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Getting Ready to Move: Stocking Up
If you have ever spent much time in remote mountain or desert tourist towns, you know their prices are tremendously higher than the big city, usually at least double. So, if a can of corn cost 70 cents at Walmart, it would cost $1.50 in Shaver Lake or Quartzsite, or maybe even more. A can of chili might cost $3.00. The only exception was perishables like meat and produce; they are more, but not tremendously more. In Shaver Lake hamburger was $3.99 a pound which is more than WalMart, but not a lot more. Dairy products, on the other hand, were much more, for example a gallon of milk might be $5-6.00 and eggs were $3.00 a dozen.

I love my little 12 volt compressor cooler, but it is too small to hold many perishables. I buy them locally.
The bottom line is that before I head out to boondock, I stock-up on all the staples I can afford. Then, while I am at the remote location, I only need to buy perishable foods (bread, fruit-vegetables, meat) that I can’t stock up on. That has worked really well for me so I am doing the same thing now before I head over to Quartzsite. I want to have at least a month of two of basics on hand when I get there. There is a grocery chain out west called Winco (it is an employee owned chain and the name stands for Washington, Idaho, Nevada, California, Oregon—the places they have stores) that has the best prices I’ve ever found. They don’t have any stores in Arizona so I am especially stocking up while I am near one of them.
Since many of you are planning on being at the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous, or boondock in the desert, I thought I would tell you about how I am stocking up for Quartzsite. The town itself has several small markets, but they are all very expensive. The nearest WalMart is in Parker, AZ which about is 40 miles away. The nearest town of any size is Blythe, CA which is about 22 miles away. It doesn’t have a WalMart, but it does have a Kmart and a Smart and Final, which generally has good prices. It also has a local Mexican store that has very good meat at reasonable prices. If I need hardware, there is a good hardware store in Qzt, or a well-stocked Ace hardware in Blythe.
Let’s do some math. Here is a typical weekly shopping list for perishables for me and how much extra I will pay by shopping in Quartzsite:
- Bread: $2.00 extra
- Eggs: $1.00 extra
- Milk: $2.00 extra
- Fruit/Vegetables: $1.00 extra
Total: I spent an extra $6.00 by shopping in Quartzsite instead of a less expensive place. Now let’s do the math of how much money I will spend to save that $6.00. Blythe is the closest town and it is 44 miles away round trip. If I am getting 15 miles per gallon I will burn 3 gallons of gas and if gas is $3.50 a gallon I will spend $10.50 on gas to save $6.00 in groceries. It doesn’t make sense to make that trip unless several people go together and split the cost of gas.
So the more shopping I do now, the more money I keep in my pocket when I get to Quartzsite. $100 spent now will keep me from spending $300 dollars for the same groceries in Quartzsite. Here are some of the things I have stocked up on and how much I have on hand:
- Dog Food: Very expensive in small towns-30 cans and 50 pounds of dry dog food.
- Diet Cola: I’m an addict so I am going with 30 days supply
- Canned Goods: About 8 cans each of chunky soup, chili, vegetables, beans, canned chicken, 15 cans of tuna fish (50 cents at Winco),
- Spices: 60 day supply
- Paper Goods: 12 pack of toilet paper and 6 pack of paper towel
- Pasta, Rice, Beans: 60 day supply
- Treats: I’ve got a big sweet tooth, so I keep plenty on hand.
- Cereal: Milk is so expensive where I camp that I started using Nido powdered milk with a 30 day supply of cold cereal.
- Garbage Bags for Toilet: 60 day supply

When I am fully stocked-up, I have to stuff it in every nook and cranny. The two Rubbermaid Tote are full, and I have pop under my clothes. The green 5 gallon bucket is full of dog food.
So there you have it, my strategy for spending the least amount I can on groceries as a boondocker. Hopefully you can use some of these tips to live cheaper. Bob
Bob, It might be a good idea right now to mention that in Indio, CA (by Palm Springs) right next to the I-10 is a WinCo grocery store.
One advantage to Winco being open 24 hours, is the fact that one could park there overnight without any worries.
I really like WinCo. The bulk foods are great.
We stayed there last year on our way to RTR.
That’s good to know Nelda! I didn’t know there was one that close. But at 119 miles its a little too far for a quick trip. About the same distance to Phoenix. Good to know there is one along the way though, thanks! Bob
This is a guilt trip for you, Bob. Sorry. But considering the title of this blog, you really shouldn’t estimate the transportation expenses to Blythe but looking at gasoline ONLY. This is the very misunderstanding of transportation economics that hurts people.
