How Can We Help?
My Philosophy of Killing in Self-Defense

As much as we try to avoid being victims of crime, it’s still possible. What will you do if you’re life is on the line?
- Do nothing to defend yourself and those around you,
- Or to use a weapon to defend yourself and others.
Which will you choose? Chances are very good that you’ve already given this some thought and made up your mind. My goal is not to change your mind or prove that you’re right or wrong. I’m nobody to tell you how to act! All I can do is tell you what I’ve decided for myself. I really want to avoid coming across like I know it-all and I’m right and you’re wrong, because there is no clear-cut right or wrong on the issue of self-defense and taking another human life. So I’m going to ask and answer questions for myself and for myself alone. You have to answer the questions for yourself. My hope is that if you haven’t made up your mind, you’ll find some ideas to help you do so.
When would you need a Weapon?

This is the Yin Yang symbol from Taoism. It very graphically shows the dance of opposites naturally flowing endlessly into one another and always containing the kernel of the other in itself.
Humans are unique in that we are both predator and prey. On one hand we hunt other animals to kill and eat them, and yet we are also prey to larger or more deadly animals. You may recoil at the thought that you are a predator, but there is no way to get around the fact it is part of your evolutionary past. We like to think we are far removed from the wild but it’s still alive and well inside of us whether we’re aware of it or not. Generally, it’s been so long since it was an active part of our life it’s virtually gone dormant, but for some of us the wild urge to hunt and kill is still very near the surface. If you need proof of that go out into the country in September and you’ll witness the annual hunting season where the predatory urge in humans is in full display!
But humans aren’t just predators in the sense of hunting other animals to eat, we are also predators when it comes to other humans. As modern society becomes more tame, boring and tedious, there are some people with such an overwhelming urge for excitement, adventure and wildness that they simply reject all the normal rules of society and live by their own codes. A prime example of that is the Hells Angels. After World War II a small percentage of American soldiers came home from war and simply could not settle down from the constant adrenaline rush of battle to the straight-jacket life they were offered. So they rejected it, bought war surplus motorcycles and lived a totally lawless, wild and free life. Whether we like it or not a certain percentage of Americas have that same irresistible urge to defy all the normal rules and take whatever they want from whomever they want. There has always been a small percentage like that and there always will be. We need to protect ourselves from them.
Shouldn’t we trust the police to protect us from predators?
Society has an obligation to protect itself from predators so we have Law Enforcement Officers to catch them and prisons to separate them out so they can’t hurt others. But we all know the police can’t be everywhere—their job is to bring you justice after the damage is done. If you want protection while the crime is occurring, that’s up to you and you alone. Each of us are fully responsible for their own self-defense and society doesn’t even pretend otherwise

Society can’t and won’t protect you in your time of need. They come in afterwards and find the person who did it and try to give you justice. But if you are going to be protected, it’s up to you and you alone.
This is basically a religious question so let me define my religious beliefs. I believe in a Higher Power but I believe he speaks to humans through nature. Every human no matter where they live, or in what culture, or at whatever time, see the exact same messages and lessons in nature. Yin and Yang is the single most obvious lesson of nature and every human everywhere can plainly see it. Life and death, predator and prey, darkness and light, summer and winter, dry and wet, male and female, and a million other complimentary opposites are nature’s way. I live my life based on that as the inspired Word of God and base all my moral decisions on it.
Part of Yin and Yang is life flowing into death, flowing back into life again. It’s everywhere in every part of nature and from that I see the lesson of reincarnation. Just like everything else in nature, humans live and die and live again. Our bodies are literally stardust from stars that lived and died billions of years ago and just like them we will live again in another way. So whether this life is long or short, hard or easy, it’s just a tiny, infinitesimally small sliver of our total time here. Death feels like the enemy and it brings us tremendous heartache, but the truth is it is our ally and to be embraced because we know that life can only come from death. I absolutely believe that we can’t truly, fully live until we fully accept death. Human life is no mare sacred than any other life in nature and it doesn’t end with the death of the body, it merely transforms into something else.
