Welcome, thank you so much for visiting my website, cheaprvliving.com! This site is dedicated to helping you discover an entirely new alternative lifestyle—nomadic living—that can radically change, and hopefully drastically improve, the quality of your life. I have two goals for our time together, 1) to Inspire you to make the leap of faith required to explore the nomadic life, and 2) teach you everything you need to know to make it a successful leap!
However, there is a slight problem with that; because I began the website in 2005, and have worked hard at it ever since, there is an enormous amount of information here—that is a good problem to have! The hard part is making it easily searchable and findable for you. This page is to help you make good use of the site.
Some information is accessible by using the Menu buttons across the top of the Home Page. The most commonly sought information is available from there, but the answer to specific questions is probably not, so where do you go to easily find all the deep reservoir of knowledge this site contains?
The answer we discovered is an app called Knowledge Base that is installed on this site.
When you go to the Knowledge Base page, you’ll find Headings that cover each topic of Nomadic Living. All you need to do is find the heading that covers the topic you are curious about, then read through the list of posts about that topic to find the one most like what you are interested in, then click on it to read the article.
Some topics can fit under more than one heading, for example, you might be looking for info on how much solar power you need to run a refrigerator so you can search for “refrigeration,” “cooking,” or “solar,” and hopefully find an article that can help you.
Hopefully you can find an answer to all your questions using those search functions!

My heart felt thanks to Bob for everything he has and continues to do for the Nomad community!!!
You are a TRUE HERO with a servants heart and I will forever cherish everything you have inspired in me to live my nomad life. Love You!!!!
Thank you Bob for helping so many people. I have followed you for several years watching your videos. You are a hero and an inspiration. May God continue to bless you as you have blessed others
Thank you Bob and all who have shared info on being a nomad
Please do a video on Medicine from Mexico again.
I want to live free , but I have a bad heart and lungs
I admire what you do. Wish I could do the same.
My 5th year with you and I can’t find CRVL on Facebook anymore! Does it not exist? I miss it somuch!
Thank you. I’ve watched on and off for a few years now. There’s always so much helpful info here. We do appreciate it.
I’m a 64 year old widow. I’m living in a 2 bdrm apartment that’s full of stuff I never use. I just made the last car payment on my 2016 Kia soul. I just lost my job I had for 22 years. I spend ALL my time alone so being lonely is nothing to me, I prefer it. I have dreamed of being a nomad literally all my life. That’s always been my plan for retirement, to own a small camper or van and live a life of travel. But now here I am after spending my life and money making sure the kids and grand and great grandchildren have everything they need, I’m alone without a job, insurance, without much savings and a fear of failure. I want to hold out so I can get my full retirement benefits, but I don’t know what to do until then I’m really having a hard time letting go and stepping into the life I’ve always dreamed of. But on the other hand I don’t really have a choice. I just found Bob and the wonderful videos and amazing people who share their stories. I want more than anything to join you all. I’m really scared and have tons of questions that I’ll probably find the answers to in more of the videos. Bob you are amazing and I’m so thankful I found you. I hope I can get to the point where I can join your wonderful lifestyle. Any and all advice on how to live in a Kia soul is very welcome.
Hi Glenna, I just wanted to say hi & I know how you feel. I’m 67 & due to health and financial matters at the Church where I work, am being kind of forced to do things I never thought of. I hate not being able to be in charge of my life. I have no fam, & have always taken care of my needs. Now things are quite frankly different & stink!!! I know I will find a way to move on with help from friends, & perhaps this site. So just a few encouraging words for you dear……You are someone’s favorite person. The way you laugh. Your kind heart, your sense of humor. The way you make problems melt away with a loving hug or a shoulder to cry on. You are important to more people than you even know. It’s tough to remember that sometimes, but it is true. You are loved. You are needed. You are appreciated for simply being you. Hang in there lady. We can do this, no doubt in my mind,!!!!
