BEST OF BOTH WORLDS – stop & think about this. Seriously. What does this mean to you? What worlds are most important to you, your sanity, your happiness, your wholeness?
Now, seriously. Don’t read any further. Stop for a moment, close your eyes, search your soul and do your best to discover what they are.
I’ll wait. (Insert elevator music here.)
Ready? Good! Keep those worlds close to your heart, and I hope you’ll share them with me in the comments below.
My worlds? Faith and Freedom.

When I started this adventure, it was totally on faith. Faith that God would be there every step of the way. Faith that Freeda (once again, thanks to Swifts) would get me from point A to point B. Faith that my brain and common sense would keep me safe wherever I was, whatever I was doing.
And it has. And it is.
My first real amazing experience with overnight camping out of my comfort zone was at a beautiful private campground outside Hattiesburg, Mississippi, called Turkey Creek. The sweet girl at their office took my call from the Mississippi Welcome Center and took my reservation.
I was still a couple of hours away and had no idea where I was going other than it sounded heavenly. Of course, I initially got lost by not seeing the sign on the side of the road, but that’s ok, I got to see some beautiful countryside.
*If there’s one suggestion I can’t emphasize strongly enough, it’s this: FIND YOUR SPOT BEFORE IT GETS DARK (just FYI & CYA stuff).*
Once I found Turkey Creek, I knew it would be a good stay. I reserved a spot for two days. The office attendant was just as nice as I had envisioned her, and we ended up chatting (me in Freeda, her through the park window) for over half an hour!
She laughingly warned me about my neighbor because he tended to be very outspoken but the best neighbor to have. Later, it dawned on me that this precious young lady was watching out for me by placing me close to someone in case I needed help. She must’ve had a sixth sense that I was new to all of this. God bless her.
A total of four days later, after three days of rain and never seeing my ‘neighbor’ at all, I begrudgingly left Turkey Creek. But I’ll go back! And I recommend it to you, too.
Down the road a bit, I stopped in Shreveport, Louisiana. It was the first time I felt even slightly uncomfortable stopping for the night – it was a little too loud, a little too crowded, a little too open. So faith = gut feeling. Always go with your gut.
I chose to move on, and I drove another hour to the next city. I found another spot to stealth for the night and slept like a baby.
My next adventure would be visiting my baby brother in Dallas, Texas (to be continued).
Besides being blessed with faith in a Higher Power, I have a lot of faith in myself. That’s important. We all need to believe in ourselves, have self-confidence, and be willing to go outside the box. It’s scary as hell, though. I know that. I’m still fighting the demons that want to take my faith away every day.
But I guaran-DAMN-tee you if I can do it, so can you!

Remember Janis Joplin’s hit “Me and Bobby McGee” and the lyrics, “freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose…” Nice song, but not necessarily true. Freedom is just the beginning of being able to have it all! I feel I have it all.
Like right now while writing this article. I’m at an amazing state park in North Carolina. Listening to the wind through the old pine trees. Just had lunch of Garlic & Herb Tuna on Club Crackers with a large glass of cold water (yes, Nicole, real water). I’m working on this article, hoping you’ve made it this far, and will hang in there until the end.
Let me emphasize something at this point – freedom to many of us (definitely myself included) has certain requirements. And though many people may think they’re unattainable, I have to say it depends on how badly you want your freedom.
My life wasn’t bad. My marriages weren’t completely 24/7 horrible. They made me what I am today. A survivor. A strong woman. And someone who wants the world to know there’s a lot of peace and happiness out there if you’re willing to dream it, work for it, and do it.
When I say I have the best of both worlds, I do.
I live in a country that allows me to express and practice my faith without fear of retaliation.
I have the freedom to travel wherever and whenever I want. At the same time, I have the most beautiful home base full of love, acceptance, and joy waiting for me when I return.
I have the best of both worlds, and I’m blessed. I pray I never take those things for granted and never forget who to thank for them.
My heart and soul know that your God is as important to you as my God is to me. Let’s love each other as our God wants us to.
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”
Saint Augustine
OH MY, what beautiful article, love it !
Well, looks like you and Freeda stopped at a nice beautiful place, I envy you. Well I’m almost 92 years old now so a little old for nomadism but I do still think about it and enjoy dreaming, ha…
Dick Kelly
Best regards
92 years young, my dear…that’s wonderful; God bless you & WE are 2 dreaming ha ha.
Dear Dick Kelly,
Home is where the heart is. You’re living the dream because you’re enjoying what you are reading, seeing and hearing. You’re never to old to love your dreams. Dreamers like you I’m sure at several times in your life helped to make this country great.
Best wishes for more dreams, may they serve you well. ??
Oh my goodness, what a wonderful little article! Thank you for your light!
I hope to read the same book and that my family can understand
Fantastic article.
Absolutily Beautiful! Thank you for sharing.
The most beautiful writing….
Thank you for sharing your thoughts
Freedom is a great woord, feeling…
Wish you a nice Journey, from Belgium, Europe
Beautiful ❤️ I love you’re spirit and bravery. Your faith in God and yourself. We are blessed, in this country to be able to choose all of this without fear. May your journey and life continue to be blessed. I look forward to hearing from you again ?
Great article – I enjoyed it! Lots of “food for thought”.
Thank you, lovely expression…. coincident today for me was recalling to friends the final scenes in movie “Serpico” where he leaves the madness behind, has a sheepdog, and will get a van. Though saw it years ago that scene/sense/option has always stayed with me. Can choose.. And now I’m near many trails in nature with my beloved dog, hours of life itself. Thank you for your question posed for us to ask ourselves, has me reflecting on today’s conversations which included ‘are you going anywhere this summer?’ And ‘what if you only had six months to live?’
Wonderful article! So nice to hear someone living their dream so well!
I, too, feel I have the best of both worlds, although my worlds are a little different than yours. I have lived in a paid-for 35 ft SunnyBrook travel trailer for 5 years now, and I absolutely love it.
Although my plan was to work and live at a campground, that didn’t come about, but something better did, as it always has for me. (The Universe always provides!) A friend I didn’t even know offered me a spot on her beautiful farm, with electric and use of her house for showers, laundry, dishes for just $50 a month!
On top of that, I have a shaded spot with protection from wind and weather, as well as a place for a “catio” for my 3 cats. My dog and I have 70+ acres to wander, and lots of parks and places to see in the area. Because my expenses are so low, I can easily live on just my Social Security check…there is freedom in that as well!
Some day I may hit the road, but in the meantime, I love hearing others’ stories and learn so many good tips! I can still take trips in the van with my dog, but for now I get to live in my lovely tiny home, have good friends nearby, and don’t have to pick up and move every few days.
I love how everyone involved with CRVL respects others’ choices and sees that there are so many ways to be happy…we just have to trust, and to look for them!
Best wishes to you all!
Danika, lovely comment !
Thank you, Lucy!
Awesome l! Completely inspiring! Can you tell I love it? Tried to find you on YouTube and Facebook with no luck. Hope you do many more articles.