April was the month I went on a Caribbean cruise with my wonderful mom! It was a blast.
April was a very busy month for me! It began with a move to the Prescott NF as the weather in the desert got too hot to be comfortable. We had a very nice camp about 17 miles north of the small town of Adelanto, AZ. It was small town but it had a Safeway grocery store and that’s enough to make for a good camp. The thing that stood out to me was the abundance of beautiful wildflowers as the spring progressed. It seemed like every few days something new and even more beautiful would spring into view. I tremendously enjoyed that.

This was our great camp in the Prescott NF.
But it was a jam-packed month in other ways too. It began with a 1200 mile round-trip to see a doctor in Fresno, CA. I had one last visit to see a doctor to get a final report on my broken arm. This doctor was appointed by the courts to be the final word on how much permanent damage was done by my on-the-job accident. Based on this report the insurance company and my lawyer would work out a final settlement. The doctor reported a 34% loss of use and said I could’t return to work as a campground host.

A huge storm blew through while we were there and gave us a beautiful rainbow.

Indian paintbrush.

Homer, Myself, Gloria and Karen went into Prescott for “Woofstock” sort-of a carnival for dogs. Homer got his shots updated there.
The second big event of April was I flew back to Florida to visit with my mom and go on a Caribbean cruise. She had bought a ticket for her and her sister, but my aunt was unable to go at the last minute, so she invited me to come along in her place. I’m not a cruise type person, but I couldn’t pass up a chance like that! So off I went. It was wonderful to spend the time with my mom and the Cruise was fun, but it really isn’t my cup of tea, so I’m sure it was my one-and-only cruise.

The thing I liked best on the whole cruise was the amazing sunsets at sea!

A busy night on the cruise ship.

The Mayan ruins at Tulem, Mecixo

A parrot on Roaton, Honduras.
We’ve all had some kind of monkey on our back at one time or another…but I’ve never literally had a monkey on my back.
*Great pictures as always…Ahhh Springtime only a few months away. Wisconsin weather tomorrow – minus something with a windchill of minus 30 degrees. That reminds me, better get some propane after work today.
openspaceman, that was a great day!!
I am so glad I am not in cold country anymore!! I can’t imagine how I put up with for as long as I did. Your day is coming my friend!
…And I don’t know about anyone else…but you look like a sailor to me. Cruises are to regimented for me…but I would take an Alaskan cruise without the umbrella drinks and water slides…those are more about nature and less about putting a mall on the ocean.
Openspaceman, that is exactly my feelings. Cruises are about parties and I don’t party so it didn’t have a lot to offer me. But there are options. Anymore you can take eco-cruises that revolve around connecting to nature. I would love to do that!
Just submitted our plans to sportsmobile for our new ProMaster van. Thanks for all your knowledge, it has really helped us in knowing what they are talking about. Hopefully we will be out on the road in July.
Michele, that’s wonderful!! You can’t do better than a Sportsmobile, they are the best! I’m very glad if I’ve helped in some small way!
Bob.I hope I’m not out of line but I would like to ask Michelle to please go to Sportsmobile forum.com to talk about her prospective camper.This will be the first ProMaster based SMB (Sportsmobile) that we have heard of.She will also learn the ins and outs of working with the Sportsmobile company.Happy New Year!Feel free to delete.
Hi Bob
I always dream of seeing a Mayan temple/city. I would love to hear more about that portion of your trip. For instance, how was the heat/humidity? Did you go with a guide and did you feel safe.
thanks, rick
Rick, it was part of the organized tour from the cruise ship, so it was totally safe. I think it cost about $100, but I could be wrong. They shuttled us to Cozumel, Mexico and then we took a bus into the jungle to Tulem and we had a guide the whole way. It was hot but not terribly uncomfortable. There are a few more photos here:
There are two other posts before it about the cruise.
thanks man that is awesome
Bob….just to be sure….the monkey’s the one on the left ? (I ain’t done yet) …and in the following picture the bird brains on the right ?
You can’t be too careful……………….
I can’t tell you Ken, I’m sworn to secrecy!
Thinks for the pictures Mr Bob as always i really enjoy looking at them, you are wright Mr Bob it’s always good to look back on a year in our life to see what all we have got done and remember all the people we may have lost that did’t get to see a new year,hopeful we can all say it’s been a good year,one things for sure we can’t look ahead all we can do is hope for a the best and hope our health holds up for one more year, i hope you and homer have a great new year and may your walks all be down hill and in the shade.
Thanks Jim, and I wish you the same!!
Great pics Bob. I’m also happy to report that I can finally view the blog via my phone without the menu getting in the way. Your developer must have made some changes.
Joe, that is great news! It’s been way too long coming!