I love traveling – whether it’s a day trip to visit a friend or a week’s stay at a state park. Each one has value. Each one has challenges. And being a more ‘mature’ person (I’m 65 and proud of it), both are precious to me.
Being able to travel is a blessing in itself. I have good friends, wonderful family, and even casual acquaintances who don’t have this blessing. So I want to share what I can with them, especially you, my reader.
I’m a simple woman. I’m a happy woman. I’m a blessed woman. And I want to share those things with you, the simplicity of a happy, blessed life.
So let’s go!
The beginning of my journey happened like many other RVers, thanks to the unfortunate life event called divorce. I won’t bore or depress you with any details, but I want to emphasize the simple fact that there IS life after divorce, and it can be wonderful!
So much of that life depends on your attitude, strength, and determination. I have a strong German heritage, so I have all three attributes rolled into one.
We sold our house and got divorced. But before all that, I’d already decided to go on the road. The plans started with a Dodge Grand Caravan. Good intentions – bad choice. My gut said it wasn’t the right vehicle for my adventures.
So I did some research, did some googling, did some shopping, and found “her.” A 2012 Ford Transit Connect XLT loving named “Freeda” short for freedom (at least in my head). My gut approved, and I bought her. She felt solid, comfortable, and customizable.

Thanks to my amazing daughter and son-in-law, who supported and encouraged me, I found refuge and love while renovating Freeda to go on the road. It was a simple design with what I felt were the necessities for life and living on the road. Bed – check. Kitchen supplies – check. Basic security items – check. Clothes – check. And more importantly, a bumper-to-bumper checkup for Freeda by the best garage in the state of South Carolina – Swifts of Johns Island.

Once she was set up, ready to go, I took the leap. My initial trip would be from South Carolina to Texas to visit friends and family. I couldn’t bring myself to say goodbye to my loved ones here because it wasn’t goodbye – it was “see ya’ later!”
I won’t lie to you. At first, I was so excited I could hardly stand it! I was blasting the radio, singing at the top of my lungs, enjoying the open road until I realized I had no idea where I was going to spend the night. My first night on the road, and I hadn’t even planned where to stop.
Suddenly, I felt like a total failure. I was crying, and I wanted to give up. I wanted to turn around and go back home to Charleston. I couldn’t do this! What the hell was I thinking!

I admit that even with all the research, YouTube videos, reading, and planning, I was scared. I was alone. I wasn’t prepared for a solitary life. Every negative thought you could think of, I thought.
But you know what saved me? If you ever watched NCIS, you’ll know what I mean by I was “Gibbed” in the back of the head by the loving hand of God. I drove up a ramp in the city I was in, and glaring right in front of me was the most beautiful site I had seen all day.
A Cracker Barrel sign.
My refuge was right in front of me. Food. A safe place to park. And my first night away from home. My heart relaxed. My breathing went back to normal. I pulled into the parking lot in the back of the oasis. I saw the beautiful sign with “RV” on it.

I love traveling. I love God. And I love me.
I hope you’ll continue to share my journey with me as I explore not only the valuable lessons I learned during my first solo trip but especially the adventures ahead while traveling the East Coast. My passion is staying at state parks up and down the coast, sharing the beauty of the land and the crucial lessons of loving yourself while doing it!
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”
— Saint Augustine
Hoping you do continue writing about your travels! Each of us have different nomad life experiences with diverse world views. Your unique and happily entertaining style makes me want more. Thank you for the smiles.
Helen Rae-what a wonderful, inspiring story! I loved Dodge Caravans when our kids were growing up-but Freda sounds like a much better choice for living in it! May God be with you on your travels!
Thank you, Johnnie! May God be with you & yours, too!!
Thank you so much, Penelope!!! It’s beautiful encouragement like yours that will DEFINITELY keep me writing and sharing! It’s the diversity and sharing that make it even more worthwhile. Be blessed!
I’m proud of what you are doing and I love Freeda! When are ya coming to Tulia.? I wonder if Freeda would like Dip Street? Safe travels and keep writing an adventuring!
