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Choosing a State of Residence
One of the more confusing parts of being a Nomad is, if you have no permanent home, what state should you live in, what do you use for an address and how do you get mail? That’s always been fairly difficult but after 911 the heightened security around identification has made it much more complicated and then on top of that getting health insurance through Obomacare has strongly impacted your choice of state of Residence. I’ve written on this topic before but there have been so many changes it’s time for an update covering all the recent changes.
The good news is there is a fairly easy solution to all the problems but there a lot of details to cover so this will be four posts looking at each segment of the issue:
- Introduction and choosing a State of Residence
- Mail Forwarders and getting a physical address.
- Drivers Licenses and Real ID and what you need to get one.
- The impact of Health Insurance on your decisions.
Before we go into details let me give you a broad overview of the steps you need to take:
- Choose a state of residence.
- Get a mail forwarder in that state and a physical address.
- Insure and register your vehicles in the state.
- Get a Drivers License in your state.
- Sign up for health insurance in your state and get a Primary Care Physician.
Laid out like that it looks pretty simple but it can get pretty convoluted because many of your decisions are based on future actions, for example, if you qualify for Obomacare your choice of state heavily impacts the health care you can get. Auto insurance and registration also strongly impacts your choice of state. For example, if you want to convert a van, step-van, or school bus and get it registered as an RV some states make that very difficult and some make it very easy. Nevada insists my 1 ton van must be commercial which makes insurance and registration very expensive so I switched it to Arizona and now I don’t have to buy commercial insurance for my van–that saved me several hundred dollars a year.
The bottom line is you need to have an overview of all the factors clearly in your mind before you make any firm decisions. I’m going to lay out the broad reasons one state might be better or worse, but you are going to have to do the legwork of finding what will work best for you.
When all is said and done the great majority of full-time nomads chose one of these three states because they offer the most advantages:
- South Dakota
- Texas
- Florida
Others in contention that some chose instead are Nevada, Tennessee, Wyoming and Montana. Here are the most important factors affecting why you would chose one state over another:
1- No income tax.
If you are young and still working, then choosing a state without an income tax will save you some money every year and also save you the hassle of having to file a state tax return. The following states have no income tax:
- Alaska,
- Florida,
- Nevada,
- South Dakota,
- Texas,
- Washington,
- Wyoming.
Tennessee also doesn’t have an income tax, but it does have a 6% tax on interest and dividends. If that doesn’t apply to you, then you could include Tennessee on the list.
But it isn’t that simple because many states have an income tax, but exempt certain kinds of income. For example, if you’re only income is Social Security a total of 36 states do not tax it so you can add them to your list because they don’t tax Social Security. Of those 36, these three stand out as being good candidates in other ways:
- California (because of it’s strong social safety net of services to low-income people)
- Arizona (you can spend the whole year there and be at reasonable temperatures the whole time, low cost, 5 year, auto registration; very long time on your drivers license)
- Oregon (which also doesn’t have a sales tax, making it very desirable to Nomads)
A great web page covering the tax impact of different states is this one made by AARP:
2- Lower vehicle registration and tax rates.
Your yearly costs to pay taxes and registration on your vehicle can vary tremendously state-to-state, especially for newer vehicles, so you’ll want to call any states you’re considering and ask for a quote. Also, some states will let you pay for several years in advance and charge you less for it. That lets you save money and the headache of dealing with the DMV every year. For example, Arizona let me register my 2001 Chevy van for 5 years for less than $130 total, that’s pretty cheap. Carmax has an online tax and tag calculator for all the states, find it here:
3- Lower auto insurance costs.
You might find that you save a lot of money on your van insurance when you change states, or, you may find you end up paying much more. This is another area where you just have to do the leg work and call your insurance provider to get quotes on every state you are considering. I moved from North Carolina to Nevada, and my insurance went up. Had I moved to South Dakota instead, it would have gone down. Worse, Nevada required my 1 ton van to be registered as commercial and I could not change it. So I registered it in Arizona (even though I remained a Nevada Resident) as a non-commercial private vehicle and my insurance dropped by over $200 a year. This web page is good for choosing the best and worst states for cost of vehicle insurance:

Arizona offers a 5 year Registrations tag, saving you money and time! My 2001 Chevy van cost me $130 for 5 years! Pretty cheap!
