In today’s post we’ll have more photos from Grand Tetons National Park. Nearly all of them have one focus and that’s the big, gorgeous Teton mountain range. Mostly they are the same, just the foreground changes. You may think that makes the Tetons a one-trick-pony like some of the other National Parks. A prime example of a one-trick National Park is Bryce Canyon. All it has is that one canyon with the fantastic hodos in it. They are amazing, and worth the trip to see them, but that’s all there is in the Park.
So you may be thinking, “Sure, those are beautiful mountains, but is that all there is?” No sir-ee, my friend, there is a lot more to do than look at the mountains—although that’s plenty by itself! Here’s what else the Grand Tetons National Park has to offer:
- Some of the best wildlife viewing and photography in the country, bar none.
- World class fly-fishing and rod-and-reel fishing.
- Outstanding kayaking and rafting; both white-water and scenic trips.
- Unbeatable hiking and backpacking.
- Superlative mountaineering and climbing.
- Spectacular wildflower displays in season.
- Gorgeous fall colors in season.
- A rich history of the Native Americans and Mountain Men in the area to study.
- It’s only 30 miles to the incredible geology of Yellowstone National Park.
- Only 25 miles to Jackson, Wyoming, a town vibrating with youth, energy and passion for adventure.
- The night life of Jackson, WY.

This is the Moultan barn, one of the early Mormon settlers to the area. It’s generally thought to be the most photographed barn in the world!
Judy and I spent a day in Jackson shopping and exploring and one thing that stood out to me was that every store we went in had a “Help Wanted” sign out front. I asked Scott about that and he said that, yes, nobody could get enough help and because of that they all had to pay very high wages. For example, Scott has a friend whose daughter has been coming with him to the Tetons for many years, and when she turned 17, like most teenagers, she wanted to get a job. So she applied to the Wendy’s in town and they hired her for $10 an hour. Bear in mind she was a teenager and had no work experience but they were so desperate for help that they had to pay top wages. She’s been going back since then and now she is making $12 an hour at Wendy’s as a very young person.
Plus, many of the jobs are in the tourism industry, so not only will you make high wages (usually starting at $10 an hour) but you will get tips as well. For example, he said that he knew many people who drove the shuttle vans for the rafting companies and were good with people, and that many of them made as much in tips as they did in wages; that means they were making about $20 an hour. We’re talking about the van drivers, not the rafting guides—I’m sure they made even more.
Your next thought might be, “Well, the cost of housing must eat up all the high wages.” No, that’s the best part of it, you can disperse camp just outside of town for free all summer! The city must have worked out an agreement with the Forest Service because they turn a blind-eye to the seasonal workers and they are allowed to camp about 10 miles from Jackson without being hassled about the 14 day limit. Imagine making $10 an hour all summer and not paying a penny for rent! Then imagine being in one of the most beautiful places in the world on your days off all summer! Sounds like vandweller heaven to me!
So as you look at these photos, remember, there is no reason you can’t come here and take them yourself! The season is just starting; it’s not too late to come even this year.

What Bob says about the job situation in Jackson is true. If anyone is interested in coming to Jackson I will do my best to point you in the right direction as far as safe parking and possible job tips are concerned. Just pm me if you’d like. Also our campground is still hiring for this season.
Thanks Scott! More good Karma for you!
Hi, I’m looking to head in that direction in about a month. If you reply with an email, I’ll give you the details. Thanks, Steve
Hi Steve, that is an old post and Scott is not in the Grand Tetons anymore. I wish I could be more helpful.
That sounds unbeatable. I was talking to a man yesterday who drives a high-top van for the handicapped. He’s wanting to RV out west with his girlfriend, and I told him he has all the work history he needs for summers.
You’re right Calvin. He’s got lots of jobs waiting for him!
OK… so the long post I just did explaining what I am seeing below the Post Comment button here failed to post. I had left things checked as they are your defaults, not something I set up. This time I am unchecking the check box below that has a link to my latest blog post. Again, I did not set all this up. Lets see if it post once I uncheck the box.
OK, that worked. So if you have this site programmed so that things won’t post when people leave the check in the box in front of the link to their blog, why have that come up at all???? this is what it looks like… Well it won’t let me copy and paste what I see below… so I am done here. Best wishes as always.
As I read this I first thought about cool that would be, But then I thought about how I’d need to be able to shower each work day and have enough presentable clothing. I’d also need to get used to keeping a certain schedule again. But the big fly in the ointment for me would be having a boss again. Sure, I’m mature enough and disciplined enough to take and follow orders, but it’s really sweet not needing to do that anymore. Forty-six years of it was enough. Fortunately (knock on wood) my finances are such that I don’t need to work. I can see others jumping all over this opportunity.
Al, I’m not working again until I’m desperate!
Some very nice photos here Bob! Thanks foe the info as well.
It’s been a while since I’ve had a large fish on the end of my line. In my neck of the woods the fish are relatively small.
Lots of great fishing out West jack!
Absolutely glorious photographs, Bob! I wonder if the camp would be a constant party with all the workers staying there.
Peggy…you’ve got to remember that these people hafta get up and go to work in the mornng too, so they ain’t gonna be partying every night.
Saturday nights may be a bit looser then others…but many of these workers get up quite early to be to work early enough to make the day’s preparations for when the next load of tourists arrives…and that includes Sunday mornings too!
Peggy, I don’t know. I would think not, but maybe. But it’s a BIG National Forest, I’m sure you could find privacy and quiet close by.
What more can I say, I just love the photos you take Bob. It seems like that you and I share the same interest, I hope you create slideshows with nice music and add some interesting captions stating events and true facts. Do you have a projector so you can enjoy viewing them even more? nothing would be nicer than looking or sharing your photos on a warm summers night using your Van as a white screen. When you get a free moment check out what I do on cheers GuzziGlenn from NZ
Thanks GuzziGlenn! Tha’ts a good idea, I’ll have to give it some thought!