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Quick Trip To Pahrum: How to get Mail

Here is Wayne’s camp in Pahrump. That’s Wayne’s Class C, my van, and James and Kyndals Astro. That’s Pahrump in the background. The reason I love it so much is you are 3 miles from the front door of a WalMart, but still can boondock without any hassles.
Still, it is my responsibility to know when my driver’s license is going to expire and get it done on time. The problem was that when I became a Nevada Resident, and got my license, in March of 2008. So I had it in my mind that I had 5 years to renew it, which would mean it wasn’t due until 2013, next year. But, because my birthday was in June, I didn’t get a full year in 2008, I only got the three months from March to June, my next birthday. The bottom line is my license is four months expired and I must renew it right away.
So the first thing I did was go to the Nevada DMV website and see if I could renew it by mail. Normally you can renew it by mail, and it looked like I could, but I wasn’t sure. So I emailed them and asked for clarification, could I renew it by mail even though it was 4 months expired? Unfortunately, I got a quick reply that said no, if it was over 30 days expired I had to renew in person. So I had to drive home to Pahrump, NV to renew it. Fortunately, it isn’t that far, only 200 miles one-way from our camp outside Victorville, CA.
So I am typing this sitting in the DMV office in Pahrump. According to the ticket I took, I am number 32, and they are on number 7. And, there are only two clerks! So, like always, there is a long wait at the DMV. Fortunately, more clerks came in and it was exactly one hour from when I took my ticket to when I walked out the door with my new license.
The trip is a waste of gas money but even so I am somewhat glad to do it for several reasons. First, I really love Pahrump and it’s good to see it again. If it weren’t for the very cold winters and very bad winds I would spend every winter here. Second, since my mail forwarder is here, this trip will let me place an order with, and have it waiting for me here (I have a Prime account so all my orders are free 2 day shipping). I ordered ladder racks for my van and Bill’s also (we are mounting solar panels on them) And third, my good friends James and Kyndal are camping there and I and it has been great to see them again, (check out there blog there: Finally, it will be good to give the van a shake-down trip before I pull the trailer over to Quartzsite. On the trip up here it ran like a top, when I fill it with gas before I head back I will have my first calculation its gas mileage.

Wayne, James (and Homer) in front of Wayne’s Class C. Notice his 4×4 Montero that Wayne tows. It is a great choice for a toad. It gets decent mpg, and it can go into some very rough back-country.Wayne has 500 watts of solar and all the comforts of home (including a Dish TV satellite dish on the roof).
The van ran extremely well the whole time, I didn’t discover any new issues. It is comfortable and easy to drive and with a 5.7, 350 engine it had plenty of power to climb all the hills. I haven’t gassed it up yet so I don’t know the mpg, but I will tell you as soon as I do. A quick guess-timate is 15 mpg. I built the bed before I left and took a backpackers sleeping pad to sleep on. I know an upholstery shop in Pahrump that sells furniture-grade foam pads, so I went there and bought a mattress for the bed. It is 36×80 and 4 inches thick. It’s a little firm now, but it will develop some give over time
I think this would be a good time to talk about two important questions many vandwellers have to answer: 1) How will you get mail? 2) If you are a traveling vandweller, which state should you be a resident of? I’ve covered this topic on the website so I am not going to go into great depth, instead go to this page:
If you are a traveling vandweller, you can choose any state to be your home state. There are several factors you want to consider when deciding, but these are the most important:
1) Does it have an income tax?
2) Does it require an annual smog or vehicle inspection?
3) How easy is it to become a resident?
4) How much will auto insurance cost.
Based on those questions, the great majority of full-time vandwellers and RVers choose one of these four states for Residency (and as their mail forwarders):
- Florida (Good Sam Club)
- Texas (Escapees)
- South Dakota (too many to list-do a Google search)
- Nevada (
You can make an argument for each state since they all have pluses and minuses, but my advice has always been to make the final decision based on geographical location. I strongly encourage you to make your decision on where you will spend most of your time. Because I always plan to spend my winters in the desert Southwest, I choose Nevada. This incident with my Driver’s License drives home that idea. If I was a resident of those other states, I would be driving at least 1200 miles one-way to renew my license. At over $4 a gallon for gas, that would be a very expensive trip to drive somewhere just to go to the DMV and then turn around and drive home. While it’s true many things can be done over the net, this incident just shows that you can’t always plan everything out and having a resident state as close as possible is a very good thing.
