IMAGINE YOU’RE SITTING IN A VAN in the desert north of Tucson. You are surrounded by many species of cacti. The side door and driver window are open because the temperature is just right and there’s no wind. You’re sitting at your computer, trying to write a blog post, when you hear a noise to your left exactly like your phone ringing while set to silent/vibrate and placed on an empty cardboard box.
Oooooozt… Oooooozt… Oooooozt… Oooooozt… Oooooozt…
You reach for the phone but realize it’s to your right. And it’s not vibrating. And you have no empty cardboard boxes.
Oooooozt… Oooooozt… Oooooozt… Oooooozt… Oooooozt…
You look to your left again, out the windshield and see… a steer moseying along the road, singing the mournful anthem of his people.
Oooooozt… Oooooozt… Oooooozt… Oooooozt… Oooooozt…
Quickly, you pull on your shoes, grab your not-ringing phone and scurry out to take a picture — while also being careful to not get bits of cholla stuck to you (like you did a few hours ago).
The photo isn’t art, but it’s evidence.

When in the west we find ourselves camping more with cattle than with people! Jealous, and hoping to come looking there for you soon.
Al, love the article & the pictures !? ????
Traffic jam, nomad version.
Judy S, love U’r comment !? ???
My kind of neighbors.
I live in the desert but every time I am in saguaro country I think of the Marty Robbins song
“Man walks among us”. I can’t help it, it’s in my head.
Holy cow, that’s a lot of cholla.