This years Rubber Tramp Rendezvous (RTR) is going to start in just a few days on January 6th, 2015 and to make it as easy as possible for you to locate it, today I’m mainly posting maps and a schedule of events. I’ll also throw in some information you may need.
Do I need to get a permit and where do I get it? You do need to get a permit, fortunately it’s free and just a formality but you do need to get it.You can’t get it till you get her so it’s something you have to wait on There is a camp host on the way into the RTR campsite and all you have to do is stop and and have them give you one. There camp is pretty well marked. It’s on your right, about half way into camp, while you are still on the main paved road.
What will the weather be like? The desert can be surprisingly cold so you want to come ready for cold, windy and rainy weather. I’d recommend bringing a Mr. Buddy heater or at least very warm clothing and bedding. If you are going to be in a tent, you should have your car or van set up to live in if the weather turns really nasty.

Notice that nearly every person in this picture has a coat, hat and gloves. You should bring them also!

Coordinates for Camp at the RTR:
33°39’03.0″N 114°08’45.4″W
Is there shopping? There are a few stores in Quartzsite but they have a very limited selection and their prices are high. The nearest shopping at a larger grocery store is in Blythe which is about 20 miles away and the nearest Walmart is Parker which is 40 miles away. So you’re best bet is to stock up before you get here so you need to the least amount of shopping possible.
There is a store in town that will receive packages for you from UPS or FedEx named Quiet Times. Most of the times it’s $1 per package. This is there address:
- Your Name
- C/O Quiet Times
- 90 E. Main
- Quartzsite, AZ 85346
Will there be a toilet? I will set up one potty tent and it will have a 5 gallon bucket in it. I will also have trash bags, toilet paper and wet wipes in it. It will be for solids only and once you’ve defecated into the bag it’s your responsibility to wrap that up, take it with you and dispose of it yourself. Do not leave it for me!!!!! For liquids, you can go in there and pee into your own pot (none are provided–Do not pee into the 5 gallon bucket!) then you have to dispose of it.
Will there be a Give Away Pile again? Yes!! This is one of the most popular things at the RTR! I’ll set out a tarp and everyone can bring things they no longer want and leave it on there. (Please, don’t bring crap that no one wants! At the end of the RTR I’ll take it all to the local thrift stores and there is always quite a bit I take straight to the dump.) Most will be free but if you want money for it, it must be very clearly marked or we will assume it’s free. There will be announcements every day and if you need help, have things or services for sale, or just about anything, I will announce it. It’s very important that we support each other so that is encouraged.
Come and meet me! I have to warn you that I am very busy at the RTR but even so I want to at least meet everyone who comes. I also need to warn you that I have a poor memory so I may not remember your name or even you, especially if all we have done is emailed–those don’t stick in my brain well at all. If you will remind me of how I know you, we will both avoid some embarrassment!
Here is a schedule of events. Everything is subject to change, in fact the American Sign Language class has already been canceled.
The meals are canned foods, so for the soup dinner bring a can of soup and for the chili dinner bring a can of chili. Have them at the main campfire by noon that day. Every year people bring food too late for it to go into the pot so please bring it early. Also, the more people who bring fresh foods the better!! So if you want to fry up a pound of hamburger or onions for the chili or any vegetable for the soup, please do!! However!! Do not bring raw hamburger, onion or carrots and expect us chop it or saute it, we won’t have time. Anything you want to go into the pot should come ready to go into the pot. Cornbread or deserts would also be very welcome!
For all events you need to bring your own chair, plate, bowel and drink. None of that will be provided.
See ya soon!!!

Schedule of seminars at this years RTR.
Wish i could be there, can’t wait to see the pictures and hear all about it
Jim, they are on their way!
I won’t make it until Saturday the 10th. Hope that’s not too late. I plan on spending the week there. Looking forward to my first RTR!!
Kevin, not too late at all! It’s 14 days and you are only missing 4 so you will be there for most of it.
See ya soon!
I of course will be following the posts with interest and envy, I am relocating to Connecticut to be with my family for most of 2015. Hopefully I can head that way next year. Can’t wait to read about what all you guys are doing and how it is going.
I’m sure there’s an RTR in my future. Enjoy!
Thanks Irv, see you one of these days!!
The campground host isn’t always on duty. It might take a few tries. The host is on duty when the US flag is flying by the host’s RV, off duty when it’s not.
Thanks Al. These hosts seem to be there more this year and I was able to get my permit pretty fast.
Sorry I can’t be there to “bed” all the women that need it.
Next year Sam!
OH Sam we will miss you. I will sit in my “recliner” and drink a glass of wine and think of you. HUGS to you and Judy. Tony and Cheri
Mornin Bob
Heading out this afternoon. Will see you first thing tomorrow morning.
Will there be a booth set up for the permits on the way in to the RTR site? Will a lifetime US National Parks pass suffice. It seems to work in National forests and other US Govt. owned lands.
Gregg & Carrie
Greg, it’s just a formality, all you need is a license plate number for your car. There is a hosts camp et up on the way into camp. It will be on your right and it’s pretty well marked.
Just when it looks safe to leave, my son looses his leg to diabetes he didn’t know he had. Then the wife was admitted to another hospital Sunday. So it’s 40 miles to visit both of them in their respective hospitals. Good thing Gasoline prices are falling.
In this last year Took Amtrack coast to coast taking days. Flew to Amsterdam took Norwegian Star across the Atlantic, provisioned in Miami through the canal and up to San Pedro. My first cruise If I ever go again I’m asking lots of questions, my bar tab for Mountain Dew was more than my friends for their alcoholic drinks, I’ll ask if all the crew can speak and understand English. after loosing the month of November the thing I appreciate most is being able to communicate.
LaMarr, it sounds like your year was full of very highs and very lows. I’m very sorry for the hard times you are going through.
Hopefully 2016 will have more highs and less lows.
Wanda and I are doing some work on our van, and are confused about holding tank requirements to come to 2015 RTR. Are their any vehicle inspections associated with getting the free permit? Is a port-a-potty OK? Do we have to have any equipment, like holding tanks or shovels?
t001tom, no requirements at all for camping here. Bring whatever you’ve got and it will be fine. The permit is automatic, all you need is a license plate number.
Will you people elect a Queen and a King like the Hobo convention does.
Sorry, Bob and Cheri hold those positions for life, IMHO.
Opa, that’ a pretty good idea. But I think we are going to pass!! 🙂
Hi Bob,
My fiancee (Joe) and I are planning on attending the 10am Solar Power Seminar this Saturday. We do not have an RV. We are driving Joe’s car to get there. This is our first time finding a location via coordinates. Is there a number we can call if we get lost?
Please let us know.
Hi Kendra sure, you can call me at 828-318-4938.
I think the maps should get you right here, most people find it quite easily. See you soon!