Like all of the desert Southwest, my camp in Pahrump had spectacular sunsets. Notice the Yucca in bloom at the bottom left.
I’m a resident of Pahrump, Nevada and have been for 8 years now. Because their Drivers Licenses (DL) are only good for 4 years, it was time to renew my license, which requires me to go in and get the eye exam at the DMV when I renew it. I hadn’t been back to the state for 4 years so it was time. Nevada is phasing in a change so that all DLs will be good for 8 years, but mine was only good for 4—the next license I get will be good for 8, which is really nice!

Judy and I really liked this camp even though we had some storms blow through–some even brought fresh snow to the mountains. Still better than 90 in Ehreneberg!
- Because it’s at 2500 feet in the Mojave desret, it’s cooler so it’s a very good next step after Quartszite/Ehrenberg.
- Pahrump is big enough to have a Super Walmart and a Home Depot which makes finishing projects very easy.
- There are several doctors and a hospital that are covered by my health insurance plan so finding care is easy.
- The camping there is really good! We were literally camped within 4 miles of the front doors of the Walmart and Home Depot.
- It’s a very pretty part of the desert. Mt Charleston dominates the skyline to the east of us and is snow-capped all spring. It’s a beautiful camp!
- The Desert Tortoise come out while we are there and I love seeing them! Plus, the wild horses and burros come down from the mountains in the spring to eat the fresh foliage.
- It’s an hour away from Death Valley NP and this year they had a superbloom so I loved being that close. Visiting it every year is just fine with me!
- My mail forwarder is there so while I’m there I can get good access to my mail.
- One more big reason is that it has the cheapest outdoor storage rates I have ever seen. So I ended up leaving my trailer in storage there and moving into the van for my spring/summer travels. I paid $100 for 6 months which works out to $17 a month.

One of the main reasons I chose Nevada as my state of residence is because it is so central to my travels. Most of the summer it’s easy for me to get back there for health care and all winter I am within 300 miles, a very easy drive.
We didn’t chose camp very wisely because after two weeks a County Deputy Sherriff came by and reminded us that the limit was 14 days on BLM land and he started the clock then, so we had another 14 days to leave. What we did wrong was camp too close to private residences and they called the Sherriff and complained about us. Had we camped a mile down the road the other way we would never have been bothered. At any rate we were still there for a month and that’s a nice, pleasant stay that let me get everything done.

You can see just how close we are to town–my van and trailer are slightly to the right of center. We had great internet!! The residents of some of the closer houses complained about us which started our 14 day clock.
At the end of March my son took a vacation from Alaska and came down to visit his girlfriend’s sister in Moab, Utah since my time was up in Pahrump anyway, I ran over and spent time with him in Moab. We did a mini-road-trip from Arches in Moab to Capital Reef NP through the gorgeous drive on 95 to the Mogi Dugaway to Goosenecks State Park and then to Monument Valley. You’ll be seeing photos of that trip coming up fairly soon.

Jumping ahead to future posts, my son and I in Arches, more about that to come.
This year I have lots of plans and places I want to visit, and as always you are welcome to join me for a short while or for even a longer time. Just email me at akrvbob@gmail.com and I’ll send you a map to my camp. With me making videos, I’d actually like to have someone travel with me to be my video camera operator (the camera will be on a tripod, you just need to turn it with the action). I can’t pay you but I promise you’ll see some of the most breathtakingly beautiful places you can imagine! And, if you are a new nomad, I promise you’ll have full access to all my hard-earned knowledge about this life!

Pahrump gets more rain than most desert so it is very lush with vegetation. It’s plumb full of Jackrabbits which Cody loved!!
At any rate, everyone is always welcome in my camp so I’ll be seeing you down the road!
I’m making Videos on my good friends James and Kyndal’s YouTube Channel. See them here:
I made a video of my trip to the Super-Bloom in Death Valley NP, you can see it here:
If you don’t see it above, either click or cut and paste this link into your browser
Thanks for supporting this site by using these links to Amazon. I’ll make a small percentage on your purchase and it won’t cost you anything, even if you buy something different.

Alpine glow on Mt. Charleston above my Pahrump camp.

