AS YOU MIGHT KNOW, I LIVE IN AN AMBULANCE. It’s based on a Chevrolet truck with a 6.6 liter Duramax diesel engine. It’s a fantastic engine, but my batteries have died on it. I think they were just old when I got the truck. They were struggling and I was in the middle of nowhere when they finally died. So, until I got new batteries, I had been jump starting the ambulance with a GOOLOO GP4000 that belongs to a friend. It worked so well I went ahead and got my own.
My engine is enormous, and none of you are going to have an engine that’s harder to start unless you’re driving a tractor trailer or big diesel pusher motorhome. GOOLOO says the GP4000 will start all gas engines and up to a 10 liter diesel engine.

The Specifications
4,000 Amps peak current
Up to 60 jumps per charge
Overcurrent protection, overload protection, over-voltage protection and overcharge protection
USB-C Input and Output (5V/3A)
Dual USB charge ports (one compatible with fast charging)
12V accessory outlet
USB-A wall charger and cables

It comes in this really nice case. Packaged on one side are the jumper cables and charging cables. On the other side is the actual unit.
It says to fully charged before you use it the first time. When I push this button it shows the charge meter and, at the moment, right out of the box, it shows it’s three-quarters charged. I have never gone below three bars when using my friend’s GOOLOO, and it fully recharges in less than an hour with a USB-C charger.

The jumper cables might seem short, but they’re long enough because you put the charger right by the battery. There’s only one way to attach the cables to the GOOLOO, so you can’t get it wrong.
There’s a button on the jumper cable plug. It’s a boost button for cold engines or large diesel engines. My engine will barely crank over if I haven’t pushed the button, but it starts right up if I have.

The 5V/3A USB-C port is good for charging the GP4000 or for using the GP4000 to charge other items. There are also two USB-A ports and a connector for a 12V accessory outlet. That means you can use this jump starter like a very large portable battery pack—4000 Amps versus 20,000 milliamps. I love that.
the GOOLOO GP4000 also has a very bright flashlight so you can see what you’re doing under the hood. It has an emergency flasher setting or can be set to flash and S-O-S signal.

Let’s test it
I started with nearly dead batteries. All I got was a click-click-click when I turned the key. So I clipped the GP4000 to the battery terminals — red to positive, black to negative — then turned it on, pushed the boost button (since I was trying to start a diesel engine) and waited a few moments while the batteries drew some current from the GOOLOO. Then, when I turned the key, vroom, it started right up. No problem. That had always been my experience with this jump starter.
I give the GOOLOO GP4000 my highest recommendation. Not only does it reliably jump start even big stubborn diesels like mine, it makes a great portable power pack for other devices. That means it’s more than one of those emergency items you hope you never need to use.
Do you need a jump starter as large as the GP4000 if you have a smaller engine. Maybe not, but if you had it you’d be able to help someone who did have a big engine.

Perfect timing Bob, I bought one using your link. I have two new batteries in my Silverado with the Duramax (prepare for $$$$ when you buy them) but my car has an older battery and I wanted something that could handle both vehicles.
New batteries are worth it.
I just got them on my Duramax van.
But I think I might have to get one of those chargers soon. Thank you Bob. ?
I was wondering if there was a link.
Oh yeah
I was looking for one of these. It’s decided, lol. Thanks.
I was looking to buy a gas powered ProMaster cargo van and ended up with a gigantic 12 ft high 23 ft long Dodge 2500 Sprinter high top with a 6 cylinder 3.0 turbo diesel Mercedes engine.
If that can jump yours it’ll jump mine.
LOL my battery died in the Apache Sitgreaves Forest a few weeks ago… a wonderful woman from Triple A, Jamie F., held on to me with only one bar on my phone (I had to climb a hill to get THAT) and had Search and Rescue come find me for a jump. That will not happen again thanks to this!
Looks like a good product, to bad you’ll be supporting a Chinese manufacturer (Shenzhen Gulu Technology).
Just try to find a U.S. manufacturer nowadays… Face it… if you want to buy an item that you may need, you will HAVE TO buy Chinese-made (or Viet Nam, Taiwan, Indonesia, etc.). Or you will eventually be buying nothing!
Kinda off-topic, but……
For all you Diesel burners, I understand there’s a coming shortage of Class C engine oil. The additive chemicals are in short supply. Might want to pick up a case if you can. DEF, too.
I used to run my Rabbit on waste veg oil cut with Coleman fuel… ran great. I don’t think the modern TDI engines do as well on that ‘fuel’.
And we might want to pick up any Chinese products now, before things go South in the West Pacific. Won’t be much trade with the Middle Kingdom after that, methinks.
The GP4000 may be more than I need for my V6 engine. I am considering the GP2000 which will save me a measly 23 bucks (about 5 gal of gas!). My 10 year old lead acid based jump starter is big and bulky and may be at it life’s end. Bob, thanks for posting this review.
I’ve had one for about 5 years. Used it maybe six times and charged it twice. It’s still at 90% capacity from the last time I used it in March.
Got one and it works!
I bought one for my car and have used it several times and am so impressed with it that I bought one for my daughter’s car. It has never failed me, so it was money WELL spent! We keep the chargers in our cars in well insulated lunch Mylar lunch boxes since we live in FL where the car interior temps reach into the triple digits. Before going on trips, we check the charge level and have found that the level has never dropped below 3 bars.
Thanks for reviewing this product Bob!!
Have you found out why your battery keeps running down?
How do you know what size jump starter you need? All I know is the one I have is NOT strong enough. Lol
Just got the GOOLOO GP4000 and it works great on my truck. Good to see a review of a product by someone who as actually used it.
I have just received my Gooloo GP4000.
I have not tried to start my landcruiser as yet, but have plugged my Engel freezer into the 10 amp o/p. The fridge starts and runs for 12 seconds then Gooloo shuts down!!.
Is this common or am I doing something wrong. cheers Steve H
Thanks Bob,
This review is just what I needed to convince me to purchase one of these.
If it can turn your 6.6 Duramax it should be able to turn my 5.9 Cummins
I bought the 4000 in June 2022. It did not work out of the box. I turned in a claim. They want me to jump through all kinds of “Hoops”. Still I have not received a refund or replacement. BEWARE of this company and products.It was money wasted and I was scammed