LIKE VANDWELLERS STEALTH CAMPING IN CITIES, dozens of boat dwellers anchor full time in San Francisco Bay. Their various reasons match ours. Freedom, economic pressures, distain for conventional society… And, like us, they’re surrounded by hostility. And laws.
After decades of officials looking the other way, the regulations are being enforced due to pressure from environmentalists and wealthy (and therefore influential) waterfront homeowners. Boats are being confiscated and demolished, creating more homeless people.

The video below tells their story. It’s one we know well. One difference, though, is that we have way more places we can legally live our nonconforming lives. For the anchor-outs, there are only so many bays and harbors. And so little tolerance.
This video article is evidence that man cannot govern himself. It’s just another reason to be glad that our Heavenly Father will soon clean up the earth, and usher in His government, or kingdom. Man has dominated man since Cain murdered his brother, Abel.-Revelation 21:3-5, John 3:16, John 17:3
Toni, interesting ideas & concepts U talking about, for @ slightly different outlook please check the names of Enlil & his brother, origins & descendants. My regards: Lucy.
Amen !! A so looking forward to that kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven!
Well said! I couldn’t agree more. Mankind just mucks thing up with corruption and greed. My hope is in the promises of Jesus. In the meantime, I’m seeking out a life here on earth that is as minimal and free from tyranny as possible. The rich don’t seem to have any awareness that life here on earth is short and they will face Jesus as Savior or Judge as all of us will..
This is heartbreaking and devastating. Lawmaking at its worst. Too much government. I am NEVER in favor of more government.
I must take the other side to the other respondants and semi agree with the people appeasing these run-down non-seaworth boats dwelling in the harbor. You can not plant a RV or camper that is dumpyard material in a public or private campground. For safety standards alone people can not live in dilapidated homes of any sort. It is unsafe for them and costs socierty in the end.
I agree that the cost of living in this country has got way out of control and like everything economical I believe the Economy will fall back in the near future.
Yayyy, lets crash the botes, lets confiscate & / or destroy the van dwellers vehicles…lets push everybody to live under tents on the sidewalks in the cities & then one day… lets confiscate & destroy the homeless’ tents & belongings…what has been accomplished with all this crappy behavior from the ‘ higher beings’ ??? Poor people deserve & need solutions to their situation, they don’t need someone pushing their head down into the water when they are drawing …?????
I suggest that these people contact the ACLU. The waterways are part of the interstate (i.e., public) highways. Taking and demolishing private property on the public waterways sounds like a violation of the due commerce clause of the Constitution.
With high level Democrats in office this isn’t supposed to happen.
Dream on… ? ? ? ?
It’s a game that we all play called NIMBY. It’s property taxes that pay for things that the government wants. The majority of people play this game, this get other people’s money in return for the right to play this expected game. You are expected to go to school and never taught to be a business owner. You are taught to be an employee. You are expected to be an employee, be it the government or the private sector. Very few people become successful business owners. I wanted to build truly affordable tiny houses back in the 70’s. I found out that many counties have square footage regulations. That’s primarily because of home values equate to revenue from taxes.
Everyone is playing the same game in order to feed a government that only has so much land that they can farm for tax revenue. At least that is what they do no matter what they say. The sell you NIMBY and that they are protecting you own home’s value. And they are. They are telling you right to your face that they are protecting your higher taxes that are due.
So you can’t build a tiny house on a really small plot of land in a zoned for tiny house neighborhood. The Japanese were brilliant in this regard decades ago. That’s where I got the idea. They allow long stay RV accommodations and must somehow pay a property tax for this somehow. I don’t know what is taken from the park owner. They may have rental space government based taxes that they must document. The same must be true of apartment renters. It’s all about money for the government and them getting it.
I’m not saying that tiny houses or RV communities should be tax free. I’m saying they should be allowed. You should be able to purchase and locate a tiny house or an RV on your own land, in a zoned for that purpose community. That is where some people are losing the battle over homelessness. It’s all about money for the government that is operating as a monopoly.