ONE OF THE BEST EXERCISES available to humankind is walking. I know, I know. Not everybody likes to do it, and not everybody can do it. Trust me. I have my days. But my recent camping adventure made me realize that I can do new and wonderful things if I push myself. Like WALK!
Upon reaching my recent campsite at Jordan Lake State Park in North Carolina at the Cross
Winds Campgrounds, I realized I wasn’t conveniently located near a bathroom. At least it wasn’t as convenient as it looked on the map when I made my reservations.
Now, I have a porta-potty (if you want to know the brand, ask me in the comments, but there’s a lot on the market). However, I like having a brick-and-mortar bathroom nearby. For other reasons, you know.
That’s okay, I thought. I’ll break out the map or start walking around until I find one in my area. So after I got my site set up and Freeda was relaxing, I went on my “restroom” finding mission. About three city blocks later, I found it. Eureka! I thought.
Then my excitement came crashing down when I saw the sign, “Out of Order – Use the Shower Facilities.” Needless to say, I was a little agitated at this point. I had NO idea where the shower facilities were, so I went back to Freeda and pulled up the campsite map – I sure as heck didn’t feel like wandering around again right away. I was already tired.
So there I am, searching the map and I discover, sure enough, the “Shower Facilities” were about a quarter of a mile away from my campsite. They were in the opposite direction of the “Out of Order” bathrooms.

I know I can make it. I know I need the exercise. But I’m basically a very lazy person. I bit the bullet and walked to the Shower Facilities. The building was down the road and up a hill (actually, it was a minor incline, but it was a HILL to me).
Here’s the point to my rambling: I discovered that the second time I walked to the facilities, I’d stopped looking down at the road. I was looking straight ahead or even up at the sky a little. What an epiphany this was!
I stopped being so self-conscious of where I was walking or heading that I could enjoy my surroundings. Again, this was a revelation for me.
Looking down at the ground to ensure that I didn’t trip on something or avoid eye contact with a car/truck/SUV coming down the road was more important than seeing the trees, sky, or birds. Really. But this time, I felt comfortable enough to enjoy the scenery.
That’s life, folks.
We get scared of our situations. We’re intimidated by other people. We panic when we’re out of our comfort zone. We look to the ground as our security and miss the amazing world around us.
Don’t get me wrong! I’m not advocating walking freely to the point of stepping in a pothole or, God forbid, an open maintenance hole. Watch where you’re walking! But don’t look down all the time.
Walk when you can.
Look forward to the beautiful life around you.
Don’t look down.
Don’t take the world for granted.
Don’t give your past the power to define your future.

So happy to hear from someone in NC or anywhere on the east coast. That’s great you kept trying until you found facilities.
Great post, thanks for sharing!
Bob couldn’t have said it any better The “American dream” is really a nightmare folks,and sad thing about all this inflation and craziness is, it’s only going to get worse..people need to wake up and realize that the “American dream” is for the rich,not even working 2 jobs can someone make it on their own. It’s a sad reality for many..why does this country pride itself in all it has,yet so many are hungry and homeless,and no,not drug addicts, I’m talking about regular folks not being able to live by themselves,I know about 95 percent of young adults 20-28 still living with their parents..this generation has it the worse..America is a joke, and before anyone goes ape crazy on me.. I am born and raised American citizen, and I’m ashamed how this system exploites the middle class and humiliates the poor..shame on this disgusting government
I’m glad that you learned to enjoy the walk. It makes a BIG difference. Hugs to you my friend. Thanks for sharing from your heart.
I live in northern Illinois. As soon as the temp hits the thirties, I start walking my neighborhood in the mornings and on weekends.
Gotta get out and see the world.
Definitely go walking when I’m camping. Experiencing nature is the whole point after all.
I also like to sit outside and just watch the clouds glide by, as well as watch all the trees sway on the breeze. Surprising how many different shades of green there are.
Oh, and I DO make eye contact with the drivers of those cars passing by. Sometimes I wave. ?
I’m glad you looked down to see the beautiful toad and take a picture. You made me laugh as I can feel your pain when having to go and having no facilities around or walking out of our comfort zone. I have a dog so she gets me out a couple times a day even in the middle of winter in Minnesota. The picture of the sky and trees is really pretty and makes me feel like i’m there, sort of : ). Thanks so much.
Thank you!
It’s so true that we are walking creations. It’s even Scriptural.- Jeremiah 10:23.
(Please read)
“Don’t Look Down.” Made me think of how profound that statement can be in other situations. A mindfulness exercise in observation and appreciation while suspending judgment.
This article reminded me of a cartoon I saw when I was a little kid. It was about a boy who, while everyone else was constantly looking at the sky, fascinated with space flight, UFOs and everything that was out there somewhere, was focused on the ground and discovered all sorts of marvelous things. So I guess there are valid reasons for either case. I guess it depends on whether what you’re doing helps or hinders your life.
In my younger years I did a lot of steep hiking with a pack. You always had to look down, so a lot of my memories involve rocks and gravel. You are right. The world is not just the path.
Thanks for this reminder. After recently tripping on a crooked sidewalk and breaking my wrist—not once but twice in 3 months—I have been a bit more cautious about walking around the city. But that’s because of fear, and rightfully so I think. But I look forward to the day when the fear subsides and I can get back to being a tourist and enjoying all that is around me.
Oh you have made me realize how much I miss my walks. I have to get back to it! I so enjoy your articles. You amaze me! Enjoy my friend and keep walking!
You’re always an inspiration sweet friend! Love you! Keep up the writing, we all LOVE IT!
I was told at a KOA that the law ?!?! requires an RV park to have BR facilities within 400 feet of each campsite.
Maybe that’s a KOA “Law”.