I think it’s every spring that the AAA estimates the TOTAL cost of owning/fueling/depreciating a motor vehicle. Last year it was $0.70 per mile, and that’s for the “average” motor vehicle. For a big van, truck, motorhome, the number must be much higher.
So your round trip to Blythe cost $30 or more.
Seriously Bob, you have a duty to start calculating transportation expenses more realistically, since many readers (and beginners) look to you for advice. End of guilt trip.
In my opinion bob did it correctly. In my mind if you have already made the commitment to own the vehicle then there is no added cost to whether he drives it into town for groceries or to the next town. only gas and maybe maintenance should count.
Thanks Cedric, I agree.
Gee, Boonie. A little harsh, don’t you think. The “duty” for everyone is to do their own math. Bob puts out his own perspective in his blog, the key words are “his blog”. I appreciate Bob sharing his experiences and I am free to apply them as I see fit. It’s not like we’ve paid for a course and Bob has shortchanged us with an incomplete cirriculum. Lighten up.
David, “lighten up” is great advice for all of us, advice I have been given (and too often failed to follow) many times in my life. Channeled right, intensity can be a very good thing. Boonie made a very good point, but thanks for coming to my defense, I can always use it! Bob
You are quite right Boonie, operating a vehicle is much more expensive than just the cost of fuel. However, the cost of gas seems to have a much more powerful psychological impact than picking a theoretical number out of the air. Some of those costs are fixed, like insurance and depreciation. They don’t change the more I drive because I always drive less than the national average. The other big costs are maintenance and repairs, but to be honest most people wouldn’t think “I can’t afford to drive to Blythe because the oil change will come sooner and my tires will wear out faster.” It’s true, but it just doesn’t have much of a psychological impact.
So I know you are right, but my point is to communicate and I think the way I did it might work better. Sometimes too many facts waters down the point you are trying to make. Bob
Please omit the previous comment of mine — there was a typo that made it a bit unreadable.
This is a guilt trip for you, Bob. Sorry. But considering the title of this blog, you really shouldn’t estimate the transportation expenses to Blythe by looking at gasoline ONLY. This is the very misunderstanding of transportation economics that hurts people.
I think it’s every spring that the AAA estimates the TOTAL cost of owning/fueling/depreciating a motor vehicle. Last year it was $0.70 per mile, and that’s for the “average” motor vehicle. For a big van, truck, motorhome, the number must be much higher.
So your round trip to Blythe cost $30 or more.
Seriously Bob, you have a duty to start calculating transportation expenses more realistically, since many readers (and beginners) look to you for advice. End of guilt trip.
It would depend on how much you paid for the RV and if you plan on selling it in the future. I think bob got it right and it will help us out.
Bob I enjoy your blog please keep it up. I also really enjoy your book, thanks.
I think that is an important point Shelly. I plan to own this van for a very long time so depreciation really isn’t a factor to me. When I am done with it it is going to be worth very little, just like my pickup!! I put a lot of money into maintaining the pickup, but never a penny into how it looked. I might do better with this van, but probably not. If I have to scratch it up getting into my favorite camping spot, then so be it.
Thanks for the kind word on the book, I’m really glad you liked it!! Bob
thnks for the great tips, we will be heading to AZ in Jan and plan to be in Quartzsite in Febraury, i have looked at your schedule and would love to meet you.
We are not sure how long we will survive boondocking as it’s a new experience to us. We’ve did a max of 3 days so far.
I love following your blog, it has some great information on it.
Hi Pennie, thanks for your kind words! I like your blog, looks like you have a wonderful life! Let me know when you get to Quartzsite so we can meet up, I’m looking forward to meeting you both.
The key to enjoying boondocking is in preparation. There are solutions to the problems you will face: 1) solar and a generator will give you all the power you need 2) a water bladder (or 55 gallon drum) and a pump hardwired into the pickup will let you get fresh water when you need it 3) a macerator pump and “blue boy” will let you dump your tanks without moving the 5th wheel That will let you stay out indefinitely without moving the trailer 4) Satellite TV and a data card on your cell phone will give you internet and entertainment.
You might be concerned about being lonely and socializing, but I have found that isn’t a problem at all. I have made many more new, life-long friends since I became a “hermit” living on public land than I ever had before in my life. It’s easy to camp near a small town with a church where you make new friends. And RVers, for the most part, love to socialize, especially boondockers. The internet makes it easy to make new friends and stay in touch with old friends. There are several big national RV clubs that have activities and allow you to make new friends.
