Lily and Dior wanted to give RVing a try, with the eventual goal of visiting all the National Parks. They rented an RV and decided they loved traveling that way. Rather than go whole hog and buy an RV right away, Dior figured he could build something with only the carpentry, electrical and plumbing skills he had acquired over the years as a typical homeowner. “The idea,” said Dior, “was that if something went wrong I could fix it myself. If we bought a used RV I wouldn’t know the systems or how to fix it.” The result is what they lovingly call The Ugly Box. The exterior paint might be faded and scabby, but the inside is like a cozy cabin.

They wanted to keep the build-out as light as they could, knowing weight affects fuel mileage. To that end, the closet uses parts from a wire rack and shelving system, and the “door” is a curtain. The kitchen cupboards are made from poly-iso foam board covered with layers of paper bags and resin.

The most notable feature, though, is the handmade composting toilet. The motor from a refrigerator ice maker was repurposed to power the compost agitator.
The most notable feature, though, is the handmade composting toilet. The motor from a refrigerator ice maker was repurposed to power the compost agitator.

Dior credits the web (including Cheap RV Living) for inspiring him to build his own RV and showing him how to do a few things.
If you have a build-out idea you’d like to share, send photos and descriptions to: editor.crvl@gmail.com