4- No or little vehicle inspections, especially emissions inspections.
Not only are inspections expensive and a possible hassle, but if they require you to return to your state every year to get one you have to factor in the cost of driving and time to get there. If at all possible, you want a state with no inspections. However, in many states the inspections are county based, one county will require them and another won’t. That’s true of both Nevada and Arizona. The counties with the big cities require them, and none of the others do. So in both cases I chose a county without them and have never had to get an inspection in either state. This web-page does a good job of explaining the different rules of different states:
5-Some states makes it easier (or harder) to become a resident.
Because of the fast-changing Federal Rules about Real ID, many states are now requiring you to bring in physical proof of being a resident of the state and it’s only going to get worse. We’ll go into that in more detail in a later post, but suffice it to say that as of now South Dakota is among the best and only requires you to spend one night in an RV Park or Motel and bring in that receipt as proof of residency. My home state of Nevada is much more typical and requires you to bring in a receipt for 30 days rental at an apartment, motel or RV Park to get a Real ID Drivers License.
6-Health Insurance Issues:
We’ll talk about this in detail later but for now you need to know that with the passage of the Affordable Care Act (commonly called Obamacare) a whole new wrinkle was added to your choice of a state to become a resident. If you are even fairly low income, then you probably qualify for some amount of government assistance in purchasing health insurance through Obamacare (you can make a surprising amount of money and still get a lot of help with your health insurance). For example, I make $24,000 a year and the Federal government is paying $350 a month of my $400 a month insurance bill.
I’m going to cover this in detail in another post but what I want you to see now is that which state of residence you choose has a major impact on your Obamacare choices in these two ways:
- To get Obamacare you must go through the Exchange and it is based on what each state offers. One very big issue is that in many states there are no Health Insurance Policies offered that have Nationwide Coverage. They only cover care given in approved places in your state (they all must cover emergency room visits in any state). As a full-time Nomad who is rarely in your home state, essentially that means you don’t have coverage. As of right now, I don’t believe any of the Big 3 states offer a Nationwide plan–they used to, but don’t any more.
- I know how strange this is, but if your income is too low you won’t qualify for Obamacare. Instead the ACA turns over coverage of low-income health insurance to the states as Extended Medicaid. The Federal Government pays for low income people to get Health Insurance but the states must choose to offer it. The assumption was that all states would offer it–why would they deny their citizens free health care that cost the state nothing? But many states hated Obamacare so much they put the needs of their citizens behind that hatred and refuse to take the money to give to their citizens. If you are low income, you want to choose a state that offers Expanded Medicaid. More about that later. This web page shows which states do and do not offer expanded Medicaid:

If you’re too low income, then you don’t qualify for Obamacare and must get it from your home state under Expanded Medicaid. The states in blue do NOT offer it, the states in green DO offer it. Notice that Florida, Texas and South Dakota will NOT give it to you, but Nevada will.
7-Attitude toward Politics.
Wherever you fall on the political spectrum, wouldn’t you rather support a state with the same attitude? A prime example of that is guns: if you love guns finding a state that allows easy open carry and getting a Concealed Carry Permit would be very important. On the other hand, if you hate guns wouldn’t you rather be in a state that puts strict limits on open carry and concealed carry?
One reason I chose Nevada is their very Libertarian view of peoples rights. In many ways, it believes how you live your life is no ones business but your own, so they don’t bother you–including guns and home-schooling. Like me, it’s an odd mish-mash of liberal and conservative views. It’s not perfect, but it works for me.
8-Finally, and MOST Important, choose a state based on location.
In my opinion the single most important issue about state of residence is it’s location. No matter what, you’ll have to go back to your state eventually and the closer it is to where you spend your time the better. Most Drivers Licenses are good for 4-6 years and that means nearly all of us have to go back at least that often.
I chose Nevada for this very reason, I spend nearly all of my time in the West and therefore I pass nearby Nevada very often. Where I spend my winters in Arizona is only a few hours from my home base of Pahrump, NV and I can be there in an easy days drive. South Dakota has several important advantages over Nevada, but it’s 1500 miles from my winter base so I never even considered it. Texas is much too far away and I hate their politics and hope to never set foot in the state again. Florida has numerous advantages, but it’s a world away.