Above everything else, I have found waking up in nature every day has given me a peace of mind and a connection with God that I never had before. If there is anything I can do to help you, feel free to ask. Bob
As always….I enjoy your honesty and it takes guts to put out there how you spend your money. I was going to try to do that on my blog, but it proved too difficult for me.
I see you are into some ‘comfort’ foods. For those that are into eating more vegetarian/raw…..they may be able to cut down some of the need for supplies. One can sprout seeds for their greens and blend up healthy drinks from some local plant life.
I totally agree….every type of location we use, has it’s own uniqueness and we need to be prepared for that. I think you always present good ideas for the type of home sites you choose.
Joy, you are right about reporting on money. I had big plans on reporting my spending, but like you, I have found it too difficult so i am giving up. With me it is mainly I am too undisciplined and lazy, but some of it is privacy issues as well.
I’ve never done it, but i would think raw/vegetarian eating would be easier for a vandweller. Some people can do without refrigeration that way. Sprouting and gathering local, wild foods are extremely healthy and of course inexpensive. The one problem might be with the limited selection of fresh produce in small towns like Quartzsite. But you can camp near Tuscon or Yuma which has a very large variety of shopping or Parker which has a Super Walmart and a Safeway. So there are ways to boondock in the desert and make it easy to eat raw/vegetarion. Bob
Hi Bob,
Also, if folks have military i.d. cards, they could also get some good bargains at Military Base Commissaries. I plan to check out prices at one that is on the way to Mexico dental facilities.
Good point Charlene, there are so many bases and posts here in the desert that veterans probably will find themselves fairly close to one By the way, this VETERANS DAY a big THANK YOU!!!! to all the veterans out there. We all owe you so much!! Bob
I always appreciate the cost analysis you put out. Thanks.
Since it is a community and everyone has high capacity vehicles….it stands to reason the pooling several people into one vehicle for shopping is the obvious way to go. By using three people, you just reduced your transportation costs by 66%. And you could alternate vehicles as well. More cost reduction.
No body is perfect, and I gotta admit I like the occasional cigar. But being a soda addict is like drinking poison every day. 🙂
Unfortunately for me CAE, I agree with everything you said. Whenever I camp with other people, we all tell each other are shopping plans so we can maximize our efficiency. The problem is that while we are all in vans, we all have taken out our back seats and some of us have taken out the passenger seat or turned it around backwards. They are no longer high capacity vehicles! But, we combine rides whenever we can or we shop for the other person while we are there.
Can’t argue about the soda. But I don’t see it changing either. I am a fairly addictive person, and soda is one of the least harmful addictions I have had, so I cut myself some slack on it. Bob
Hi Bob, and everyone. I`m am new to your blog bob. I am finding it very interesting and helpful. I retired last year and plan to start living in my truck next spring. I wanted to let you know if you find yourself near Phoenix, there is now a winco on Bell road and 7th ave. Thanks for your help bob.
Dan, thanks very much for that info, I had no idea they were in Arizona. I wonder if they will have to change their name now LOL! I will have to find some people to car-pool with and get over there once a month or so. The fact that there are also Costco, Cabelas and REI make it irresistible to me!! I’m starting to jones for it right now!
Hope you can make it out to the RTR! Bob
Your welcome bob. I am going to come to the RTR this year. I generaly go to the gem show just to walk around. One thing I would like to ask. For 35 years I was a landscape Photographer living on the road in what ever vehicle I had at the time. I noticed you are a pretty good photographer yourself. I was wondering If we could see some more of your pictures on the website.
Dan, thank you for the kind words about my photography. It is my primary hobby, like every other hobbyist I have dreamed of turning pro, and while I think I am a very good amateur, I am well aware the pros are a huge step above where I am. I started out to include a section of the website just for my photographs, but I just never found the time for it. I am trying to include more in the blog whenever it fits. I keep thinking I have to run out of things to write about, but so far i haven’t had a problem blathering on. Maybe I will try to do a post once a month with just my favorite photographs from my favorite places. Actually, that is a very good idea, I will do it. Thanks Dan! I’m in Quartzsite now, so if you get out this way before the RTR, look me up. See you at the RTR! Bob
Different chains tend to be cheap on different things, and some things vary in price by region as well as various state taxes. Oregon tends to be cheap on cheese, mexican pasta is cheap in the southwest, California is expensive on gas. So when you are traveling, you may want to plan where you get what.
Blars, that is a very good point, I should have mentioned that! Because gas is so expensive in California, I will want to do the opposite of stocking up when I leave here. I want to have as little gas in the van as I possibly can when I cross over into Arizona. There is a Flying J just over the Colorado river on Interstate 10 just before Quartzsite. I want to pull into it on fumes and buy cheap Arizona gas.