Go for it Glenna. From your comments you have nothing to lose. I’m in Australia (57 yr old woman) and recently bought a small bus that I’m converting. I’m a bit luckier than you lot over there as I still have a job that is just a stepping stone while I do the bus build. As soon as it’s done and I feel I’ve got a headstart on some savings, I’m hitting the road. It seems naive to a lot of people and my kids are a bit worried but I figure that somehow it’ll all work out. Over there in the USA you have a huge nomad family and I’ve been reading the book Nomadland (can’t put it down because it encompasses so much of how I feel about superficial consumer society) and the characters you’ll get to meet sound every bit worth chucking in an overpriced apartment and shit job for. Put some adventure back into life, a bit of mystery. Enjoy the freedom of taking life where you want it to go. Good luck.
Where on the site do you find the link for Knowledge Base? I haven’t been able to locate it.
It’s the LEARN link in the menu bar.
This may not be the right part of the forum to bring this up, but I have some genuine concerns about the future of nomad life, given that governments are open about their desire to limit freedoms. Countries in Europe are already introducing the social credit score based partly on how much fuel a person uses, and when this is combined with the soon coming digital currency, the idea is that people still driving petrol/diesel vehicles will only be allowed to buy a certain amount of fuel a week. (Digital currency is programmable.) Since there will be no cash at that point, it seems that governments will indeed be able to limit movement and therefore freedom. There doesn’t seem to be any way to avoid this, but I would be interested in others thoughts? Cheers, Janet.
I think what you are doing is great.
I am contacting you to ask some questions regarding nomadic living.
First some back story me and my wife are both on disability we barely make it check to check.
My wife is legally blind has symptoms similar to ms and parkinson’s has degenerative disc and joint disease as well as heart and BP issues.
we have 3 large breed dogs one of which is 11 yr old great Dane service dog and 2 ten mo old mastiff puppies.
We’ve been together for 22 years.
I am receiving a settlement and I am buying a truck and financing a tiny house on a trailer which brings me to my questions: how can my wife with her complex medical issues adapt to life on the road?
How can we get her medical care and still be mobile?
Is there virtual drs that can prescribe no matter where u are located?
How can one subscribe to the blog posts?
Good question. I’ll find out.
We added that feature. Click the “Notify me…” box below.
Hi, I was at the Rtr volunteering and only heard a little bit the nomadic philosophy speech by bob. I rely would love if I could get the name of the books he was recommending. I think there were 4 books. I would really appreciate it if you could send the list of the books he was referring to.
Thank you so much.
I’ve run the idea of a Bob’s Reading List article past Bob. We’ll see what comes of it.
Bob Wells and the incredible people of HOWA changed my life forever!! I was living in a Chevy trailblazer and a tent. I suffer from MS. I had a wheelchair carrier on back of suv. I was in bad shape. I got much healthier,better view of life, and Bob Wells gave me a direction to point my life in. Suanne Carlson gave me a bus named “Hannah”. It gave me a home. I am forever Grateful! This allowed future good things in my life.
I attended WRTR and the RTR 2022 and absolutely loved attending all the classes. Even though I had been watching Bob’s CRVL videos for years I took notes and learned a lot. But when Bob gave his talk on philosophy I was entranced, forgot to take notes and regret that lack to this day! If at all possible could the video of his talk be posted…? Or could someone write out his words? With a multi cultural background and a love of humankind his philosophy struck a chord with me. Thank you .
I’m 75 female. I have purchased a 890 Ford
e150 and am attempting to convert it myself. Bob’s video’s have helped a lot so far. I’m hoping to find some info on how to power my house. Batteries, solar everyone has an opinion so my delema is who to listen to. Some say batteries one for van one for house with continuous solenoid which sounds the easiest way. Solar is to complicated. I’m hoping to find the answers here.
Thank you for all you do.
I have wanted to do this for a very long time and I don’t know how to go about doing it I take care of my mother for 25 years and she passed away a year ago this month I don’t have a home of my own and I’ve always wanted to do this I just don’t know how to get started I’m broke I live on a small social security check I just need help please answer and tell me how I should go about making my first step into doing this kind of life is really what I truly want to do thank you so much for your videos I will forever be grateful sincerely Becky PS I don’t have a email but I can give you my phone number so you can send me a text
The first step is always the hardest I have lived in the Arizona desert.