Map to this camp. At Basin and Higley you can also turn left which is better, safer camping. You should probably go that way.
Bob, This may be a little off topic, but I saw an article saying that HUD was seeking to modify the rules on RVs and tiny houses which may make it illegal to live full time in either. I was wondering if you have seen it.
See also these discussion forums:
No judgement on my part, just some information and debate.
This is going to have no impact on us as Nomads. It might on Tiny House movement, but not Nomads.
Hi Greg, where & when was that article posted ? It seems like people on top it’s trying for more & more control, I’m beginning to worry how far to the left we will go…
It was posted on facebook. I googled it.
Lucy, it’s legal mumbo-jumbo clarifying what is a house.
Who is it that isn’t smart enough to know an RV isn’t a house? This will have no impact on nomads.
I do know that HUD considers living in an RV to be homeless on it’s annual homeless count. That along with the Feds wanting people to have permanent addresses could combine to be a problem.
Some of those RVs cost a quarter million dollars or even more. Somebody needs to work on that definition.
It seems like the price of the vehicle is not important to the fed. what’s an issue is people need to have a physical address so they can squeeze dry.
Lucy, HUD had nothing to do with RVers, this will have no impact on us.
Calvin, they are not a manufactured home. You can live quite well on a houseboat on Lake Powell, and they are vry expensive, but that is not a manufactured home either. You can live on a sailboat on the ocean, and they are expensive, but they are not manufactured homes either.
For HUDs purposes of offering home loans, a manufactured home is a very specific thing and sailboats, houseboats and RVs are NOT them.
All this means, is you can’t get a HUD loan on an RV–well who thought you could or should?? NO-ONE!! But the lawyers simply made it clear.
Greg, anything is possible in he future, but this clarification will have no impact on RVs in any way.
Greg,it’s more fear-mongering and nonsense. HUD has nothing to do with is as nomads and this will have no impact on us–ZERO.
What a wonderful opportunity for someone to be your “video camera person” & learn while camping with you. I know! Great pic of you & your son. Good info too – makes me want to become a NV resident.
Thanks Debra!
I was in Tucson 2 weeks ago and it got into the 90s. It’s backed down into the 80s now.
Cae, it’s been a volatile spring, up and down. Probably the El Nino
Thanks for introducing me to Pahrump, I REALLY enjoyed my time there. I’m getting some green time this summer. Making my way to PNW.
It was good to camp with you again Lori! Have a great summer!
I would love to do the camera thing. Just not sure how fast I could sell stuff, get a van and get there. Dang! What an opportunity! I like alone time too, I get it.
Cindy, everything will fall together at the right time for you! Just keep putting one foot in front of the other.
That’s a wonderful video of the super bloom Bob. Thanks for sharing it.
Thanks Jeff, I’m glad you liked it!
I think that is you in the distance on the hill. If you look to the Beautiful cliffs to the North, you will see Mr. Pico and I on the hill……Welcome to beautiful weather! ! !
Are you here in Cottonwood Sameer? Yes, I’m back in my old camp on the hill. Drop by or let me know where you are.
Lucy – here is a bit of info:
I have filed this in the ‘good grief don’t they have anything better to do’ file.
I think someone has gone off the deep end with this article. In my reading, it seems they simply want to clarify what is clearly an RV (not designed for full-time living though many are used that way) and what is more properly labelled a manufactured home (designed for full-time living even though many are not lived in fulltime). A recreational vehicle rolling down the road is clearly a much different beast from a “park model” (no more than 400 s/f) which will most likely roll from the factory to a spot in an RV Park somewhere and never move again. For those of us truly committed to living in our rigs or RVs fulltime, we will forever and always be doing exactly that — regardless of what any government has to say about it.
Good for you Jim, and for everybody, shall any government attempt to impose us not to live ‘ our ways ‘ ( of course without bothering & / or hurting others ) should it be considered a dictatorship & for that we have plenty with Cuba & North Korea, don’t we ?
My regards, Lucy.
Yes, the proposed HUD guidelines have to with construction standards. But, they are close to making their own standards required for official RV builders but not for personal conversions–yet. The best argument you can make against this, in my opinion, is that RVs are licensed and taxed as vehicles not houses. So HUD has no business setting any standards for them. There is an official government site where you can comment on the proposal but I didn’t save the link after I commented.
Jim, you are so right, HUD has zero impact on nomads and this is totally meaningless to RVers. A guy on Youtube saw a way to get lots of attention to himself and grabbed it–and it worked!!
Cheri, this is just nonsense. All it says is that for HUDs purposes an RV is not a manufactured home. Well, that is totally obvious to everybody but the lawyers need to be make it absolutely clear. This will have no impact on nomads in any way. It’s pure fear-mongering.
Thank you for the site info., Cheri !
My regards, Lucy.
Glad you spent time with your son great photo ,s also please take care of yourself thanks again for a great story on your travels
