I’ve dropped the trailer in a storage yard in Flagstaff for $35 a month. The Honda is behind it covered and locked to it. It hurts me just to look at my poor trailer chained up and in prison! It was born to run free and wild but look at it now! What were you born for?
We didn’t want to keep moving so we just moved about ¼ of mile down the road to where it was legal camping and decided that when that week was up, we would just head north to Alaska. It was only a week earlier than we had planned and we thought we could get everything done in time. Because we are leaving my trailer and motorcycle in storage here in Flagstaff, we had a LOT to get done in a week:

What a difference a few weeks make. From the cold, snow and tall Ponderosa Pines of Flagstaff to the high desert warmth of Utah. A drive of 150 miles make a huge difference in the Southwest!

Our overnight camp on the Paria River where I am writing this blog from. It was worth every bit of the hard work!
- Judy had to make room for me in her van. Everything had to be consolidated and space used with ultra-efficiency.
- I had to move everything I need to live for the next 6 months into Judy’s van.
- Then, because I’m going to live in my van for a month or so after she goes to work I had to move everything I didn’t need out of my van into the trailer.
- Stock up on supplies for the trip. I know from experience that things are very expensive in Canada, and especially in far North Canada and remote Alaska. When we get into Anchorage prices will be more reasonable, but still very expensive. So we wanted to leave Flagstaff with 30 days’ supply of whatever we needed. We are stuffed to the gills with groceries!
That was an awful lot of work, and we only had one week to do it in. Judy has pretty minimal stuff anyway but to make room for me it had to be very consolidated and some of it had to come out and be left in my trailer in Flagstaff. Then as I brought over my things she had to get them tucked away. We both can live on very little so I was confident we could do it and it turned out we could! The big problem was I have quite a bit of camera gear and electronics. Plus I have a 95 pound dog and he likes to eat! So I brought along a lot of dog food for him.
So Judy and I worked and worked, and moaned and groaned, and it all got done! Yesterday we dropped the motorcycle off at the storage yard and this morning we dropped the trailer off and we left Flagstaff for Alaska. I knew we were going to be stressed out so I made this first day a short and easy one with about 150 miles of driving.