When I first moved into a van very little changed in my life, I kept working at the same job and doing the things I had always done. I just lived in a van instead of a home. Chances are most of you will be doing the same thing. Because I couldn’t get mail at my old residence, I went to the local UPS Store and got a box. You may be wondering why I didn’t get a box at the Post Office? (A quick definition for clarification: UPS=United Parcel Service, USPS=United States Postal Service) The USPS won’t receive packages from UPS or FedEx, and since most internet shopping (like ships by them, I couldn’t use the USPS. The UPS Store will receive packages from any delivery service. Another problem with the USPS is that they require physical proof of residency like an electric bill or rent receipt. Since I didn’t have one, I literally could not get a USPS Postal Box. The UPS store does not require any proof; all they require is two pieces of identification. I used my Drivers License and passport (you do have a Passport right? If not, go get one right now!!). In some larger towns there are Postal Express type stores that cost much less than the UPS Store and also do a very good job. Search the Yellow Pages for them.
So if you live in a city and stealth park, getting mail isn’t a problem. But you will still need a physical address for many different things. I just kept using the address of my last house. I used it for over 6 years and never had a bit of problem with it. It was just a physical address, all my mail went to my UPS box, so no one ever knew or cared that it wasn’t true. So it’s possible to just drive around a neighborhood, pick a street address and say that’s yours. No one is going to do the research to find out if you are renting a room or are a relative of the owner. The important thing is that it be a legal, residential address. Many computers are set to automatically verify that it is.
BUT, if you are a traveling vandweller, then things become much more complicated. For example, I am a Nevada resident but I don’t have a home of any kind anywhere and haven’t been in the state of Nevada for over 1 ½ years. So what do I do for a physical address, and where does my mail go?
The solution is in a mail forwarder. A mail forwarder is a company that receives your mail and then either holds it for you, or sends it forward to wherever you are. So I have a P.O. Box in Pahrump, Nevada that Marianne, my mail forwarder, opened for me, and three times a week she gets my mail and handles it for me. For example, if I am traveling she holds it for me till I have a local address then she packages it up and mails it to me. If it is important, she will scan and email it to me or she will open it and call me and read it to me. She will even take a check and deposit it in my bank in Pahrump. Marianne offers really outstanding service at a very reasonable price of $100 a year; I can’t recommend her highly enough:
So that’s how I get mail, but what do I use for a physical address and how do I get UPS or FedEx packages? Marianne allows me to use her home address as my physical address. So my physical address is at her home at 1234 Main Street, Pahrump, NV, and my mailing address is P.O. Box 5678, Pahrump, NV. So this week when I drive back to Pahrump, I will go over to Marianne’s house and pick up my boxes from I can’t recommend Marianne enough; you can find her at All the states I listed above have well-known mail forwarders associated with them.
This is not a comprehensive article, for more info go to this page on my site:
Hi Bob,
Sorry we missed connections. I am also looking for a van as well and will then sell my Ford F250. I will still keep the TT but will pull it with the van and for short trips here and there. Unfortunately, I didn’t think of this soon enough and most likely take a loss on the Ford but hopefully not too much. Hope you liked the second spreadsheet i know I did and use it now myself…. See you at the RTR.
Fred, I am so sorry to have missed you. I got there and was busy every minute running errands and visiting with old friends. I think vans make the very best tow vehicles. My extended cargo van has an incredible amount of locked, secure, weather-tight storage. And best of all you can reach it all right from the drivers seat.
I have been so busy I haven’t gotten a chance to look at the spreadsheet. I don’t know when I will either. Tomorrow we are installing Bill and Judys Solar system, then I have to mount mine on the van, then I have to get the truck emptied out and gotten rid of. Still have more I want to do to the van. By then it will be just about time to move to Quartzsite. Life is busy! But it is also wonderful!!! Bob
Hey Bob, so tell us what you averaged for mpg. cedric
Hi Cedric, I filled it in Pahrump and got 14 mpg. But, that had a lot of city driving on it so it doesn’t count. I haven’t filled it up yet after the return trip (which was all highway miles) so I’m not sure. I’ll let you know when I get it figured out. The price of gas is falling fast here in CA. It was $4.60 a gallon just 3 weeks ago. I knew it would be cheaper in NV so I went with just enough to get there and paid $3.50 there. Now it has dropped to $3.85 in CA so I will fill it up again.