You shouldn’t own a weapon unless you are willing to use it. Are you willing to take another life in your own self-defense?
Yes, I am. Death and killing is nature’s way and therefore I believe it is a message directly from “god.” Its nature’s way for there to be predators and that they should kill prey. It’s also nature’s way that prey should do everything it can to keep from being killed, even to the point of killing it’s attacker. That’s the message that everyone can see in nature and in my religious/spiritual view that makes it moral. Because humans are omnivores (eating almost everything) we are both predator and prey so killing in self-defense is a normal and natural part of our life.

The call of the wild still beats in all of our heart. The more we align our lives with it, the better they will be.
No!! Absolutely not!! For millions of years we lived as hunter-gatherers and nearly every anthropologist will tell you that we lived wonderful lives. The greatest mystery in Anthropology today is why we abandoned that way of life and adapted agriculture which naturally led to civilization. Civilization is truly, deeply immoral and evil. As hunter gatherers there was virtually no or very little:
- no crime,
- no murder,
- no genocide,
- no slavery,
- no treating women as possessions,
- no modern diseases,
- no long, grueling days of labor,
- no rape, (Sex was considered normal and natural and not as dirty or immoral so rape never occurred in any primitive culture we’ve studied. When the first good, civilized, Christian men started raping Native Americans they had never seen anything like it before and didn’t even have a word for it.)
None of those things are found in nature and they are not nature’s way. All of them are the wonderful gift of “civilization” and us “rising above our animal natures.” Animals (including hunter-gatherers) don’t do those things, only civilized men do them! It’s very interesting that every time civilization invaded the land of hunter-gatherers, 100% of them rejected civilization as a horribly immoral way to live. So being good civilized Christian people who had risen above our animal natures we promptly slaughtered and enslaved them, stealing everything they had and treating them like dirty animals.
I not only don’t want us to rise above our animal natures, I want us to return to them so we can finally start living moral lives again!
How can you live with yourself if you kill another person?
Killing someone in self-defense is nature’s way, and following nature’s way is always moral. What is not nature’s way is to do nothing to help another person. Generosity is the highest value in every aboriginal culture. The idea of failing to help someone by giving your all to them was the highest immorality. For you to eat while someone else went hungry was one of the few crimes that would get you excommunicated from the tribe. In the same way, if I see you being attacked by another person the moral thing is for me to do everything in my power to protect you from them including hurting or killing your attacker.
The question in my mind is not how can I live with myself if I kill someone in self-defense, but how can I live with myself if I don’t defend another person to the utmost of my ability–including using any level of violence that is called for.
Some people think that it’s okay to fight to defend others, but not okay to fight to defend yourself. I can understand that position, but I don’t agree. I am as worthy of life as anyone else and it’s against nature’s way for me not to do everything I can to live.
As a prepper, will you kill to defend your supplies?
I can’t give you a simple yes or no answer to that. Nature has two conflicting moral absolutes:
- Generosity toward the tribe and strangers is mandatory.
- Fighting to live is nature’s way.
Sometimes they can appear to conflict and you have to work out a balance between them. Each situation is different and must be handled individually. I don’t have a blanket answer.
This post got too long so in the next post we’ll look at my recommendations for weapons.
I can’t even start on how I love this post. These are my thoughts on crime and nature down to the t! I have several guns and a lot of ammo so that I can kill my own food if the necessity arises, or so that I can keep someone (or something! Bears can be awful and mountain lions are a big threat in the forest area I am in) from harming me or my animals.
Thanks Myddy! Makes me wonder about your sanity though if you agree with me–cause I’m kinda nuts!
Generosity toward the tribe and strangers is mandatory.
Fighting to live is nature’s way.
Si this is something to think about. I am the only prepper in my family and my friends. When the shtf does come around, how do we decide, with whom,to share our limited supplies with our loved ones. I am still pondering this.
Thanks for another positive and insightful article Bob.