Now this is the good life! Sitting in the shade of a giant Cottonwood tree listening to a babbling brook! That’s our friends Al’s van behind Judy. He’s traveling part of the way with us to Alaska. We’ve caravaned with Al before and we know he is a great traveling companion.
The blog is going to change now into mainly a travelogue of where we go and pictures along the way. I also expect there to be stretches of time where we will be without internet service so I can’t be sure how regular my postings will be. I’ll do my best! I hope you enjoy the trip as much as we do!
Bon voyage. I look forward to reading as you go.
Thanks Linda!
I know that you both are going to have a wonderful time! I am looking forward to your posts and pictures! Be safe and have a great time!
Thanks Jo L!
Safe Travels!
Thanks jonthebru!
A travelog is good! Have a safe trip…
Thanks Rob, will do!
Have a wonderful time! I’m looking forward to your trip reports and photographs.
Give Homer some petting from me. I hope he’s okay.
Karen, we are off to a great start! Only time will tell on Homer.
I hope for the best for Homer. Enjoy your trip.
Thanks BC Guy!
Happy trails, and hugs for Homer.
Thanks LaVonne! We hope your summer is going well also!
Enjoy your trip, Bob and Judy! Give Homer a big hug for me!
Peggy, Homer thanks you for the hug!
Bon voyage! I look forward to enjoying your pictures and learning from your travels. I have tried to picture the process of condensing your and Judy’s lives into one van. All I get is that it must take great cooperation.
I wish you, Judy, and Homer all the best.
Calvin, “great cooperation” is an understatement! Fortunately, we seem up to the challenge.
You, Judy and Al have a safe, restful and fun trip !
May CREATOR keep you safe ! Aho !
Thanks so much Wolf!
Wish I was still in the US and going with you. This is one journey that I would have truly enjoyed. Guess I’ll just have to settle for following your blogs and seeing the beauty through the lens of your camera. Thanks for documenting this.
Hope the future is bright for Homer.
Richard, nothing would have made me happier than if you could be traveling with us. Oh well, I know you have a great life their with your family. Be well!
Enjoy the trip!! Sounds like my kind of adventure. Hope the best for Homer! Look forward to more post and pic’s! Take care and be safe!
Thanks Roger, we will do our best!
I am so excited for you and Judy! Mr. Pico and I are looking forward to reading about your ‘Great Adventure’. I wish you the best of luck and look forward to seeing you ‘In The Desert’…later in the year.
Cortez, Colorado
Sameer, we are also looking forward to seeing you again. What a great life when you can go off and find adventure on the road in the summer and then come home to spend time with valued friends in the winter!
Travel safely, you three and make some wonderful, new memories! (And maybe share a few, too!)
As spring and summer sees me sitting in my same and constant Barcalounger, I look forward to future posts.
I’ll try to keep you imagination fired ILDan, with my photos! Don’t get too used to that Barcalounger.
“NOT I – NOT ANYONE else, can travel that road for you, You must travel it for yourself.” – Walt Whitman
…well at least I have your travelogue…I sincerely appreciate you stopping here and there and documenting your trip.
*And spending time in Alaska in the summer with the long days your solar should always be topped off. Safe and Fun travels my friend!
Openspaceman, Walt was an extraordinarily wise man! I love taking pictures and the blog is just an excuse to get other people to look at them.
A little clarification on the map: the site we used is at the end of a turnoff from the road that leads to the $5 campground. The mile of washboard before that turn is worth it.
Thanks Al, your quite right.
Have a safe and wonderful trip! I’ve missed reading about your adventures, but hope to keep up with them again.
– Naomi
Thanks Naomi. Good to hear from you again!
here’s hoping for the best for Homer. I just lost my dog (who looked like Homer) a few months ago and know how difficult that can be. Old dogs are the best, they get more and more loveable as the years roll on.
Thanks Ming, loosing a dog is so hard, but the joy they bring is still worth it.
Happy travels, Bob and Judy! I’m so happy for you two that you’re making it work to travel together! Big hugs from me to Homer and a big lick for him from Rochelle! We love Homer dog! May he get through this illness and be an even happier, healthier dog!!
thanks Gloria! We are already looking forward to seeing you again this winter.
I’m excited to follow your trip! Something I’d love to do, north to Alaska! Thank you for whatever posts and photos you’re able to share.
Glad to do it Karen!
OMG, that is way too much organization….sounds like you have it all under control. Have a wonderful and safe trip. Looking forward to following along. Prayers Homer is OK.
Thanks Chey! Judy is a master organization. The only problem is I can’t find a thing in the van so I am all the more dependent on her! My mind isn’t nearly as sharp as hers is!
Hello to all and Thank You for your best wishes on a great trip. Every day our goal is to Make It So.
The evening of May 10th clouded over and we had a doozy of a wind storm at that days campsite beside another stream just west of Zion NP.
Mothers Day was cold with sprinkles. Happy to report that we 3 have made it through our first day “cooped up” inside the van.
Homer is a sweetheart. He goes to his assigned spot in the passenger seat and promptly falls asleep.
Bob’s rainy day place was in the “recliner” between the seats. Homer would occasionally compete for a bit of his space.
Bob was able to be online, therefore content w/ his world.
I surveyed our tiny kingdom from the bed which now takes up wall to wall space in the back half of the van. Glad to have time to catch up on my journal.
I will admit to getting cranky toward evening. All it took for me to cheer up was to hear Bob give me a huge grin & say: “It’s all part of the adventure. It’s ALL going to be OK”.
By the way, I can highly recommend the $5 pizza & salad bar lunch buffet at a little place across from McDonald’s in Kanab UT
Judy, you always brighten my day!
Hi Bob, Feel the excitement building. Hope Homer is gonna be ok. Be safe…HoboJoe
Thanks Joe.
Bob, what is the name of the storage yard in Flagstaff you put your trailer in for you trip to Alaska. I am trying to find one for a second vehicle..all are either full or want $100+/month for indoor storage. Thanks much!
Here is the info Steve, but it was outside storage for that price.
Mini Storage of Northern Arizona
5501 E Empire Ave
Flagstaff, AZ 86004
Thank you so much Bob…just what I needed!
You’re welcome Steve!