Thanks, Nancy! Actually I was in Tulia last September with Freeda – she handled DIP STREET real well! But we’ll be back ‘home’ this year sometime. I promise!
Your story has inspired me. ?
That is so sweet, Ben! It is a wonderful challenge going outside our normal “box” of life, but so worth it! I’m in a beautiful North Carolina state park right now writing to you & enjoying a sense of peace I never thought I’d feel again. Be blessed!
I’m excited for you and want to read every adventure. I need to learn how to have confidence in myself and trust the Universe as I too want to solo travel. Happy trails!!
Thank you so much, Ann!! Trust me, it took me many years to even get to this point, but you WILL find the strength inside yourself and build the confidence you need. The universe talks to me every day and pushes me a little further. I love it! Be blessed, my friend!
Great story and message! Thank you for the encouragement!
Thank you, Susan! I hope you’ll continue to follow Freeda & Me on our adventures! Be blessed now & always…
If you do a blog, please add me to it. I am already hooked ?
WOW, Al! That’s the best compliment I’ve ever received! If I do, I will look you back up & make sure you get the link, etc… In the meantime, keep looking for me on Cheap RV Living. Be blessed, my friend!
So inspiring. Gut level inspiration! Wishing you a wonderful life on the road.
Thank you, Karen! Good wishes are always welcome. Please continue to look for me in Cheap RV Living. Be blessed!
I am a full timer. My husband of 50 years passed in 2020. My rig is landlocked in MO where I am from. I cannot drive this 5th wheel toy hauler. I so want to get back out there as I did with my husband. I am so envious of you. You will find such enormous strength, with God’s help. I wish You all the best.
Consider yourself hugged, Claudia! Losing a partner is far harder than divorcing a partner. My prayers are with you & I hope that you will find the right path to freedom for you. Please don’t be envious, just be happy & keep the prayers going for YOURSELF and those you love. Be blessed!
I loved reading your story. Many great adventures await you! Take care.
Thank you, Brad! If the first six months are any indication of the future, you betcha I got many great adventures ahead! Thank you for the encouragement & please continue to look for me in Cheap RV Living. Be blessed!!
I just love these testimonies. Helen, your story makes me want to buy a coffee for those living the Nomad Lifestyles as they pass through my state of Colorado. Each person has a story to share and with such wonderful experiences such as yours. Continue to explore, continue to experience and continue to express your life, you’ll never be alone and with God’s hand of protection and guidance you’ll really have something to talk about.
That is a MAGNIFICENT sentiment, Bill! I highly encourage you to have the coffee pot ready for those that visit you. There are so many amazing people out there with amazing stories to share. Sometimes they need to be encouraged (or bribed with coffee, as I sip my French Press brew) to share their story. So make new friends. And you definitely hit the nail on the head because God is my pilot everywhere I go! Be blessed!
I have spent anywhere from 6 months /2 months and one week on the road doing “the” thing in everything from regular car, Chevy van , SUV and small motor home ! All escapes have yielded great memories and struggles ! Be prepared to solve all problems but enjoy each day ! Especially helpful to have an interest to explore such as birding, photography, etc !
Wow! You have definitely diversified your travels, Charles! You are so right in there are problems each day, but as long as we concentrate on the positives, we will learn from the negatives. Be blessed!
I am 84 years old and have travled a lot of my life. Now that my wife has passed I am spending summers in MI and winters in TX. My life has been blessed and with a bunch of pills daily and an ok from my kids I am able to keep on travling and intend to keep on as long as I am safe on the highways.
YOU are truly my hero, David! 84 years young and still going! I want to be like you when I grow up – please take care of yourself and keep on traveling, my friend! Be blessed.
Blessings on your travel, both my wife and I are with you in the freedom (at least for now) to travel all over this beautiful country.
Yes, CBs are a beautiful sight to boondock after a day of travel.
God be with you on your journey. Hope to see you on the road!
David & Donna
Thank you, David & Donna! You sound like true kindred spirits! Be blessed!
I loved this – you’re an inspiration. A wonderful message.
Thank you, Beth! I’m inspired by a LOT of people out there living life. So this is just a small way for me to pay them back. Be blessed!