I agree Wayne, it’s not an easy question to answer. I’m reminded of the great Chief Joseph who was running with his tribe from the vile white men chasing him. They had chased him from Oregon and he was almost to Canada (I think in Montana) when they came across a group of starving whites. Whites had treated them so despicably that they would have been totally justified to slaughter them all and move on. Instead he followed the ancient ways of his people and gave them all the food and horses they could spare and went on. Possibly because of that the cavalry caught up with him and returned him to a reservation.
I hope I am half the man he was.
I will note that your religious views, as expressed here, are as close to mine as anyone’s I have known. That does not bind either of us in how we use what we see, though. Especially in life-and-death actions, acting on one’s own values is essential. Thanks for encouraging people to think of those values before they encounter the need to act.
Calvin, that really is my goal, to think things through and possibly give some food for thought.
I believe all level minded individuals should be able to own guns and rifles. I have noticed there has been an increase in weapons in my area, because of stray bullets. A few years back my neighbors house was hit by a bullet and my other neighbor’s livestock ($2000 bull) was shot. I believe there should be a mandatory law, that you should take a safety course, because of these idiots. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been around gun since I was in the 4th grade with adult supervision and also served in the military. But there is a lot of folks out there that don’t have any idea how far a bullet will travel. Safety first……
The big problem is most people don’t take the responsibility of owning weapons seriously and are so very “stupid” about guns. I go by the saying “it’s your right to keep and bear arms, but your responsibility to know how to adequately use them”.
I didn’t grow up around guns, but I knew where the knives were. I learned from family and friends (I did start learning how to shoot at my aunt and uncle’s ranch when I was twelve). Before I bought my first firearm, I did take the ccw course for the arizona concealed weapons course. One, I wanted to get some training first, as well as after I purchased, and two, I really did not want anyone asking questions.
It isn’t fun when conflict arises, especially when it ends in physical harm or death, but it does happen. I am one that doesn’t like conflict, but have faced it head on. Most of my life I have been able to avoid conflict or be able to deal with it without needing violence, thank God.
Douglass, I’m sure nearly all of us hope to avoid violence if at all possible. Fortunately, most of us do.
Growing up on a ranch is a real blessing!
I visited them at their ranch for several years. It’s kind of my quiet place if you will. I only live in the city because I have to work.
Chuck, that is very good advice. It probably should be the law to take a safety class before you can buy a gun, but until then it is just simple common sense to get all the training you can.
Great post, Bob! How interesting that you would post this today. Just early this morning, at 4:30 am, I had a pretty scary incident where a group of young people decided it was okay to pull into my camp, hop out of their car and pee in the bushes about 10 feet from the doorway of my van. I was going to pull out asap and just avoid any kind of conflict (they obviously were just very insensible, uncaring about other people’s privacy, drunk or all three). So, I began by removing my totes from the driver’s seat to try to make a quick getaway. One of the totes hit the horn. Oops! My passenger side window was partially down so, the one guy peeing in the bushes says,” Oh, hello”! So, I had to now confront them. I felt it was interesting how that scenario played since I’m one that dislikes conflict and would rather just avoid it. It was like the universe orchistrated my having to deal. So, deal I did.I began with my typical blanket statement when people pull into my campsite. “Excuse me, but WE (I pretend I have a husband in the back sleeping with a gun at his side, but, haven’t had to bring him up yet with anyone) have family coming in tonight for that site. Please would you leave.”
“Oh, we only need to be here for 30 minutes,” was the reply from the young man. I replied, “Well, we’re trying to sleep (duh it’s F-ing 4:30 in the morning…geeeesh!!) and there are other campsites up the road. Can you please leave now?!,” I spoke as authoritatively, yet as calmly as I could.”
