SOME PEOPLE have wanted to know how I have my standard size cargo van set up, so here you go.

As I mentioned in the post about beds, my choice of a Twin XL mattress dictated it be positioned lengthwise. And the tradesman’s cabinet that came with the van was the other determining factor.

There was a full bulkhead, but I removed two of its three sections because I also removed the passenger seat so I’d have room for the refrigerator, which I enclosed in an insulated box.

With the knowledge I had gained from too many years watching The New Yankee Workshop, I built a cupboard for the space between between the remaining bulkhead and the bed.

For additional storage I added mailboxes above the bed and turned the bed platform into space for flat and small objects that don’t need to be accessed very often.

I started with a blackout curtain pinned to the headliner, but that didn’t work very well. So I used the top rail of the bulkhead frame to mount a curtain track.

I cook with a one-burner stove I place on the floor. The wastebasket and 5-gallon bucket ride between the driver seat and fridge. Some bulky objects are kept in a milk crate bolted to the cabinet. The solar panel is mounted to a ladder rack with the batteries in the lower part of the steel cabinet. Other stuff goes under the bed.

Other than some decorating, that’s essentially it. I’ve been happy with this setup for almost ten years. I occasionally think of ways to change things, but the work wouldn’t be worth the benefits.

What do you think? Would a similar setup work for you? What would you do differently? Who knows, I might like your suggestions enough to make the change.
[we apologize in advance (and during and after) if a certain word is triggerly]
After reading about small boxes (in our case, potentially bolted through the wall) at our eye-level, we discussed:
* mail-boxes painted to harmonize with our vardo-style Maple and Cedar
* making Bamboo boxes to mimic the mail-box concept (part of our flooring is Bamboo plank, and we have plenty of extra material)
* wire baskets (painted/anodized to harmonize)
* loops of colored chain-link fence (we can access several dozen yards/meters/metres of the stuff)
* expanded metal — similar to the stout window-screen of our permanent porch — bent to form angled catch-alls for bloomers and such.
We compared the potential impact on our beloved visual/visceral openness and our commitment to no cabinets above waist-level.
Two decades full-time live-aboard in our ExpeditionVehicle, we are probably sticking with flip-top crates stacked two-high under the bed platform.
Knowing our stuff is there while tucked out-of-sight… priceless.
And part of our decision relates to inertia.
Sometimes, change is just plain too dang much work.
Thank you for the tour. It is extremely helpful to me in my planning. I am in my 16th year of full timing and have had to simplify life due to aging. As in no more bicycles, kayaks and mountain hiking. This has led to fewer toys and less need for the 24 foot trailer to carry all the toys. Age 76 has brought on a lot of simplifications but not stopped the wish to wander. This gives me important things to consider. Thank you again.
OFM, howdy … in your attempt to downsize from a 24f trailer perhaps a 21f raised top van will be wonderful. If you could copy Al’s positional musts, one of the big advantages ( bet ) it would be not to having to pull a trailer, YAYYYYYYY.?
Thanks for the follow thru, Al. Very comfy setup.
Al, very nice & cozy setup !! Now, I was wondering you have said that the set up is 10 years old, eventually there will be a need for a ‘ newer van ‘, would you repeat this ‘ map ‘ in your future home on wheels ? Love your home arrangements, they look practical & coherent.????
I’d do it essentially the same.
Sooo kool you’re happy with the present setup & willing to repeat it, I would too, it truly looks homy/comfy & cozy.?
When my daughter saw your layout she said she wanted one just like that. You really can’t do better. As for me, I’m still loving your mailboxes.
I remember the sleeper on her truck being very cool.
Thank you Al for the great visuals! As I am a bit taller than you, this helps me immensely in positioning the most important (to me) piece of furniture, the bed. Everything else can be worked around it.
Where do you keep your water storage units?
Wonderful, flowing layout, thanks again!
My “water storage units” are gallon jugs (usually two of them) under the bed.
Thanks so much Al?
Love the “pictographs” on the cupboard. And what stove is that? Don’t recognize it.
The stove is by Horynar. https://tinyurl.com/267nw6js
Al, how nice of a casita, self-contained, practical, well organized & in good taste; NICE, very nice, love it !!
Hi Al! I really like the layout you went with in this cargo van. Love the sticker wall and flip-down desk area as well! It looks like you have a space for everything which is vital to nomad life. Thanks for sharing all the photos of your setup and safe travels to you!