Bob: I’m sorry to hear about negative and judgmental comments you have been getting lately, especially about installing perforated vinyl on windows. Looking at the video I can see that if people take their time and think things through they should be able to tackle most jobs in maintaining and improving their stealth campers. Do to high rents in Greater Toronto Area of Ontario I am going to become a nomad despite having a regular job at Magna International. I refuse to work 2 weeks out of every month just give a landlord a steady income. To hell with the ones and their judgmental and fascist comments. You’re helping people out with an economical way to live so people like me can prepare for the days when the paycheques will no longer roll in. Thanks for your help!
I just began reading nomadland after watching the movie. The details by the authors interaction with bob and Linda was for all things considered inspirational. I’d say those camp sites were probably the best idea to have out in the road. Otherwise the community would not be what it is and to be involved with Amazon on that level exposes so much!
Hello Bob!
My phone has either deleted or misplaced your e-mail addy and I need to contact you. Will you give me a shout back please?
Love and All Good Things,
How do I install your app?….or, how do I “follow” you? (Bob Wells)
Hello Bob I was getting email updates to my old email address I’m trying to set it up again on my new email address can you please tell me how to do it thank you…
We live the nomadic life and love your site and information. Thank you kindly.
How are you all, thank you Bob for posting for all the videos on YouTube. Year ago I picked up a 2012 handicap City is sb in ca, I decided to rip it all apart took the lift out and started building my camper van. I bought a 355 Mono Chrstoline solar panel , I picked up a heavy duty 4000-80000 watts giandel inverter. And 2 LABatts, build a cabinet in the back of the van, I dropped the batteries inside a perfect size cooler it worked perfectly. Two months ago I put the system to the test. Last week disappointingly my batteries stopped charging. I also did what you Bob Mr. wells suggested on installing an isolator by the way beautiful video very helpful. When my van is running the batteries charge up but no Hope on solar system charging. I’m beginning to think did I put an overkill 4K – 8K inverter? Or is it just simply my LADS batteries Are bad? I need to make the best decision to get it on the road and have a little good time. Honestly I’m not sure if my solar panel is compatible with lithium batts I don’t have a problem to get 3 LADS batts since The batts go inside my cooler with the lid on And then elation coming out from the back to underneath the van. If anybody has any idea and can help me I would greatly appreciate it so that I can get on the road and have some fun.
Hello, Bob, I hope that this comment reaches you. I have started following your utube channel and I love it! I have been building cars and hot rods since I was 13 yes old and now am 75. I started a project in March of this year with the goal of driving it to RTR in Jan of 2023. By the way, what are the dates? I had a 6 x 10 cargo trailer that I had done some camping in. So I am building a 1935 ford truck to mount this trailer on the back of it. I built a long frame to start with, 166″ wheelbase, added a 350 chev motor auto trans and the rear section of a 1992 chev pu to handle the weight. I put the front fenders, grille and hood from a 1931 chev car so this will be an unusual looking rig to say the least, I hope the only one like it at Quartsite.
My email is 1947oldcarguy@gmail.com . I could send some progress pictures if you would be interested , so, I have a long way to go to make in Jan
Keep up the good work, Johnny Andrews, Mena Ar
Bob I am going to do what you are going living in a van and I am getting a Dodge Mini van . Cause I am at the end of my rope. My daughter and son in law is kicking me out of their house and I don’t have no where to go. I am going to a Small Generator and small heater to keep me warm in the winter time. I have seen things on YouTube but like to get more ideas
After seeing the movie, I immediately bought Nomadland and started reading it. Details of the author’s conversation with Bob and Linda were, on the whole, motivating. Those campsites down by the highway were the smartest move anybody could have made. Without such involvement with Amazon, the community wouldn’t be what it is now.