“Oh, Okay, we didn’t know.” They hopped in their car and left in the opposite direction from the campsites I mentioned and thankfully, didn’t return. Oddly enough, I was awake before that incident. Almost like the universe was preparing me for this. This is the second time in almost a year of my being on the road that someone has just nonchalantly pulled right into my camp without consideration that someone else was occupying the camp. Very mindblowing and odd indeed, in my opinion, but, I know there are people like this out there. Currently, my main defenses are my dog, a shovel or hiking pole, pepper spray and sharp knife. I hope to up that to a gun (or kayak flare gun) with hopes I’ll never need to let anyone know I have it.
As a soloist out here, I have experienced, as I typically have in my life, very good luck and fortune. But, I still take many precautions out here. I am not friendly to just anyone I meet out here. In fact, I tend to avoid people when I’m camping unless I feel a really good vibe from them.
I really would like to get a gun and go through the training in the hopeful near future. It may be high time to do this, even though I tend to have good fortune and avoid catastrophe. I prefer to be extra prepared. Since it seems Friday night and Saturday night (the party night when more drunk folks are about) are the days both these uninvited visitors came, I will aim to lay out a “gate” to keep people from coming into my camp just for those evenings. I have large bush debris and lovely rubbish such as tires I can add to the barricade as well.
I look forward to the next installment about guns! Thank you!
I have also started training in hand to hand self defense as an added layer of protection, an added option. I do prefer to keep conflict at a distance, which is why I have deterents at camp like firearms and knives. But I do keep those under raps. If you are ever in the phoenix area let me know. My friends and I train regularly.
Wow, Gloria, most people never have any problems and you have already had two in a year! Fortunately neither time was too bad, but I’m sure it was just as scary as if it had gotten bad. The gate seems like a good idea, but nothing will let you feel as safe as having a gun nearby.
This winter let’s plan on going shooting in the desert to see if a gun might be for you.
Yes, I’m on for that, Bob! I’m planning to be in the desert again, unless I get swept off my feet by a gal! LOL I’m hoping she’d come with me though to the desert. It’s so funny. While I was in the desert, I couldn’t WAIT to be up here in the mountains. Now, that I’ve seen almost all the places (except Tahoe and the shore) I’m going to reverse camp in, I CAN’T WAIT to get back to the desert to see you all! So funny!
I’m exactly the same way Gloria, by spring I’m tired of the desert and can’t wait to get back to the mountains and forest, but by fall I’m tired of the mountains and forests and can’t wait to get back to the desert!!
We are very lucky people to be able to move and have both!!
That’s one of the things that I like about Arizona, mountains and forests as well as the desert. Both are beautiful. I can be up in the hills of arizona in less than two hours. Still warmer than the northern parts of the continent, but still not 120 degrees.
Me too Douglas. Arizona is a snowbirds paradise!
Yes, it’s our nature to protect ourselves and those we love. No, I cannot kill another person. So, either I would die or my daughter would shoot them.
Hopefully the latter Linda!! I’m sure you have, but maybe some form of non-lethal weapon?
I do like your blogs and have enjoyed reading them. I have started taking up more on the hunter/gatherer aspect while out in the desert and even in the city. I have eaten “weed” seeds, including globe mallow, which seems prevalent in the phoenix area. I just don’t stuff out of yards, they may have used pesticides. In my own yards, I don’t use pesticides anymore and never have in my backyard. I don’t like being sick.
You and I seem to have a very close view on self defense, at least based on this post. I would rather have a firearm and not need it than to need it and not have it. I also keep knives around as well as keeping aware of my surroundings. I do listen to my instincts, but don’t always act on them, because sometimes it’s a false feeling, but keep aware of my surroundings and keep an even more heightened awareness while in the area.
Douglas, to me the question is why wouldn’t you have a firearm around? Yes, it does require a commitment of time in learning and practicing but a few hours 3-4 times a year is all it should take to keep up a minimum of proficiency. And for many of us it is fun so we do it even more.
It seems like the cost is very low compared to the possible benefits.
I had to send this, being this is all about weapons. A friend emailed me this…
Medicare Part G. Something to look forward to.
Medicare Part G
You’re a sick senior citizen and the government says there is no nursing
home care available for you.
