Full-Timing on a Harley and a Tear-Drop Trailer

  I follow quite a few blogs and I especially like those with brave, adventurous people; today’s guest post by Jaclyn Heyen epitomizes those qualities!  Visit her blog, “Blue Road” here: http://www.jhblueroad.com/   I was pretty excited when Bob...

Paying Taxes and Drawing Unemployment as Vandwellers and RVers

It’s April so I’ve just got with done with the dreaded chore of doing my taxes and it occurred to me that I’ve never done a post on how a full-timer files his taxes. Since many of us are only drawing Social Security or a Disability check, it’s not an issue; they don’t...

My 1979 Motorcycle Trip up the Alaska Highway

This is the final installment on my series on my 1979 motorcycle trip: I hope I haven’t drug it out too much and bored you! If I have, I hope you’ll at least look at the pictures and read the conclusion of this post. In it I try to find the moral of the...

My Motorcycle Touring Trip in 1979: Part 2

This is part two of my report on my 1979 motorcycle trip across the West. When we left off last time I had flown down from Alaska, bought a motorcycle, and was taking a trip to see the National Parks of the West. It’s amazing to me how much I’m still just...

Photography as a New Hobby

I love Nature Photography! In my whole life, it’s the thing that has brought me the most consistent joy and as I’ve gotten older I’ve not lost interest, in fact I enjoy it more today than I ever did. In today’s post, I want to make a case that if you are just...