be by myself if I wanted, which is most of the time…. hahaha.
(Green Cargo Trailer)
Tim, first, thanks for identifying yourself!! I’m terrible with names but I will ALWAYS remember you and your green cargo trailer!!
That’s a good tip for everybody, if you contact me, give me something to remember you by.
I understand your need for privacy Tim!! You and I are very much alike in that. I love people, I’m glad to have them around and be of help to them, but I MUST HAVE MY TIME ALONE!!
Thanks to everyone for mostly respecting that this year!
I’m like that too, need down time away from others.
I think the majority of us are.
Looks like you folks had a great time with lots of learning and sharing.
Adding this to my calendar for 2015.:)
I’m looking forward to seeing you there Curtis!
Maybe it was a typo, but in the 2nd paragraph, did you say that you all break the bed together? I didn’t realize it was “that” kind of rendezvous! 😉
Seriously though, I am curious as to the type of questions asked in the soup can. What are the biggest concerns asked?
As always, thanks for the pics. Hang in there.
ILDan, was it a typo or a secret invitation? I’ll never admit it, so you’ll have to come next year to find out!
Because the questions were anonymous we encourage people to ask more personal questions instead of just nuts and bolts. Of course we get nuts and bolts questions but also a lot of relationship and philosophical questions. Every year we get questions about loneliness and finding partners. Health insurance usually comes up also.
In my opinion it is usually the best seminar.
Thanks for the reports on the RTR. The one thing sticks-and-bricks people worry about most in regard to loved ones on the road is that they cannot understand how we get community. At one time, they had a point, at least to some degree. You are a leading figure in helping us create an in-person community. Thank you.
I had not realized how your timing works with getting employment at the Big Tent Show. I already had enough motivation to bring me to the RTR, but if I need work, that pretty much makes it mandatory. Nothing else brings as many this particular type of employers together in one place. These are people who won’t be asking, “where do you see yourself in ten years?” which is a question I can only answer with, “not working.” Remind me to keep a button-down shirt or two if I don’t get the disability.
I agree Calvin, there is a great need for community among vandwellers, and this is my effort to make it happen. The majority are heading off on their own today and tomorrow but probably 20-30 people will go together in groups. Some with me to Ehrenberg, and there is another large group going down to Yuma together. There are several lakes along the Colorado River down at Yuma and you can camp right on the shore for a month or two by moving around. They are water-lovers and headed for that.
Every year several people leave here with jobs all lined up. And once you are “in” getting jobs is simple from then on.
Don’t feel bad about typos. At least yours don’t show up on page one of the daily paper. I dreaded that when I was a journalist.
Sounds like a good time out there and educational.
Thanks Irv! Yeah I’m not a legitimate writer and I usually have lots of typos! When I published my book to Kindle I had edited it a dozen times and had other people edit it, and it still has typos!
I should change my middle name to “Typo”!
Personally, I’m thankful for Kyndall. You were starting to look like Charlton Heston in The Ten Commandments, only with more beard.
Now if I could only part the water!! Maybe next year!
P.S. I’m still pretty scruffy!
Bartering information, Sharing experience…call it what you will…but I think your doing a great thing bringing people together.
*This minimalist/frugal living is confusing and tough to understand for the indoctrinated masses stuck in the consumer cycle and it must be refreshing to pull up to a caravan/community of like minded folks. Peace.
**I look forward to making it out there next year.
Openspaceman, it is a wonderful experience to spend this much time with like-minded people. In our daily travels it is so uncommon to find people who think like us it is a joy to be surrounded by them!
I too am looking forward to finally meeting you!
Very nice report. Thanks. Getting like-minded people together seems like a good thing.
CAE, It is a real pleasure!
Thank you Bob!
I learned something new everyday and met remarkable like-minded people. It was a great community to be part of. Meals in a wonderful tribal atmosphere. Made some good friends that I will see down the road. Even my dog made friends with the other van-doggies. I am filled with Joy and Happiness for the experience. Thank you again!
It was my pleasure to meet you Sameer. May our paths cross often!
Thanks for the updates, Bob! Being here with everyone has been a highlight of my time on the road – there’s always something new to learn, someone new to make friends with, some new dog to pet, some new sunset to enjoy. I’m lovin’ my time out here with you all. Thank you for all you’ve done to put this RTR thing together. You rock!
Thanks for the RTR intel. Sounds like a good time is being had by all. I would love to see a blog post from the point of view of the canine members of the group or maybe just a blog of canine pics. For some reason seeing/reading about traveling folks and their pets are my favorite blogs! I cannot explain why. Is that strange? Thanks again for all of the great info. I am looking forward to being a part of this group in a few years.
