Kevin from Georgia has a background in industrial maintenance, so he has a knack for construction and electrical systems. He started vandwelling part time in 2016 after discovering Cheap RV Living. 

“I started small,” he explains. “I started with a cot and some totes, that sort of thing. Added the cabinets shortly after, then went on some trips to try things out. I’m on version 3.5 or so of my setup. Everything evolves over time.”

Kevin’s clever problem solving skills are evident throughout his rig. One example is the way he mounted his Wave 3 heater. Unlike most heaters that work by first heating the air and then the warm air heating you, catalytic heaters like the Wave 3 heat you directly—as long as it’s pointed at you. To make positioning easier, Kevin mounted the heater to a panel that’s attached via hinges to a cupboard door. Sort of a door on a door. There’s a quick-connect coupling on the propane hose so it can be easily stashed out of the way when not in use and not hinder the function of the cupboard door.

Another ingenious feature is Kevin’s pull-out countertop. The main countertop is hinged at the back. Lift it and an extension pulls out on drawer slides, mating perfectly with the main countertop when it’s lowered back into place. The hooks above the counter even hold his bag of cooking utensils open. Slick.