How Can We Help?
Photos RTR 2015

As much as I love the amazing, wonderful people I meet a the RTR, the spectacular sunsets are a close second in what I enjoy the most.
But, it’s not a competition, all that matters is that it works, and this year it’s working very, very well. We have by far the largest group ever, I don’t keep count but if I did I would guess it was well into triple digits. And everyone is so friendly and helpful I can’t describe it! Just this week alone I saw a gas tank dropped an a new fuel pump installed, a new starter put in and a new steering box installed. And that’s just the big jobs, there have been many, many small jobs accomplished for people.

The classes are very important and for many people worth the drive all by themselves. Here Randy Vinning is leading a seminar onfQuestions and Answers from the group.

But it can’t be all work, we have to have some fun too so we had a chili feed on Saturday and there were many, satisfied members of the tribe after that!

But best of all friendships are being formed and connections made that lets everyone know they aren’t alone in living this strange new life and that there are others out there that will be there for them and have their back. It’s incredibly gratifying to me to see so many people coming together and bonding because I know how important friendships are to me in living this life.

Part of the cooking crew who whipped up an outstanding meal. Many thanks to Peter (in the very stylish apron!) who stepped in and took over leadership and made this the best chili we’ve ever had! We had four kinds of chili: 1) hot, 2) beef, 3) vegetarian, turkey/chicken. All of them were delicious!

There are some colors in those sunsets that I long to see first hand.
Nice job!
Openspaceman, I love the desert because of its sunsets, they never fail to thrill me right down to my toes!
Very nice pictures and looks like a lively crew glad everyone is enjoying there self thinks so much for the pictures i will enjoy them all year i bet the chili was good anything cook outside is always better
Thanks Jim!
Very nice! What kind of temps are there right now?
CAE, it got a little cooler with a storm passing through. I think it’s high 60s during the day and 40s at night. Still pretty comfortable, sometimes you need a jacket.
The forecast for the remainder of RTR is low to mid 70s during the day, mid to high 40s at night. Fine weather.
Being a new full-time stealth camper in the city, especially an unfamiliar one can feel a bit strange Bob, but with the knowledge that you have been there, done that and also enlightened others gives me the confidence to buck the trend and do the unconventional too. Like the quote I came across recently says ‘Only dead fish go with the flow.’
Thanks Man on the Run, stealth camping can be done but it can be difficult at times, especially when you are just starting off. Just hang in there, it gets easier.
We are planning on being there next year! This is a really great thing you organize.
JudyMae, it really has turned into something very wonderful. But the credit goes to the great people who come. They’re the ones that make it so special.
Thanks for posting photos, Bob! I wanted to attend, but I’m busy taking care of family. I’m very much looking forward to attending next years RTR. Hope everything is going well!
See you then Christine!
I love your photos and I love the fact that so many are willing to help each other at these gatherings. Especially since I can imagine that many are without resources or abilities to accomplish what may seem impossible. It’s a good feeling to know help is available.
Thanks Pat, knowing you aren’t alone is priceless!
Just for kicks i bet the fuel. Pump that u mentioned was a chevy mine went out while back ,glad u and all had a nice run. At the rtr fest happy new year to u
Thanks jor! It could be a Chevy, I don’t remember for sure.
Beautiful photos–not just the sunsets but those of the group caring for one another. A wonderful picture of what life can be.
I’m glad you like them Lightfoot!
Sorry I missed another one Bob, but I leave the rat race this July so I’m hopeful for 2016!
See you then if not sooner!
Great pictures! Glad to hear that everyone had a great time. This may be a dumb question, but I after seeing the pictures of all of the camp chairs. I was wondering if you have any thoughts on the most durable camp chair to purchase? The ones that I have gotten from Wally World, just do not seem to hold up for long.
thanks for any advice!
Carl, I’ve had good luck with a Coleman folding chair I get at Walmart. It’s the one made for big and heavy people up to 300 pounds. It’s held up well for me. I bought one and had it for 3 years and then the sun got the fabric but the frame held up well. The second one was stolen in Alaska and I’m now on my third one. I also have a hard plastic Lifetime folding chair. They are light and indestructible but not quite as comfortable.
Thanks for hosting Bob. This is my very first RTR and am just so happy that I finally got to one. It is everything you described and more. I am sorry I missed the first week, but my plans went awry as plans on the road often do. Chris
Chris, I’m very glad you’re here and having a good time! I just wish I had more energy to meet and spend time with people. If you can come to Ehrenberg I’ll have more time and energy.
Thank you Bob, for putting together this amazing event.
Gorgeous sunset photos!
Thanks for being here Yolanda!
Great sunset shots! Bob, you hit the nail on the head talking about how important friendships are in life. I have been very fortunate to have as many friends as I do. Looking forward to more travels to make more. Does the wind blow constantly in that corner of the state? I’ve camped around Bullhead and it wasn’t too bad up there. Keep up the great work.
WTXCal, it does blow a lot here. Fortunately this winter has been less than normal so it hasn’t been an issue.
OK. My van is all set up. I’m retired, so no job worries. My dogs are ready to go camping or vandwelling. I just need to work up the courage to take off by myself. Lucy, (who commented on one of your other posts) has gotten me convinced to give it a try! So, I’ll be seeing y’all next year!!!
Marie…Hi !!
Good for U, I believe you have a great advantage over many ‘ vandwelllers-wanna-be’s ‘, U already ‘ know the ropes’, that’s probably 50% of game… If u’r health is good, U had it made.
Marie, I honesty believe you are headed toward the very best times of your life!
Looks like so much fun!!
Wish I could have been there…MO/HO
troubles got me.
Next time…
Betty-Shea, Looking forward to meeting you!
Bob has nurtured one heck of a tribe – full of caring, sharing and unique and
very rewarding seminars, classes and yes, the sunsets are outta this world!
T H A N K Y O U !!!
Thanks Casa de Wherever, it really is a great group of people; all the credit for this thing goes to them!
Dear Bob
I wish I could just muster up the courage to do what your doing. I hate everything about where I live and what I do. How did you make the leap? I am terrified to stay with the way things are and terrified to jump. Most scary is being alone. Do you or anyone you know have a tag along/mentor program for a newbe/wannabe
Your an Inspiration Bob
Thank you
Ed Armistead/The stuck one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ed, I totally understand! I was forced by a divorce and being broke into living in a van, but then I fell in love with it and never want to live in a house again.
Can you ease your way into it? Maybe start by trading you car in for a mini-van and start taking camping trips in it. Make the trips longer and longer and you will start to get a feel for it and your fears will ease. You have almost nothing to lose and much to gain.
Yes, you can join us in our camp which will make the transition much easier. We gather in the Arizona desert in the winter and you can come and camp with us and learn. We are gathering now and will be there until February or March. You are welcome to join us short term or long term.
Hi Bob,
Will be in Arizona in Jan. 2016. Would like to come to RTR. Could you tell me the dates and the location? Or direct me to the link where they are posted.
Hi Bill, be glad to have you there! Get more info here: