ONE OF THE QUESTIONS I GET all the time is people asking what vandwellers do with all their extra time. What they really want to know is “What will I do with myself once I have free time, won’t I be bored silly?“
My standard answer is that there will be a subtle change in your heart and mind and your whole way of looking at the world will start to change. Right now, nearly all of us have what I call a “Time-Clock” or “Civilized” mind and it’s the reason why you feel a constant pressure to be “doing” something. In fact without a job, chore or project, many of us are unhappy and ill at ease. Becoming a vandweller can be a drastic shock to your whole way of life and many people find themselves very uncomfortable in the beginning.

The good news is that for most of us it goes away with time and a renewed connection with nature. What’s happening is you are transitioning out of a very toxic and unhealthy way of living and thinking and into a natural and healthy way of living. The discomfort is your mind resisting the mental toxins from leaving your body. After a lifetime of brainwashing it’s adjusted to them and is rebelling at their loss.
Maybe you’re thinking, “How can Bob know what’s normal for us, this is the way people have always lived and the way they always will. Vandwellers are the weird ones!”

The truth is that if you study Anthropology and look at the long-term history of humans, the way we live now is totally unlike the way humans lived for 99.9% of their history—it’s very unnatural. No child was ever born or grew up looking at their watch. Unfortunately, you and I we were born into a society that is obsessed with productivity and optimal use of our time and as children they pounded it into our heads. Our indoctrination as units of production starts early in childhood and has continued every day since.
For most of human history children were allowed to be children living care-free and happy lives–but not anymore. When I was a kid we were allowed to be children for the first 6 years of our lives, then the brain-washing started, but for many of us, even those days are gone. Instead, parents are packing their preschooler’s every moment of every day with activities designed to give children a head-start on their “productive” lives.
Once we enter school at five years old we fall under the spell and tyranny of the clock. Many of us became trained to stare at it waiting with bated breath for break time, lunch time, and best of all, going-home time. Then we get home and we have to negotiate with mom or dad about homework, chores and projects, hoping we’ll get some time to watch TV or be on the computer or a video game. For the next 12 years at least, our formative years are used to mold our little brains into being worker bees; drones in the hive that work hard and fast.

Produce or be Punished is the American Way
Eventually we enter the workforce and our transformation from human being into a tool of production gets serious. We either work or we don’t eat, if we aren’t productive enough we’re demoted or denied promotion–maybe we are simply fired.
Ultimately the clock dominates our mind and we stop seeing ourselves as people, we are simply units of production, our worth and our merit is determined by our slavish devotion to the almighty clock. No wonder you hear so many stories of people who retire and a few years later they’ve died. Without being productive, they have no value or importance to themselves or to anyone else. They lose their reason to live.
That’s not how humans were born to live, it’s totally abnormal and unnatural to every one of us. It’s no wonder modern civilization is plagued by depression, addiction, obesity, suicide and stress-caused disease. We’re people being forced to live as if we are ants or machines.

How are we supposed to live?
For 99.99% of human history nearly all of us were Nomadic hunter-gatherers. We were extremely close and dependent on nature and because nature is so cyclical and constantly changing we were forced to ceaselessly be on the move to match it. Whether we wanted to or not most of us had to move regularly because of:
the seasons,
animal migration,
climate and geologic changes,
population growth,
inter-tribal conflicts
Humans faced evolutionary pressure just like all the other creatures on earth and over the millennia humans became more and more selected to be nomadic and adventurous. Those of us that could adapt to the constant and often severe changes were adaptable and could easy move when it was required. Those of us who fell in love with the movement and developed a sense of adventure not only survived but they even thrived and passed their Nomadic genes on to their children.
Evolution has selected humans to be Nomads; our environment and natural selection instilled into humans not just the need and ability to be on the move, but the love of movement and adventure. It became a satisfying and wonderful way of life that affected all our thinking and actions. We developed a Nomad Mind.
Then, 10,000 years ago, humans discovered agriculture and domestication of animals and we stopped moving and settled down to one place. Suddenly we started to live in the future, planning for crops and future plantings, “Do I have enough surplus to get us through the winter, if not, who can I get it from.” That had two disaserous results:
They stopped living in the moment and started living in the future. We became clock-watchers. That allowed constant fear and worry to infect and poison their hearts and minds.
They started accumulating lots of stuff. Until then possessions had been a burden they didn’t want and didn’t care about, but now things became valuable treasures to fight, steal and die for.
The inevitable result was cities, states, nations and finally civilizations. People who wander around can’t build cities, governments or economies so they needed to be made to conform and become “good productive citizens”. And so we have traditions, customs and schools that beat the sense of curiosity and adventure out of us and instead makes us drone-like ants in lock-step following the “American Dream”. Our old ways of thinking and feeling no longer worked so we slowly developed a whole new mindset and worldview called the Civilized Mind.
Farming meant we were no longer free to roam and travel, it meant we had to obey laws. As capitalism developed the laws of the market place became the dominate power over our lives and now it is our absolute LORD and MASTER. Society summed it up as being “Good productive members of society.” But it really meant we became:
wage slaves,
worker drones in a hive
cogs in a machine
rats in a maze
no longer human beings, simply units of production,
tools to be used
Whether we like it or not, or are even aware of it, you and I have a civilized mind, but written into the core of our being is a Nomads heart. It literally is written into our DNA and 10,000 years of civilization is a drop in a bucket compared to how long we were Nomads. That’s what creates our conflict with a civilized life, it isn’t normal and natural for us! Many of us are terribly dissatisfied with our mundane lives of drudgery because our Nomads heart is still very close to our surface.

If You Go on the Road, be Prepared for Some Discomfort
The very fact that you are reading these musings of a crazy man who is urging you to get rid of all your stuff and move into car, van or RV is strong evidence that you are very close to your Nomad heart and mind. The reason you feel this strong urge to become a Nomad is because it’s literally written into your DNA, it’s your normal, natural human way of thinking!
Give in to It!
Perhaps you’d finally be happy if you gave into your normal, healthy instincts! I believe you will! However, it’s important you be prepared for an unexpected initial reaction.
When we stop working and move into a car, van or RV everything about your life changes and you start living like a nomad again, but you still have your civilized mind that wants you to be PRODUCTIVE above all else. But nomads aren’t productive, they are free and happy. Your civilized mind hates that!!!!!

Every moment of your life you were told it didn’t matter if you were happy (being happy is only for when you are old) the only important thing is that you be productive. Suddenly you’re happy but not productive and your mind rebels at that and demands that you DO SOMETHING!! Do anything!! because you are a tool, a machine and all your value comes from production. Happiness is totally irrelevant–production is all important. That’s insane thinking taught to you by an insane society:
The civilized mind is insane
The nomad mind is sane
By moving into a vehicle, you’ve returned to your normal, natural mind and eventually you’ll regain your sanity and the insanity of civilization will slowly drop away. But it can be very difficult and unpleasant to make the transition and you have to be willing to go through the chaos that will reign in your heart and mind while the poison of civilization is leaving you. The Civilized Mind is very toxic and by disobeying it and not producing but being happy instead, it will punish you and you will be miserable for a period of time.
There is nothing to do but go through it and let the toxic poison of the civilized mind out of your heart and mind. Then, for the first time, you’ll find true peace and contentment as a Human Being. Hang in there, it’s going to be worth it!

Well, Bob, I know it won’t matter to you if I agree or disagree. So, I do.
I love nature and my solitude. I can now live in polycronic time..hardly ever looking at my watch. I am refreshed as a nomad..this has lead me to the study of the Japanese language…not for any reason other than I love the sound of it. Nomadism seems to open the channels of creativity. Allowing me to pace myself in accordance with the weather, the sun, the moon and sweet breezes…..Keep talking about Nomadism Bob….that many more people’s lives will be enhanced.
Well said. Even though I enjoyed my career and had good pay, could control my own hours and travel all over the world, being a nomad is true freedom.
The mental freedom is what I value most; the luxury of times with no thoughts in my head at all.
Well Bob, you hit the nail on the head with this.
I believe it all did start with school which is why home schoolers seem to be well rounded individuals.
* SUPERMOB by Russo.
These two books clearly simply explain the abomination of the government agents (I call it ‘The Hive’), its twisted cravings for control and domination, and its perpetual lies to achieve and perpetuate its sickness.
From the 1960s, we have the Firesign Theater extravaganza:
I also suggest SAILING THE FARM by Neumeyer, a biography by a nomad with a series of boats… and his collection of recipes.
YouTuber Bjorn Bull-Hansen discusses the non-sustainable artificial experiment called ‘civilization’ during his many talks about its destruction of our human spirit.
Early-on, I discovered my understanding of this particular universe came under the general heading of:
* Pastoral Animist.
Explained in thirteen words:
* Based on my experience, I am pretty sure pretty much everything is spirit.
On Joe Rogan, Neil deGrasse Tyson establishes a convincing foundation for his belief:
* this is a simulation.
Great article, Bob. Interesting comments, LargeMarge. I remember when John Talyor Gatto was named New York City teacher of the year; then, he resigned because he no longer wished to “hurt kids to make a living”. I was aware of his Dumbing Us Down book, but not the one you mentioned here. Ivan Illich’s Deschooling Society is another. My home-/un-schooled children were able to explore and immerse themselves in their many interests, and they spent a lot of happy times playing outdoors with their also-free friends during school hours. Incidentally, they excelled when they were later exposed to institutional “education”.
While I agree with bob about this I can’t help, when I see him standing in front of some beautiful locale now but think, oh crap what is he selling now.
This seems an undermining thing to say. I don’t see Bob as a salesman – but a person who has the floor to tell us about things we very well might want/need to know.
Very well expressed Bob! As Donna Sloan said: Please continue speaking out about Nomadism so that many more people’s lives will be enhanced! Greetings from Western Canada ?
The civilized mind vs. the nomad heart. I love how clearly Bob helps me understand what happened to me.
I think this is the best yet! I love my life and my freedom! I haven’t wore my watch or worried about the time in years. I love my life! But, I know it is not for everyone! Which I am so glad for I have more room for me!!! LOL
Well I am only a part time nomad, but even when stationary I totally forget what day it is, and even what time it is unless I have planned to meet someone or get new tires or something. Not sure where my calendar is. Actually this feels far more ‘civilized’!
Wow Bob you are a lot smarter than you look, lol. Your incredible insightfullness is probably a direct result of giving yourself quiet time to think. I just found you and I am already a big fan. You have already changed my life. Thankyou.
Oh bob so glad to hear from you more often would be better miss your emails I love hearing you are right on if I ever have a question can I email you at rvcheap living?keep on keeping on
Somebody’s got to build the vans, Bob. People are wage slaving for the gadgets we nomad with and to produce the food we eat. We nomads are not self-sufficient, we’re remora fish on a large industrial shark. Sure we’re not doing the killing, but we live on the scraps.
Beautifully expressed Bob. Yes, we are time slaves and wage slaves in our culture, planet-wide except for a few people who still live without clocks in a few nomadic areas.
Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber spells out some of this mentality in greater detail and is a very satisfying read.
But we do still have to save for vans, and repairs, buy gas, pay car insurance and buy food unless we want to forage full time. Most of us still have to use money and have some kind of connection to the system or jobs at least part of the year to fund freedom. Sadly I have a few more years of working as a teacher and saving money and training for remote work that will give me some more freedom. longer gaps between jobs.