Location is especially important with Obamacare limited to your state of residence. I’m almost always within a days drive of Nevada and in the winter, I’m only a few hours away. It’s easy for me to get a Primary Care Provider there and go visit him every spring or fall. In an emergency I can go to the ER anywhere and then make my way over to Nevada. The weather isn’t as good as Quartzsite, but I could easily spend a winter there getting health care if necessary. It’s the only Big Four state I’d want to spend a year around in because it has high enough National Forests to be bearable.

I made my decision based on location. All the other states were much too far away to be practical as Home Base, And with Obamacare, you want your state to also be a Home base.
For most people the big three (Florida, Texas, South Dakota) work well. Of those three South Dakota would be my first choice. However, none of them offer Medicaid Expansion so if you are low income you can’t get Obamacare (but Nevada does offer it). And none of them offer a Nationwide insurance policy through Obamacare so unless you are close to the state you can’t use your health insurance.
So there is a broad overview of which state to choose and in my next post we’ll talk about what to use for addresses and getting a Mail Forwarder
I’m making Videos on my good friends James and Kyndal’s YouTube Channel. See them here:
I did the South Dakota thing. I would probably be doing the Nevada residency/Arizona vehicle registration thing if it weren’t for the 6-month residency requirement. Me stay someplace six months? Six DAYS is hard enough for me. I suppose I could rent a place and almost never be there, though.
I mean 30 days, not 6 months. (Senior moment, there.) Even so…
Al, exactly right, it is just 30 days and when I do it I wont even move into the RV Park, I’ll dry camp outside of town. All you need is the piece of paper saying you rented it.
What piece of paper?..
Thanks Bob. I was just thinking about this as I am moving to AZ.
Glad to be timely Cae.
Montana isn’t knuckling under to REAL ID yet, so that is a plus. Health insurance here is uber expensive. We have income tax, but no sales tax. Property taxes are high, which really isn’t much of an issue to nomads, but because property taxes are so high, it is worth mentioning. Very little selection for quality solar (if you can even find solar) or other current technologies. Most of the good stuff is a long ways away. Not centrally located and has tough winters. Some areas of get crazy muddy. Montana for the most part lets you do what you want as long as you aren’t hurting anyone else. You must be in Montana for 12 months to be considered a resident. You are allowed to live elsewhere for 30 days. It cost me about $150 to permanently register my 4X4 pickup. Any vehicle over 11 years old can be permanently registered. Motorcycles and trailers are always permanently registered. Driver’s licenses last 8 years.
Overall, not the best place for most, but wanted to throw that info out there for comparison.
Canine, it will be tough when Montana residents aren’t allowed on airliners, they may conform then.
A REAL ID isn’t needed. A passport will still get a traveler on a plane even if that person is in a state that is non-compliant with REAL ID.
Canine, yes, a passport will work. Do you think 100% of people from Montna have a passport? Wouldn’t it be easier for them to get a Real ID drivers license than a passport?
Being so close to Canada, probably most of you do have a passport, but still, if I lived in Montana i’d still rather see the state get Real Id than be forced to carry my passport just to get on a plane.
Before REAL ID everyone needed a passport to get into Canada or Mexico or other countries. Or at least get back into the States. I’m not OK with a Federal database that further tracks individuals, further reducing our privacy. Many of us as nomads like our privacy. With Montana, we are legislatively prohibited from adopting REAL ID. This is in part to maintain a proper balance of power between federal and state government. Federal overreach is a big concern of mine, so that would help explain my stance against a national database for everyone that wanted an ID.
I should be able to drive throughout the U.S. without being tracked. Anytime I use a REAL ID (to buy beer, etc.) that information is stored in a database. That bugs me.
Is it easier to just get a REAL ID? No. Giving up more privacy in the guise of safety is not easier especially in the long run. Keeping track of everyone won’t provide more scrutiny to identify the true criminals. I’ve never been a fan of Nanny States and REAL ID is one more step toward that.
I find it interesting that you don’t mind REAL ID. It is interesting how we have our ideas. It would be easier if we always agreed on everything. It pains me to have such a differing view than you because I sure respect what you’ve done for me and many others. What you do is greatly valued and appreciated.
