Thoughts from the Road: Divested

DIVESTED One less thing taking up space in my life, in my mind One less object to care for or suffer guilt for its neglect The last one gone at last with a wave and a check and a sigh of relief My thing becomes his thing The baton and burden of ownership passes to...

Skoolie Festival in Troy NC

Troy NC Skoolie Event Training Center and Mid Atlantic Nomads would like to invite all of you to Troy North Carolina April 7th until 17th where we are having a skoolie family event to show people of the area a different way to enjoy life. This event it taking place on...

Meet HOWA’s latest minivan recipients

Once again, the Homes On Wheel Alliance has changed the life of two people — for the better. Debbie and Barbara were each the fortunate recipient of nomad-ready minivans, as well as several days of instruction, mentoring and companionship. Here are their stories....