Lol Better late than never. A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you Bob 🙂
Are you adding additional solar panels to increase your output or just moving them from your trailer to your van?
Nice article.
Hi Tim, thanks for that! There is always next year! last winter I cam across a great deal on a solar panel, so I bought it and I have been waiting to buy a van to replace the F150. The van will have it’s own complete 140 watt system, including controller and batteries. That way when I take trips in it I can still have power. The trailer will still have the system it always had. If it ever runs out of power, I will run an extension cord to it from the van. Bob
Hi Bob!
What racks are you getting? Care to write a post on the best way to support solar panels on top of your van?
Best wishes from Angeli, her furry crew, and Josephine, the van.
Hi Angeli, we just installed a system on Bill and Judys van today, so I will write an article on it. I bought the ladder racks off of for $90 and I will tell you all about it soon.
The advantage of ladder racks is you don’t have to put any holes in your van. But just using “Z feet” is cheaper and nearly as easy, but you have to drill holes on the roof. That is not as big a deal as it sounds. It’s easy to do and making it watertight is not a problem. More later. Bob
Hi Bob,
just noted that you wrote a blog post on this beginning of OCT. I had not seen that, so sorry. My bad. Will read further.
Best wishes.
Hi Bob
You had posted on some other posts about how being out in the wild makes you feel better and about how houses did not make you feel good at all. I found this info I thought you might find interesting as well as some of your readers.
I marked the info I found interesting with stars in the info below:
The film has not come out yet as far as I know, but one could google it for more info.
RESONANCE is a sensational eye opening documentary which reveals the harm we are doing by existing in an ocean of man made wireless frequencies.
The film examines 60 years of scientific research, to uncover for the very first time, the actual mechanisms by which mobile phone technology can cause cancer.
And, how every single one of us is reacting to the biggest change in environment this planet has ever seen.
Two billion years ago life first arrived on this planet; a planet, which was filled with a natural frequency. As life slowly evolved, it did so surrounded by this frequency. and Inevitably, it began tuning in.
By the time mankind arrived on earth an incredible relationship had been struck; a relationship that science is just beginning to comprehend.
Research is showing that being exposed to this frequency is absolutely integral to us. It controls our mental and physical health, it synchronizes our circadian rhythms, and it aids our immune system and improves our sense of well being. ***************************
I believe being away from towns and cities and in nature exposes us to this natural frequency.
Not only are we surrounded by natural frequencies, our bodies are filled with them too. Our cells communicate using electro magnetic frequencies. Our brain emits a constant stream of frequencies and our DNA delivers instructions, using frequency waves. Without them we couldn’t exist for more than a second.
This delicate balance has taken billions of years to perfect. But over the last 25 years the harmony has been disturbed. and disturbed dramatically.
Mankind has submerged itself in an ocean of artificial frequencies. They are all around us, filling the air and drowning out the earth’s natural resonance.
To the naked eye the planet appears to be the same. But at a cellular level it is the biggest change that life on earth has endured; the affects of which we are just starting to see and feel.”
Hi Andrew, this is all new to me, but I would not automatically reject it. The latest in physics is called “String Theory” which is the idea that at the lowest level everything is vibrating strings of energy. To suggest that frequencies remain at a higher level, but still imperceptible to us, is pretty easy for me to believe.
It is well established that animals know that earthquakes are coming before they get here. How? We don’t know, but a change in frequencies seems like a reasonable answer. I’d be interested in knowing more if you have any hard science links. Bob
Could you use your mail forwarder for all mail and skip the po box?
Hi McBe, she is the one with the P.O. Box. She buys a commercial PO Box which is a great big cloth bin on wheels. Then she has about 100 customers who use that exact same Box number. I think she has 200-300 customers so she has multiple boxes. The price of the box is included in my $100 a year. her home address is my physical address.
This is actually a business that could be run out of a RV or van. One option would be to pull a cargo trailer set up as a office and park near a town like Quartzsite or the Slabs and be a mail forwarder. Both towns have 1000s of RVers, but no mail forwarders, I think it is a great business opportunity. Bob
Always great to see you Bob! Glad you were also able to spend some time with Wayne! Hope the ride back was smooth and you get some great weather. Say hi to the group for us!
Love Kalani & tribe
Hi kalani, it was great to see you too!! Seeing Wayne again was icing in the cake! The drive back was uneventful. The best thing was not having any wind, in the Mojave desert that is always a blessing. How are you guys like stealth parking in Vegas? Bob