Canine, I’m not sure that Real ID will automatically lead to a database of all our actions. That seems a little unlikely to me.
Bear in mind, I’ve already written the whole mess off and dropped out so I don’t have strong opinions on these kinds of things. It’s my goal to contribute as little as I can to Western Civilization and have the least possible to do with it. The sooner the whole effing thing collapses, the better.
12 months? When I moved to Montana last fall, I was able to get a DL (and start paying state taxes!) immediately. Six months for resident price for hunting license though.
Be aware you need proof of physical address (lease or mortgage/title, not just DL) to get a PO Box, but not UPS store mailbox. Blame mail scammers for that one!
Thanks for that good info curiousAlexa!
A note on the Expanded Medicaid map. Ohio has that; I was on it for a couple of years prior to finally getting my official disability. I’ve studied the “domicile” issue over several years, changing my preferences as my situation resembled a roller coaster. Very likely I will use either Ohio or Nevada. Ohio is easier and I’m already established here, with a physical address and everything. If I reach the point of not returning here every four years, Nevada would be the next choice. My favorite place to be is Arizona, but someone I trust had a tough time with Medicaid there and they have some elected officials that horrify me.
However, my final decision is subject to actually spending time in various places to see how my asthma and arthritis respond to different climates.
Hi Calvin, I have read that there is something very simple that works in many instance for arthritis & is… tea made out of ginger roots. You slice it very thin, let it soak for 10- 15 minutes in good ( filtered ) water, make the whole thing boil, take off the fire, or microwave, cover it & let it cool down. Then drink it. Hope it helps.
Perhaps you may want to search ‘ healing properties of ginger roots ‘ on GOOGLE.
My regards, Lucy.
I just read that a warm ginger tea with a little honey is also productive for asthma…Hey, you may have some solution there for your 2 maladies ! Just make sure you are not allergic to either one !
Best of luck !
Thank you for the ginger idea! This will save me a lot of money, now that I do not have to go to the doctor for prescription medicines for pain. I guess ginger has NO side effects. That is very good.
Carl, ginger has been used by chinese people for thousands of years it must have ‘ something good ‘ in it for them to do so. I have 3 friends that could swear their arthritis improved since they began taking ginger. I figure that if a person is NOT allergic to it giving a try is not that difficult. My friends take one ginger tea in AM & other before going to bed. If you’re interested to give a try go to GOOGLE to search for: ” healing properties of ginger roots ‘, there is quite a bit of information about it.
Good lock, let us know if worked for you ( please )
Lucy, that’s some great information, thank you.
Carl, I don’t know about side effects of ginger, every time I ingest IT is when I eat oriental food, I haven’t had problems, but we are ALL different & react differently to food or medications etc, thus to be on the safe-side check on the WEB, or better yet, check with you physician, U can not go wrong asking your doctor.
My regards. Lucy.
Calvin, my girlfriend had a terrible time getting on Medicare Part B in AZ, but i just helped a friend get on Expanded Medicaid and it was as simple and easy as could be. I hope that mean they are correcting the problems.
If I recall, getting on Medicaid was easy for her, but using it was another matter. That’s the situation with Florida also, as far as I know. (I haven’t studied Florida much.) Utah is noticeably worse. I suspect that state-by-state political issues affect the number and quality of providers available to Medicaid patients. I know that Medicaid changes in its details here depending on the legislature and budget.
Thanks Calvin. Medicaid is something I know very little about.
Update: I did a search on “Arizona Medicaid” and came across a list of benefits. Arizona’s benefits do not include either hearing aids of eyeglasses for adults. I need both of those, and Ohio covers both. Research really counts.
Calvin, yes, if you have a unique situation, research is all important.
Thanks so much for taking the time to research this important information and for listing resources so we can do our own additional research. I look forward to the follow-up blogs that you mentioned.
My pleasure Joe, more to come!
Thanks, Bob. This will be great info for us gonna-be’s.
David, that is just why I did it!
Thanks Bob this is very important information for us considering the move to the nomadic lifestyle.
Glad to help Shad.
Thanks, Bob. Great job with this subject!
Thanks Jim, I appreciate it.
Carl, I meant to say ‘ good luck’, but accidentally hit ‘ o ‘ instead of ‘ u ‘.