So what do you do?
Medicare Part G gives anyone 65 years, or older, a gun (G) and 4 bullets to shoot four Politicians.
Of course, this means you’ll be sent to prison, where you will receive three meals a day, a roof over your head,
central heating and air conditioning and all the health care you need.
Need new teeth? No problem. Need glasses? That’s great. Need a new hip, knees, kidney, lungs or heart? They’re all covered.
As an added bonus, your kids can come and visit you at least as often as they do now.
And who will be paying for all of this?
The same government that just told you they can’t afford for you to go into a home.
And, you can get rid of 4 useless
politicians while you’re at it.
Plus, because you are a prisoner, you don’t have to pay any income taxes anymore.
Is this a great country or
Chuck, that is a little bit biting, but it certainly gives you food for thought!
It is difficult to fathom where confused thinking and sociopathiic tendencies originate in some of the sentiments expressed in a post like this but I suspect a healthy dose of self-loathing near the source.
This is my honest assessment. I think the author might be wise to be better prepared and think things through more thoroughly before posturing on such weighty matters to the general public.
I’m sure you’re right Jim! But, I sure am happy.
Hi Jim. I expected wildly differing points of view on the subject of self defense as evidenced by your post. Without getting into a trolling match, I would like to understand you better. Why do you think the author has sociopathic tendencies? It seems he cares a great deal about self defense and the the health and well-being of others. Perhaps you disagree with how he does about that, but “sociopathic”? You’ll need to back that up if anyone is to understand you.
I found his information fairly well researched and put together. Perhaps you are better prepared and able to demonstrate how to think things through on such a weighty matter. I’m interested in learning, not hearing someone basically say, “Your wrong,” and leave it at that. No one learns from that. Would you mind filling us in on your point of view?
Most of us here are mature men and women; we can handle discussing the topic of predatory behavior and self defense. You may be in the minority with your opinion, but this forum is much better than most to discuss such a topic. You will likely be treated with respect by all- as long as you treat people fairly in your comments and bring some reasoning to back up those comments.
I would like to hear your point of view on the matter, even if we disagree on it. But, it looks like drinkwater left before he could give a reply.
Let me specify, I would like to hear drinkwaters way of thinking. I do enjoy listening to others, even when sometimes I need to hold my emotions back.
I’ve asked about what I can do to protect my dog from lethal force. Legally, a dog is property; it has no more value than a big screen TV. If my dog were cornered and couldn’t get away from a predator, I would protect my “property”. If the predator was using such force against my dog that I could also be grievously injured while protecting my property (the dog), I could then use lethal force to protect myself from the predator. I would not be able to use lethal force to protect my dog.
If the exact situation occurred, but instead of my dog, the criminal was going after my car, I would let him have it. Legally, I could stand my ground, but I wouldn’t. Lethal force is a big deal. I couldn’t live with myself if I shot a misguided, teenaged car thief. I could, however, easily live with myself if I shot a misguided, teenaged car thief who tried to kill me while I was trying to run away.
I really like your statement about how generosity was one of the most moral things a person could do. I remember being bullied when I was a kid. Being punched and pushed around bothered me a lot at the time, but it doesn’t bother me at all now. Kids do dumb things; why dwell on that now that I’m an adult? What I haven’t completely gotten over, even though it has been 30 years, are the adults who passively stood by and watched me get beat up or watched them steal my things. Those adults failing to act to defend a child has been one of the highest forms of immorality I’ve ever been subject to. Far worse than most any crime I’ve experienced and I’ve had more than my fair share.
Being a giving person isn’t just a good trait, it is a way of life. A healthy life.
I agree totally Canine!
I’d love to see some citations regarding the anthropological assertions made in your post.