Thanks Joe!
Good to see your son with you. That is pretty cool.
Thanks Full Speed, because he is in Alaska we don’t get to see each other enough.
You forgot to mention that Pahrump’s services include legal brothels. 😉
Weak is the flesh ! LOL.
It does indeed Al! A couple of them just a mile from town. And gambling everywhere in town!!
Great post
Thanks Carolfromthecove!
Another great post. Thanks again.
I look forward to the residency information. I picked up a back issue of “Workamper Magazine”, and some of their ads are for a mail forwarding/change of residency. One in North Dakota and the other in Texas. I guess the phrase “Location, location, location” applies to more than just the real-estate industry.
I see, as usual, you have researched this and thought it threw – so I/we don’t have to. Medical care is always last on my mind, but should not be ignored.
Be well, and safe travels,
Mark L.
Thanks Mark, I appreciate it!
Like most or our economic system, it’s all about debt. HUD definitions are probably more about who can get debt for a given product based on its definition. Debt and taxes. That’s what they’re cancerned about.
If the RV builders had a decent set of lobbiest, they’d have gotten the definition to include them so that the gov would drastically improve the ease of getting a loan to buy an RV.
The RV builders are doing a fine job of lobbying and of selling units. They really don’t need the people who get HUD loans, and they gain freedom from regulation by HUD. Instead, they have a “self-certification” process. That means they build whatever they can sell, not necessarily a product that is safe and decent quality. They certify it themselves. That’s my best reason for building my own rig.
Cae, HUD does “Housing” RVs aren’t housing, we’ll never get loans for RVs from HUD, no should we. RVs are “recreation.” Yes, a few live in them but still for recreation.
To me it’s all clearly a case of Apples and Oranges and this rule just says, Houses are apples and RVs are oranges. It just seems like common sense to me. A very rare thing coming from the Federal Government!!
I was taking it toung in cheek. But if you live. In something, I’d call it a home. Not a recreation. They’re not mutually exclusive.
But I’d guess that HUD backed loans for RVs would give their industry a pretty big increase in sales.
You might well be right Cae.
Bob, been reading your blog and site for 6 months now. Thanks for all the good reading, good info, and most importantly, good inspiration.
Rig is almost ready, heading out after 2 more months of work. Look forward to crossing paths, if not this summer, at rtr17!
Thanks for your kind thoughts allanb! I’ll look forward to meeting you!
Here’s some more legit intel on that HUD thing:
From the Facebook page for Opportunity Village in Eugene, OR. You can access their FB page and other good intel at their website here:
FWIW, I LOVE what they’re doing at Opportunity Village in Eugene, OR. I’m a retired carpenter for the State of Idaho and I’m hoping we can visit there and lend a hand for a week or so . . . and then be on our merry way. :o) They say it only costs them $3 a night per person to operate the village and one of those dollars is paid by the tenants — doesn’t cost the taxpayers a dime.
Jim, this makes no sense to me. How does it relate to HUD?
People seem to have lost or maybe never had the ability to use critical thinking in their decision making. The smartest thing anyone can do is not be a reactionary, someone who jumps and panics at every noise or alert. Years ago I learned “the first thing you do is not panic.”
Now to the topic at hand: It looks like Pahrump may be a great choice for a residential address. Nevada offers some realistic opportunities for that purpose and Pahrump is just far enough away from the city to be a nice place.
John, I’ve been very pleased with it as a home base. My only problem with it that it’s real cold in the winter and extremely windy. For me it’s a spring a fall stopover.
I finally got to a spot where I could watch the video. Simply beautiful. The desert blooms.
The wilderness and the desert will be glad, And the Arabah will rejoice and blossom; Like the crocus it will blossom profusely And rejoice with rejoicing and shout of joy. The glory of Lebanon will be given to it, The majesty of Carmel and Sharon. They will see the glory of the LORD, The majesty of our God.…
Isaiah 35: 1-2
Thanks Cheri, it really was pretty stunning!
I know it’s Pahrump, not harumph, but whenever I see the word Pahrump I think of this scene…
Thanks Tommy, that gave me a laugh!
I might have found your van on google maps street view. I went to 800 Higley Rd, Pahrump, NV 89048 in Google Maps to check out the campsite on Satellite View. When I clicked on street view and panned to the right side of Higley Rd, I saw a blue and white class b style camper-van.
To be more accurate, since its a dirt road, the van I saw was at coordinates 36.214166,-115.959860 and you can copy/paste into gmaps to see it too. Be sure to go to street view because its not on satellite view.
Noah, my van is white and we were camped a good distance back from the road. Google Earth is usually behind and i haven’t been there for many year–this was the first time I’ve ever camped in this spot–it’s too close to houses.
Great writing and advice to all. I’m a land lubber in a over the gang adult senior community. I enjoy it. However I love the free spirit you Van dwellers are. Keeping it simple equals freedom. Have been considering a regular van with sleep area only for rest along the road when tired.
Thx 4 sharing. Loved it.