Kathy, I apologize, somehow your comment ended up marked as spam until I found it. I have no explanation for that.
I think that is a wonderful idea!! Have you ever read the RVSueandcrew blog? She sometimes does a post from the point of view of her two dogs, Bridget and Spike. You may ant to check it out.
I’m afraid I am not a very creative writer, so I’m not sure I can do it justice. But I will try to do a post like that in the future!
And claim unemployment the rest of the year? That… Sounds bad. IMO one should only claim welfare if they need it. I could be mistaken as to how it works, if so please make it clearer in your post.
Dave, unemployment exists to help people who are laid off or lose their jobs. All of us were laid off at the end of the season so we legally qualify to draw unemployment. I don’t understand what makes you think we don’t need it. I have no idea what sounds bad to you.
Again, I paid in unemployment taxes for 40 years. So when I get laid off a job I have no hesitation about applying for unemployment. I don’t understand what you are thinking?
Dave I believe that you are thinking that UNEMPLOYMENT is the same as WELFARE. They are not!
Unemployment is paid into pretax and when drawn on it is taxed. You are allotted a certain amount based on circumstances and I believe your past contributions.
Welfare gives tax free “money” in the form of rent, utility payments, healthcare, food stamps. This too is an allotted amount based on circumstances, children, area of the country and such regardless of if you’ve ever worked or are working.
This was a great experience for me. I am already counting on coming back next year with my rental u-hall,it worked out great.I was so sad to have to leave but there is always next year to look forward to.I learned a lot from everybody. I cant wait to get my van when spring comes.I now know more of what to look for thanks to the great open house and everyone sharing there experiences. I loved the campfires and the support this tribe gives to newbies like me.The seminars were a wealth of information. When I did manage to get out of bed in the morning Lavonne’s walks were inspiring.I will miss those walks. My Thanks and gratitude goes out to Bob and the entire tribe for the hope I feel the inspiration given to me and the knowledge shared that I will need going forward into an new lifestyle. Thanks
Linda, it was our pleasure to have you here and get to meet you! Next year maybe you will be in your new van!!
Bob, it sounds awesome, I want to go next year, I’ll be travelling from the East Coast.
Against your advice I got a new (used) van with 4×4 suspension from an F-250 which had a kit from
With 35″ tires and 6″ of lift, it might be a bit of a head turner, hopefully stealth camping won’t be too difficult.
I’ll try it out on some dispersed camping deep in the backcountry and see.
My dog hates the heat, so going cross country in summertime might not be best, but RTR in Winter, or maybe a trip to AK could be in the cards.
John, that’s not against my advice! I love 4×4 vans, I just can’t afford them! When I win the lottery I assure you I will be living in a 4×4 Quigley conversion from Sportsmobile with big tires, lift and the meanest bumper-winch you ever saw! Sounds like you may have something like that now! I’m looking forward to getting to see and drool over it!!
BOB why would you opine that working for 6 months and then intentionally going on unemployment sounds “like the good life to me”. I’m very interested in where you think the six months unemployment funds come from.
In my case, and the people I am describing who are all in their 60s, it comes from working and paying unemployment taxes for the last 40 years and never drawing a penny of it before.
I paid in for a long time and I don’t feel even a little bit bad about drawing it out.
Thanks so much for posting this. Believe me, lots of us were wishing we could be there! I appreciate all you do….
Thanks fiddler!
In understanding an RTR is understanding ones independence… We full timers understand that this is a gathering of like minded souls, but the time does come to be independent, on your own and responsible of your independent actions… This life is full of adventure, excitement, and a life of independence free from others, then you understand freedom on your own terms… Bob is but a guide, he has his life also, to be understood, respected and to be given respect and room to live… Bob and i have been doing this life for years now, he is a brother to me and i have seen this toll on his life, he needs his room and respect, so for my brother, is has to be said he needs his space… Privacy is one thing, a mans need to breath is another, Bob needs to breath fresh air, I have seen this my self, And for my brother i ask that people leave him alone, he needs Like I need time, time just be alone… Give him time to breath… If you want into this life, go for it, you have been shown the way, go for it and fly from the nest…
Love ya bro… Steve and Zeke….
Thanks Steve, I very much appreciate your concern. I love you too!
Bob and Homer
Man oh man I hope I can join you all next year. I’ve been looking at vans – both mini and full sized – and I’m hoping to hit the road for the next year, me and my pup Luna. Would be great to join you all next January. Love your blog, Bob, thanks for all the great info… it’s very helpful for planning out the journey for the next year. One of these coming days I’m going to make a decision, buy it, and build the conversion. then hit the road!