This is great info! I am especially interested in more information on the Expanded Medicaid and AZ vehicle registration while leaving my reaidency in TX, and look forward to you sharing more in that in future posts. Thank you Bob!
Debra, that is all coming up! Texas does NOT offer expanded Medicaid, if I were you I would definitley become an Arizona resident.
Thanks Bob. Since I have to have a trustee for my disability due to my brain injury, can I do that? Can my trustee be in TX and my residency elsewhere? Did you run across anything in your research about that? Or if any of your readers know anything on that, maybe they can advise (?). Thanks again!
Debra, that is something I don’t know anything about, I’ll talk to you about it in camp.
Forget SD if you want to have a hunting fishing or falconry license. I just found out the hard way. FG require you to live in a real house to be considered legal citizen, dispite your drivers and car registration and address. This rule needs changed. I could use a good attorney. I feel discriminated.
Some of the residency requirements are weird depending on the state. South Dakota is becoming more friendly to RVers; I wonder if contacting the people who have encouraged that RV-friendliness would be able to correct that? I sure hope Bob has some insight on your comment.
Jan, that’s good to know, thank you.
Regarding #5 above: Be aware that South Dakota requires your name to be on the motel/RV park receipt. If you are a couple BOTH names need to be on the receipt. Or you will find yourselves going back for a second night under the other person’s name.
Linda, there are so many little ins and outs, you learn something new every day.
I’M takeing the leap of faith this fall. At my age it’s now or never and never can’t wait. Hopefully we will meet and talk about the future of mankind. Seriously, I look forward to meetinv you. Hope to see you in the fall!
That’s great Donald, most of us have found these to be the very best times of our lives! You’re always welcome in my camp.
Thank-you for another excellent post.
A couple of things that I have found out. Living in a vehicle can be classified as homeless, and get you an exemption from having to have health care.
A method that I use for residency. Pay for a month at an RV park.Use that reciept to get a voters registration card. Use both of those to get plates and registration.Use the registration reciept and voter registration card to get a drivers license.Keep using both of those reciepts forever as proof of residency.In Wyoming they will even renew plates by mail to a general delivery address anywhere.Works for me.
Rancho Deluxe Ranger
Craig, yes, we will cover getting a drivers license in the next post and that is exactly the way to do it. We’ll talk about Obomacare later and I did know about the homeless exemption. I just wasn’t ready to declare officially I am homeless, I’m concerned about unintended consequences.
Am wanting to purchase a cargo trailer to convert into a Tiny House to live in permanently or while I purchase a prefab shed to have a permanent home for the rest of my life. Which of the states you mentioned (as well as some you didn’t) would be the most friendly toward someone like me?
Don, being a nomad I don’t know much about buying land. I do know that in most places each country writes its own codes for residences and the most important thing is to find a county with minimal codes and permits. That is getting very hard to do,most places want you to strictly follow standard building codes and that rules out what you want to do. Even worse, if you do find a place that will let you do it now, in a year they can change their minds and demand you conform to codes. This is an area you are going to have to do you homework on.
Thank you for the reply. This is part of the reason I’m leaving Colorado because of what you mentioned. Looks like trailer parks which allow these types of RV would be my best bet.
Don, I know some people with land in Apache County, Arizona (along the border with northern New Mexico) and there is minimal intrusion there–pretty much do whatever you want. You may want to look into that.
Hi Bob,
Great information, thanks for sharing. How many hoops did you have to go through to register the van in AZ? I can’t see myself selecting TX, SD or FL either since most of my time will be in the West.
Tina, it was very easy! Bring in your insurance papers, fill out the forms, and that’s it. Very simple.
Did you need an Arizona address? For both the insurance and registration.
Steve, yes, you always need both addresses. I used my girlfriends mail forwarder for mail, and just picked an address for a physical address. More on that next time.
Thank you Bob! I was doing this research myself but you just saved me countless hours I should be using to simplify my possessions! My goal is to be at my first RTR in 2017.
Excellent work as always.
Thank you Bob, glad to be of help!
Thanks Bob, for all the great information. I’ve read/copied other articles like this over the past few years since I began planning my RV life and find full-timers like you have the best insights into going full-time.