I see on your blog you are in the Blythe area, we should try to get together again. In the current blog post on stocking up, there is a picture of the sunset in Victorville camp. You can see an RV behind my trailer, that is Blars’ Class A. You camped with us for about a month, right? Since we are leaving tomorrow, Steve and I are going to Rauls tonight for a farewell dinner. We will lift our glass in a toast to you since you were with us the last time we were there. Hopefully, see you soon! Bob
When I passed through Blythe, I did divert to Arizona to fill my gas tank. However, I continued south so I could get medicine in Algodones and am now in the Desert about 25 miles NW of Yuma. I havn’t decided if I’ll make it back to Blythe/Quartzsite before the RTR yet.
Hi Bob,
Thanks for all the tips. I enjoy reading your blog. Possibly by next year I will be able to join you folks in Quartzite.
I notice in the photo that you have your solar panel attached to the top of your trailer. Do you have any problems with air current getting under the panels while driving? I am investigating converting a used ambulance to travel and live in. I thought that if I put solar panels on top of the ambulance box, the air current might tear the panels off. Maybe Ii could find a way to attach the panels directly to the roof of the ambulance box.
Happy trails,
Hi Dianne, it would be great if you could make it to the RTR, we have a wonderful time. I think converting an ambulance is a great idea! the last thing you want is an ambulance breaking down in the middle of an emergency, so they usually receive outstanding service and maintenance. They are built very heavy-duty, already have lots of great storage and are wired for 12 volt. Great choice!
I haven’t had any problem with the ladder rack on the trailer, and it is mounted higher than any other I have seen. I have done two other solar panel installations on ladder racks and they have worked fine. When I mount my panel on the new van, it will be on a ladder rack. When the vehicle hits the wall of air it pushes it up and over the vehicles roof so the leading edge of the ladder rack is in calm air.
But, it won’t be a problem at all to mount a panel directly to the roof of the ambulance, it is as simple as bolting “feet” to the panel and then bolting the feet to the roof. No problem at all! Some mastic tape and caulking will make it leak-proof.
Tell you what, if you make it out to Quartzsite, I’ll even do it for you! Can’t beat a deal like that! Bob
You might also talk to the manager of the local store, and ask him-her that since you are making a run, can you get them anything for the store. Do not ask for any favors, just to be social and for them to let you know of anyone else who needs something, to have it picked up. Keep the logistics-delivery-pick up simple.
Offroad, that is a very good suggestion. I was very lucky because when I was a campground host, my boss had to go down to Fresno every week to go to the bank and he did just what you suggested and picked up a few items for me. I wrote him out a short shopping list, gave him some cash, and he picked it up for me. We do that now, whenever someone goes to town we shop for each other or go together. Friends are good things to have!! Bob
Are you camping at Dome Rock?
Hi Dave, no we are on the exact side opposite side of town. Directions are on the latest post. Are you still in Yuma, you must be getting ready to retire? Hope to see you again soon, but stay longer this time. Bob
Don’t worry about the detractors(Boonie) Bob. I remember I sent you a spreadsheet for tracking expenses and you didn’t like it the way it was. After I thought about it, I absolutely agreed, it was a bit much for just a casual user. So I made and sent another one I told you I like better. In fact, I am using that one myself as it is MUCH easier to use. I took no offense at all when you said it wasn’t what you were looking for. So I simply tried to explain it a different way. My point in all of this verbiage is that advice is just that, freely given and hopefully helpful, but its on a take it or leave it basis. Don’t let the detractors get to you. They are out there but pay them no heed. I’ve used lots of your ideas and they are generally spot on.
I am looking for a van as well and will probably use it just like you will, until the wheels fall off, so all that stuff for depreciation and such is invalid for me as well. I will be getting solar sometime next year as funds become available. See ya at the RTR.
Very true Fred, we are all so different nothing can work for everybody. I am certain Boonie was just trying to be helpful, and he was basically right, so I don’t have any negative feelings.
I do appreciate the spreadsheet, but I am so lazy that I just could not keep track of my spending. I couldn’t do it with a notepad and pen, much less doing it in Excel. i have admitted defeat and given up all effort to keep a budget.