Jen, I’m very glad to help in any way I can! We’d be glad to have you there!
The RTR was great this year. The weather and people couldn’t have been better. It was nice meeting new faces as well as gathering with the “old” ones too. It is a time to be truly cherished.
P.S. You look mighty handsome with that hair cut Mr. Wells!
Much love
Kyndal, it was so good for me to see you both again!! Thanks for saying that, but you looked a WHOLE lot better cutting my hair!! I hope you get the Super Bowl on your TV!!
Wow. It’s so sad that I had to rush back north after getting a call that both my barely starting Tioga and my mostly running e150 Conversion Van had been towed while I pseudo-attended the first days of RTR. The trip completely kicked my behind. Though I’m determined to do the trip again before weather gets too hot for the pups…maybe late March.
Honestly, I desperately wanted to experience the kind of social connection and info sharing seen in these photos and written of in the above descriptions. But after five days of knuckle grip driving south through what turned out to be the very worst of that storm, I just didn’t have the bravery in me to reach out in an effective manner socially. Special thanks to Oakley for pointing me to Bob and explaining where to park, Bob for “orienting” me a bit and giving a few introductions, and especially to Iris for coming to visit me in all my road torn glory and feeding me delicious apples and bananas.
Hoping to try again next year for RTR. This time I know that if I have limited time for the stay, that I should come for the latter part of RTR, not the opening days. Next time I hope to meet people, learn more, maybe teach some photography or tech stuff, make friends etc., but maybe not drive through a storm that breaks records, maybe not gain interest of um…exceedingly friendly “colorful” locals, and maybe I won’t get lost in the desert losing all GPS and cell reception and find myself losing car footing on an all sand dunes at night. I’d like to go to Mexico intentionally next time, not realize in retrospect after panicking and back tracking and then going through a booth with border patrolmen asking questions.
Til then, I’m learning Spanish, researching how to drive on sand, redeveloping my signal boosting and gps situation, and continuing to make effort to get back on the road full time. My inner gypsy is hemorrhaging after four years of little travel. A trip to Florida next week looks in order, so I will with you all in wayward spirit. I so envy your lives, and the freedom and quiet that the lifestyle brings. Glad you all had such a great time. I think it’s a very special thing for a group like this to have a yearly meetup, make the lifelong friendships and share stories, food and knowledge.
Hope to meet you all in person someday,
kristine, I was very sorry you couldn’t stay longer! That’s a lot of driving for little reward! Oh well, one day you will look back on it and think it was one of the great adventures of your life!!
My suggestion for next year is to fly in and rent a U-haul van. You will be more relaxed and it will probably even cost less. Renting a van for a week with unlimited mileage is $400. The down side is you have to leave the pups home–BUMMER!
next year will be better!!
Hi Bob
Just found your blog here. I’m sorry I missed the RTR. I am the chiropractor here in Quartzsite (and just opened an office in Ehrenberg) and have fulfilled a dream of having a 4×4 van! I picked it up kinda cheap on craigslist. You sound like a fascinating guy and I’d like to buy you lunch sometime. Call me at 602-791-0584 when you get a minute. Thanks!
Dr Michael Cole
Thanks for your kind words Mike! I’ll give you a call.
Thanx Bob. You and the wonderful people who are blessed to know and be around you are an inspiration. I’ve been on your sight religiously for a while. I have my high top van.I just got a small solar set up w.inverter. And many other pieces of equipment to join the lifestyle. Was an avid camper in younger days. Was and is my favorite thing to do. Now thanx to your help and the help of others on your sight and elsewhere, I will be on the road as summer heats up too much to stay here in Vero Bch. Fla.Will work my way over to the RTR in 015.Blessings and happy trails to all.
Van Stiller, I’m very glad to have helped you in some small way! Looking forward to meeting you in January. Your going to love all the new and great people you get to meet!!
Hello! Love following this! I am selling my truck and motorcycle in the next month and buying a cargo van to convert. I hope to be at next years!
Anyone know if several bloggers are still around?
VanGirl? And there was one guy that was from canada? His last post was 2009, but he had entertaining stories.Had a sailboat on his main page pic. It bums me out when they stop, but i guess that’s life.
Hi Travis, good luck finding just the right van for you! Sorry, I’m not familiar with those bloggers.
Hey, Bob!!!
Hammer and I are gonna be rollin out your way sometime November, and plan on staying for the RTR and then until the LTV permit expires! I can’t wait to meet you and everyone else!
Sounds great Vincent. Right now I have some tentative plans for a road trip in parts of November to Utah and New Mexico. But I will be back to the Quartzsite area by December. See you then!