If you or any of your readers are interested, here are a few links to my favorite bloggers who like you are full-timers. And like your web site a person can spend many weeks reading all the extremely good RV info on these sites:
Thanks Mark, they are all great!
Hi Bob, Great information, you amaze me with all the information you provide to your readers. I appreciate all your hard work and dedication. You are literally a road scholar! Safe travels my friend.
Thanks Bob! I try.
Thanks so much for this series, Bob. I’ll be returning to the road in about another year, but have been off it for a decade and a half! Things have changed so much since the 90’s when I could just pick up and go and then just go again. More planning required now, although of course I’m a tiny bit older, too! Anyway, I appreciate all the info and this site and all your work, and am looking forward to the rest of the series. Hope to see you at RTR.
Angeli, 911 made us much more security conscious, things have changed and are still changing fast.
I moved to SD for many of the reasons you have listed, even though I am not a Nomad. One thing about vehicle registration in SD is that counties here charge a “wheel tax” except Pennington County. If you are going to register a vehicle in SD, do it in Pennington (Rapid City area).
Love your blog. Keep up the good work!
Larry, that’s good to know, those little details make a difference.
an alternative “real” i.d. is the u.s. passport card, created for land and sea return to the u.s. but has no restriction for other purposes. it contains bearer’s name, dpob and photo; no address, no signature, no physical description. it is proof of u.s. citizenship and work/banking eligibility. apply at any u.s. post office, can be mailed to any u.s. address, including forwarder. save the envelope as many states recognize u.s.govt mail as proof of address. valid for ten years. see
Thanks jstert. Good info.
Thanks to Bob for all the great information. I was full time for 8 years in the 80’s and 90’s. I hope all of those who are just considering becoming nomads/full time traveler appreciate all of the information that Bob provides at the click of a button. Back in the “old days” were learned all these things by trial and error and mostly by word of mouth from other nomads.
I would like to add one more utube channel to Mark’s list of those that have good information for full timers.
I had only meant to post a link to Brians you tube channel, (Adventure van man) not to this specific post. Feel free to correct the mistake. I’m still learning how to do the video editing and posting.
Been thinking a lot about this info since you posted. I’m leaning toward New Mexico for a residency change, even with its income tax, because it’s kinda central to my chief wanderings. Still on the fence. But what I really like about this post is now I know what numbers to crunch for the business case side of things. Great stuff as always, Bob!
Thanks Vanholio, I really don’t know anything about NM residency, good luck with it. Let me know how it goes.
I done did it! With a little two step, I am now a New Mexico resident.
Actually, here’s more sordid tale of corruption:
“Texas is much too far away and I hate their politics and hope to never set foot in the state again”.
Bob, with respect, for those of us who came to Texas precisely because of the politics and who love the state, that kind of statement is pretty hurtful. I’m surprised at that sort of attitude from one who preaches tolerance and kindness.
David, I’m sure your right, I apologize.
In response to one visitor, there is a e-book on states without building codes. The title is “No Building Codes” by Terry Herb and is written in 2010. There are links to relevant county depts. You should be able to update it that way, through links. Some counties in some states do not even require you to put in septic if over 5 acres.
If you want the name of the states I will do a quick review. My attorney said to read during my financial losses….and still am.
Love your site and info, Bob.
Thanks LC
Skype has opened its internet-structured client beta on the world, right
after establishing it extensively within the United states and You.K.
before this four weeks. Skype for Online also now works with Linux and Chromebook for immediate online messaging interaction (no voice and video yet, individuals require a plug-in set up).
The expansion from the beta provides assistance for
an extended selection of spoken languages to aid bolster
that international functionality
While Tennessee has no state vehicle inspection requirement, some counties including Davidson and Rutherford have emissions testing requirements to renew registration, so if I continued with a Nashville address as I now have lived in Nashville (with a couple of temporary breaks) for decades I would have to find my way back to Nashville to pass emissions testing before I could renew my tag each year.
Bob, I was looking at Nevada’s DMV site and they said a 30 day rent receipt and another document (tax receipt or bank account) were required to claim NV residency/domicile. Has this changed recently?
This seems like a great idea, Jeremy! I will definitely give it a try!
No Colorado? Good article actually. Thanks for sharing.