Mike, it would take me too long to list all the resources, the one I can give to you easily is:
Stone Age Economics by Marshal Sahlins
Thanks 🙂
With a dog, it can easily attack you as it attacked your pet. The main difference, at least the way I see it, a pet is the domesticated version of a wild animal. A lot of wild animals, like wolves, either have had or still have legal protections. Domesticated dogs are cousins to the wolf. A lot of people consider them part of their family, not just property, like laws seem to consider them. It is a slippery slope legally. My dog seems to have somewhat of a protection instinct when it comes to both my wife and I, but especially my wife.
I don’t kill anything lightly. My view on hunting, is that if you kill an animal, use all of it that a human can consume or use for tools, clothing, etc. I also give thanks for the animal that just gave its life. I even give thanks for the meat that I purchase at the store. An animal gave it’s life so that I may live.
I don’t like the idea of taking a human life, but sometimes if it means keeping my family safe from a predatory human, then….
OK my turn. I don’t want offend anyone you may all do as you wish. But…
2/3rds of all gun deaths are suicide In 2010, 19,932 suicides to 11,398 murders.One of the biggest factors in suicide is having a gun around. Simple as that.
There was a peak of homicides around 1993 that has lessened greatly from 14,000 to around 6,200 in 2011. No one really knows why. Even with the mass shootings the numbers are lower. When first person shooting games became popular the numbers of shooting deaths plummeted. Some investigators think banning lead in gasoline contributes to less gun violence but its not quite clear. There are many more guns out there, but fewer people actually own guns, so what people who own guns do is buy more… Grown men collect guns like little girls collect dolls… All this statistical info was from an article on, yes, a very serious well reasearched site worth perusing. If I went to long or offended anyone, sorry.
Suicide is technically murder, that of ones self. I have either seen or heard people killing themselves by cutting, diving off some sort of overpass or ledge, driving a car over a ledge, and other assorted ways. Having had firearms around my house for well over a decade and having been around firearms for my whole life in one way or another, I have never though of using a firearm to kill myself. I have had bouts with depression, but seeing a firearm or having one around didn’t make me think of killing myself. It’s the tools that one has around to do something. If someone really has a desire to do something, they will find a way with whatever tool they can get their hands on. It’s the underlying issues, not the tools, that are the problems. I could throw a wrench at someone and it’s still assault, whether it was a wrench or a fist, or whatever is available.
Like you, I don’t mean to offend. If you would please email me, I would like to further this discussion offline via email.
Look up the article, it covers all that. That section started with the fact that most gun deaths wee caused by the owner of that gun against the owner of that gun. The point is a firearm, if available, is the first choice. I am not against gun ownership, I am not even against suicide really, but I just was citing statistics as stated in the article.
When I was a kid the Husband of one of my teachers swam out to sea with an inner tube, tied himself to it and shot himself with a pistol. That seems like a lot of work to me.
jonthebru, no offense at all!! Reasoned discussions are always welcome!
Let me offer an alternative theory of why homicides have decreased since the mid-90s: Since then Concealed Carry Permits have swept across the nation!
I don’t have time to do a lot of research but wikipedia says this about CCW Permi:ts
Regulations differ widely by state, with most states currently maintaining a “Shall-Issue” policy. As recently as the mid-’90s most states were No-Issue or May-Issue, but over the past 30 years states have consistently migrated to less restrictive alternatives.
Before the mid-90s it was nearly impossible to carry a gun concealed and now it is as common as dirt. Quite a coincidence isn’t it!?
Logically, it seems like the gun-nuts were right all along that the more guns in the hands of the good-guys the safer we are.
Suicide is the number one reason I don’t own a gun. It would be way too convenient, when I am in my deep, no hope depression, when it feels like things will always be dark, it would make it too easy.
A friend of mine killed himself with his shotgun, in his home. I do wonder if the outcome would have been different of it wasn’t so easy for him to do it.
There was a place in the article that did say, stable people should be allowed guns. When I read that I had to laugh, because how do you know who is stable? When people meet me they have no idea I have major depression issues. When it’s all said and done, each individual gets to decide what is best for them
Having said all that, I do believe people have the right to own guns. Let’s face it, the criminals have them, why not responsible citizens.