That was a great beginning, and I will read the journal notes you make along the way.
Calm and trust is what our Creator wants, along with obedience, so you can’t go wrong!
Enjoy the life you chose.
Toni Mariani, Author.
Union, South Carolina
Thank you, Toni! I sincerely appreciate the encouragement, the wise words, and I would love to read any of your works! Please send me a link when you have a moment. Be blessed, dear Toni!
Love this! Honest and inspiring. Do you have a blog? How can I subscribe to follow along virtually with you?
Thank you, Candace! I don’t have a blog (yet), but please keep in touch with Cheap RV Living – I’m praying for more publications in the future. Be blessed!
I am loving following your journey! And now, I’m loving it even more!
My beautiful, Little D! I am so blessed to have you in my life because you’re not only a great friend, but a great supporter, and even greater source of strength. Be blessed, my friend! Love you…
Great stuff!
Thank you, Josef! Be on the lookout for more in the future. Be blessed!
You made me chuckle!
I bought a Voyager 2000 Chrysler. Took out all the rear captain seats, and built a plywood floor, painted pastel lavender. Stalked it with all my “needs”… It was so much fun doing all the building, taking me a few weeks, put my saw away and went inside my 5th wheel (my home?? ).
I got so excited about traveling and, but having been a truck driver for 29years, I was tired!
I want to go camping, but I want to go with a friend. hard to meet another woman to just GO!
You are an inspiration for sure! If you are ever in Oregon, find me on FB, Brenda Sisson, Merlin, Or.
I have parking and we could venture to the PacificRedWoodForest, and the Pacific Ocean– 90min drive.
OMG! I definitely will! My special BFF in Houston and I along with some other adventurers want to set up our own community. Preferably in Oregon or Washington state!! I’ll be in touch for sure. Be blessed!
Oh sweet friend you make my heart smile! I love seeing you so happy and loving yourself! Enjoy every minute of your adventures and know there’s always those of us back here waiting to hear about your adventures! Love you ?
I love you too, sweet girl. If it weren’t for you and my amazing supporters, I wouldn’t have gotten this far. Love to Omar and the furbabies! ❤️
Thank you for taking the time to tell us about your beginnings. At 75 my husband has bought me a 1997 Roadtrek and helped me upgrade it so that I can take weeks-long trips even though he’s unable to go with me. My travels don’t look like anyone else’s because I get tired more easily than I did 20 years ago, but like the rest of life I can design my travels the way I want them. My first night out was also at a Crackerbarrel! And Boondocker’s Welcome has blessed both my heart and my budget. I still travel with a sense of apprehension, knowing I am dependent on many systems I barely understand. But, the connectivity of phones and the internet make that much lighter. I’m looking forward to my trip down the Blu Ridge Parkway this Spring. God bless your journey. May we meet on the road.
You are a hero to me! Many would sit back and let life go by, but you’re still living it! I hope our paths do cross. ❤️ Be blessed!
Good to the last drop
Yes sir! Be blessed!
My husband and I are just in the middle of building a tiny home to travel across Canada! We are also in our 60’s
Loving God and knowing he is there for you in every event in your life can get you through anything….I know , because I have been there, Jesus says” I will never leave you nor forsake you even until the end of the earth! Keep your eyes up and you will get through anything!
Gods got a plan..he’s got your back! Blessings to you .
And blessings to you and yours also! I would love to see your tiny home when you complete it! God be with you ❤️!
Thank you for sharing! I, too, look forward to reading your next adventures, where God leads you.
Thank you, Karen! And I truly love the last four words of your post – my life is definitely “where God leads me.” Be blessed!
Smiles, tears and joy was felt as I read your experience. Go girl … I identified with these words. May you keep God’s blessings flowing!
Thank you for your story Hellen and I’m looking forward to your inspiring stories. I solo road trip several times a year and maybe one day can make it more of a lifestyle. Being recently widowed at 56 I am looking for peace and comfort. I do find it on the road, between the tears, self-talks and beautiful country. Best wishes for peace and comfort.