by Al Christensen | Feb 22, 2022 | Vandwelling Philosophy
We live most of our life surrounded by people who are very willing to tell us who to be, even providing detailed instructions about how, when and where to be it. In most cases, they want us to be someone who fits their picture of the world, fits their agenda. And we...
by Al Christensen | Feb 8, 2022 | Beds, Build-Outs, Roof Racks, Solar Power
We nomads often reuse furniture when we build out or vans, SUVs, skoolies and cargo trailers. Kitchen cabinets and chests of drawers, stools and ottomans, bed frames and such get moved out of houses and into our mobile dwellings. But they’re typically employed as...
by Bob | Feb 2, 2022 | Heating
Nomadic living is miserable when we’re cold. This mobile lifestyle isn’t about testing how much suffering we can withstand. So if you’re going to be in a cold climate, if there are reasons you can’t migrate to milder weather, then a good, effective, reliable heater is...
by Al Christensen | Feb 1, 2022 | Staying Clean
If you don’t have a shower in your traveling home, and if sponge baths just won’t do it for you, what are your options? Some people cobble together shower-like setups using things like garden sprayers, electric pumps, foot pumps, gravity, kiddie pools, tarps and such....
by Bob | Jan 24, 2022 | Hacks, Heating
The Mr. Heater Little Buddy is powerful enough to heat a small space. (3,800 BTU/hour) There are two drawbacks, though, both of which this hack solves. The first issue is that the Little Buddy is tall and top heavy and can easily tip over, even with the plastic ring...
by Bob | Jan 21, 2022 | Heating-Insulation
When asked why she became a nomad, Mary said, “I want less, and I want to enjoy more. I want to live free from the ways of the world and into more genuineness.” So with a little help from friends, relatives and the nomad community she built a very comfortable home on...
by Bob | Jan 20, 2022 | Planning for the Future, RV Living, Vandwelling Philosophy
This site is called Cheap RV Living, yet I don’t live in an RV. Why is that? It’s about finding a balance between comfort and freedom—a balance that works for me, that aligns with my personal priorities. I want—I need—freedom more than comfort. Your priorities might...