Keep on going, after my own son took his life with a gun, I went through some deep depression myself. At one point suicide seemed like a valid option to me as well. Every so often the thought of how to do it would occur to me and for some reason a gun never was one of them, I don’t know why.
I understand fully your point of view, but I can’t agree.
I have chosen to be responsible for my actions as well as the actions of those in my household and my family.
If something happens in my household, it’s my responsibility. It boils down to personal responsibility for everyone.
Another thing is choice, in the usa we have the right to choose to own or not to own weapons, at least in parts of the country, here in arizona is a prime example. Because I have chosen to do so, I take up the responsibility that comes with such a choice. My parents are even considering purchases, I can assure you, they are very well adjusted and stable individuals, they are the ones that taught me about personal responsibility. I didn’t take it all that seriously until after I turned twenty.
No arguement from me on any of that.
Hi Bob,
I just bought Xantrax Prowatt 1000 watt for 250.00 through your Amaze Store. I just wander do you real get pay for it. I don’t know, but I hope you do.
Take care
Patrick, yes, I get a small percentage of purchases made through the website. It’s called an affiliate program and anybody with a website can do it.
This is a very heavy topic but a good one. I hope that none of you end up in a situation where you find out how you would react.
Bob – I’m coming out to western Colorado, Moab and northern AZ at the end of May to MTb, camp and enjoy true freedom. Hopefully I can meet up with the tribe!
Joe, I fully expect to never have to deal a self-defense situation but I think it is good to be prepared.
Sorry, I’m leaving this week for our Alaska trip. By late May I should be in Canada.
Hi Bob. Just a few thoughts about protection based on my experience with the subject. When I lived in TX where almost anything goes concerning weapons/self defense I owned a 12 gauge pump with a pistol grip. I liked the weapon mostly because when you rack a shell into it whoever was up to anything wrong usually left immediately. So confrontations were avoided…that’s always the best result. I also liked the pistol grip because the weapon could be swung in tight quarters effortlessly and an additional plus with the weapon was it would shoot long range and hurt innocent neighbors.
Now that I live in a state that doesn’t even allow mace without a permit (forget guns!)I use foaming hornet spray that shoots 20 feet plus. It’s a household product that isn’t illegal here and should the police question why I used it I can just say I picked up the nearest thing I could and used it to defend myself. It is effective because it not only blinds the intruder but burns so bad they are incapacitated. After a visit to the hospital the criminal will regain their sight so there’s no chance of having to defend myself from a lawsuit.
If anyone is afraid to use a gun or has moral objections to killing an intruder they should get themselves the hornet spray and stay safe.
Chris, those are great suggestions, thanks!
I’m late to this posting, but I’d like to add that the author Richard Bach, who wrote the book “Jonathon Livingston Seagull” put it very well in a couple of books he wrote with his second wife, Leslie Parrish. The Bridge Across Forever, and One.
In it he explained why they were proponents of armed self defense. It is a belief that we have, as well. My wife and I are both veterans…I was in combat for 23 months. I abhor war and killing…however, should someone attack my wife (as an example) they have already made their choice to die. That is on them, not on my or her…we would do what is necessary, just and moral.
I totally agree MN2MX! Some people ask how could you live with yourself if you take someone else’s life and my answer is how can I live with myself if I didn’t do everything I possibly could to defend another person from harm. I can much easier live with the attackers blood on my hands instead of the victims.
I agree 100% Bob. The way you explain it is the way I see it but could never find the right words to share my attitude with family and friends. A lawyer I once had to hire advised (off the record of course and I have never once shared his name or location) me if I ever found myself in the position of having to kill someone in self defense the very first thing out of my mouth to law enforcement should be ” I thought he was going to kill me” and the less I said the better other than explaining what happened. Respectfully and with tact requesting the presence of a attorney could save you alot of grief in the future. Too many have learned this the hard way. Thank you for sharing this Bob. You are a survivor and I admire and respect that! Good luck in your travels.
Thanks John, I agree with everything you say 100%!