I think a van as a tow vehicle is just about perfect for a travel trailer. Lots of room for extra storage and you can take them for short trips and stay in them. As a plus they get better gas mileage than pickups. Lookin forward to seeing you too, Bob
I’m new to this blog. I didn’t hear anything when I clicked on picture ( word in box?). So I hope this gets through. First, thanks Bob for giving this 69 year old female the inspiration to buy a motor home. I plan to head out by myself next spring,and if all goes well I want to go to Quartzite in’14. Any way I thought I’d add some info you all might find useful on food. First, let me say I have no financial or other interest in this company, except I like their products. I use a powered milk product called Morning Moo, but it doesn’t taste like regular powered milk. I think it tasts better than fresh milk, and is low in sugar and fat, and lasts longer in refrig after mixed with water than milk. The cost is about the same as the price of fresh milk at the big chain stores.A 3 pound 8oz can makes 23.25 quarts of Moo. You can order it on line at or online from Sams Club. They and other companies have powered butter and cheese that I think taste not too bad. The freeze dried fruit and veggies are also very good, I think. These products can really save money and weight in your vechicle. Hope this tip helps. Oh, below “Post Comment” it says, ” enter URL” I have no idea what that is. I ‘m at baby steps on computer stuff. So I hope this gets through.
Welcome Toni, I’m glad you found us!! Good for you for stepping out and following your dreams. So many sit at home and wait to die. I’m so glad you aren’t!! That is a great tip on the milk and eggs. I did a Google search and is selling them. I prefer to order through them so that’s how I would do it. When I saw the label I am pretty sure I have seen that brand at WalMart in #10 cans. I am by no means a survivalist or a prepper, but I think having extra on hand only makes sense, so I may order some.
The URL is for people who have a blog or website. It puts a live link to it at the end of their comment so others can go to it to check them out. it helps to see other readers as individuals and not just as a name. Bob
Thanks Bob for the encouragement, I go from being scared to death that I’m heading to diaster to looking forward to the adventure. I did a lot of tent camping when I was in my 20’s and 30’s so that part doesn’t bother me. I worry about expensive mechancial problems with the RV. I bought an older class A because it seems to be in very good condition with only a little over 30,000 miles on it. and I got a great deal. So I hope to get a lot more good miles out of it. Hope to met you and the other people I’m reading about someday. By the way,I’m not a prepper either. I drink the Morning Moo every day with a scoop of whey protein and fruit blended in, and I can go all day without getting hungry. But If I skip it, I’m starved by noon. So if you try it and like it, you can save some money over what you pay for fresh milk out in the “outback”. Enjoy your photos, and am looking forward to seeing ones from other people as well. I would really like to see photos showing what different boomdock sites look like. Thanks, Toni.
Toni, being afraid at the beginning of an adventure is normal and healthy. It means you are coming fully alive and awake and are the right path!! You aren’t alone in worrying about repairs to your RV. It is one of my biggest fears. It’s not just transportation, it’s our home. Like all fears the best thing to do is face it directly, make the best contingency plans you can, and turn the results over to the Universe.
One thing I very highly recommend to every RVer and vandweller is to have an emergency fund. Mechanical problems are a certainty so it’s vital to have some money set aside to cover them. I know some of us simply can’t do it, but we all can start putting aside some amount of money every month, no matter how little it is. Over time it will grow.
Another thing I do is carry a tent, sleeping bag and good sleeping pad so if the van is ever in the shop for an extended time I can stay in them in an RV park as a last resort. I’ve never had to do it because the couple times it was a problem the mechanic let me sleep in the van outside the shop while they worked on it. But it helps calm my fears that I have a plan.
Hang in there, the best is yet to come!!!!! Bob
A word about eggs, they are not as perishable as some folks think.
They go bad when they sit long enough that the yolk settles and contacts the shell, then acids in the yolk permeate the protective barrier and allow oxygen to enter and the egg goes bad.
If you flip the eggs in their containers about once a week, the yolk stays isolated in the middle and an egg will keep for months.
Gib, that is very, very good to know. I do keep my eggs unrefrigerated for a long time, so I am glad to learn that. I’ll start doing it today! Bob
I am late to this party but here are some facts from five years of full time rving for my rig.
Not towing my 2500 diesel chevy gets 21 mpg.
fuel at $4 a gallon $.19 a mile
all other consumables oil change , tires etc $.04 a mile
Towing at 13 mpg $.33 a mile
Added consumable of tires wear and brakes and bearing repack on the trailer adds a penny to the $.04 from the not towing part above for a cost of $.05 a mile.
My records summed up not towing $.23 a mile at $4 for fuel.
Towing $.38 a mile at $4 for fuel.
tip about eggs… coat them with mineral oil and they will keep for a month or longer no need to rotate them, put them some where dark so they stay a bit cooler.. no frig needed.. grandparents rasied chickens for 50+ years this is what they have done.. thanks
Thanks for that great tip SirenSong!