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Super Bowl Party!

Now this how you put on a Super Bowl party for 20 vandwellers in the middle of nowhere!
There are lots of antennas that work and will pull in many stations from a long ways away, but vandwellers have unique problems because we move so often and live in such a small space that for a TV antenna to be practical for us it has to be:
- Small enough to carry inside when traveling.
- Strong enough to not be fragile when putting it up and down constantly or be damaged by the strong desert winds
- Effective enough to pull in stations from a long ways away.

On the left is his grill and you can see some of the great food out on the right. An amazing time was had by all!

Chowing down under the shade clothe! That’s Bryce on the far right. Women like football too!
My friend Bryce is one of those that likes to watch TV so he has a two Clearstream antennas and gets pretty good reception most places he goes. One of them is on his cargo trailer which is his Man-Cave in the winter and goes into storage for his summer travels. The other is on his slide-in truck camper which he lives in year-around. You can learn more about his set-up in this post I did on it:
He is also a guy who loves to cook for and entertain others so he’s always looking for an excuse to have a get-together. If you’ve read my blog for long you’ll remember him because he’s cooked a turkey at the last two Thanksgiving dinners (over 40 people at each one) and he regularly hosts breakfasts, movie nights and other gatherings for everyone in camp. He’ll use any excuse to cook for everyone and what better reason than to watch the BIG GAME? So he threw a Super Bowl Party at his camp and this year about 20 of us were there.

Bryce showing off his turkey at Thanksgiving. He can cook just about anything on that grill!!
He cooks on his large barbecue grill and uses it just like an oven. It’s long enough that it has 4 burners and has a large lid that goes up to open and comes down to close. He turns it into an oven by turning the two outer burners on and leaving the inner burners off and closing the lid. The food he’s cooking goes in the middle between the burners so there is no direct flame below the food. Because the lid is closed the heat is captured and stays inside essentially becoming a very good oven. Anything you can make in an oven, he can make in his barbecue grill.
The same idea works for any barbecue grill and I carry a small Weber Portable grill and have used it often as an oven and it works extremely well for that also. It’s too small to cook for large groups like Bryce does, but for a few people it’s perfect. I love mine and highly recommend it: Weber Go-Anywhere Portable Gas Grill

Even from this far away the TV is easy to see.

Even during the daylight you could see the TV really well.
I’m making Videos on my good friends James and Kyndal’s YouTube Channel. See them here:
If you’re interested in living in a converted cargo trailer, check out this video I shot of a couple living in a 6×12 cargo trailer:
If the video doesn’t show above, click or cut and paste this into your browser to watch it:
Thanks for supporting this site by using these links to Amazon. I’ll make a small percentage on your purchase and it won’t cost you anything, even if you buy something different.
ClearStream Indoor/Outdoor HDTV Antenna – 60 Mile Range
Weber Go-Anywhere Portable Gas Grill
Fix It In Foil Cookbook
Looks like U amigos have had a nice & fun gathering, bet the food was delicious !
Has Bryce downsized his cargo trailer ? according to your previous blog he had a huge 8 x 18, that one was nice & big, something like a studio on wheels.
My regards, Lucy.
There was nothing about refrigeration in this article which was included in the title of this blog
This is a test.
Yes, frustrating that subjects listed in the column to the right aren’t accurate. How do I find your recommendations re ice chests and 12v coolers?
I bought the clear stream antenna last summer and haven’t regretted it! TV is better when it is free, I was paying $85 a month for direct tv.
Glad it worked so well for you Kevin! Free is good!!!
I found a DIY HD antenna on YouTube. Made out of a 2×4 and hanger wire. Works great. I get more channels than I can watch. But I’m not a big tv person anyway, so it’s more than enough for me.
Hi CAE, W O W, just like the ‘ good old times ‘ & just like in ‘ the third world countries ‘ that’s is the way they used to do it in South America !!
Mu regards, Lucy.
I’ve seen those, they do work well!
Hey Mr. Bob I must say I really enjoy your videos and see how your very familuar with vans I have a few questions I would like to ask you if you wouldn’t mind emailing me.
Marty, why don;t you email me at I’d also suggest you join my forum where lots of people will answer your questions.
Hey Bob,
We camp hosted with you in 2012. We are starting our full-timing adventure in April so I have been following several related blogs. I love yours because I relate so well to your philosophy. I would like to read your very first post. How do I get to it? Thanks, Cheryl
Hi Cheryl, very nice to her from you again! If you go to the website, on the right hand side-bar is a section titled “Archives” all the posts are there by year and month. Go to the oldest month and click on it.
Hope you like it!
Cae: thanks for sharing the day antanae. We made one and it works great. Nora
Glad it works for you. YouTube is a great source for DIY projects
Thanks, Bob. It was 2009, not 2012, that we camp hosted with you. It’s that age thing, ya know….
Love your blog and pics.
Cheryl, I was pretty sure of that because I didn’t host in 2012! I was confident I knew who you were so I just went with it.
Nice. Who doesn’t want to join a good super bowl party?
Rodrigo, a good time was had by all!
Love your site, Bob. It makes me feel happy!
Defiance, I love to hear that!! God made you to be happy!!! The only sin, is not to be.
Hello! This is my first time posting. I love reading your blog. I am learning and yearning to be a full time RVer. I just wanted to comment about how much I like your acceptance of diverse people. I read your comment about some of the folks being introverts, and thought, “That’s me sometimes.” I wish you and other RVers all the best! I’m happy for you!