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Comfort Versus Freedom: Part 2; Specific Choices

A 4×4 pickup and shell is the ultimate go-anywhere rig for a true minimalist. Enough room to live in full-time but great off-road ability.

This Ford F250 4×4 with Super-Cab and pop-top camper offers very good go-anywhere ability AND outstanding comfort. It’s a great choice for Boondocking!

This is my very good friends James and Kyndals AWD Astro. They must be magicians because they set up one of the most comfortable camps I have ever seen in some truly remote and beautiful places. If you are on a tight budget, the Astro is tops in my book for a go-anywhere explorer rig.
Next, I’m going to rate different vehicles for their comfort and mobility. I will use a scale of 1-10 with 1 being least and 10 being most. Hopefully this table will help you choose:

This is an example of almost high-centering. This nice Class B is very comfortable, but his running board is just barely clearing this granite slab in the Sierra NF.
Small 4×4 SUV (Jeep 4-Door Wrangler): (Comfort:1–Back-Country Ability:10—Score” 11 of 20) Something like a 4-Door Jeep Wrangler or Toyota Forerunner have incredible back-road ability, but there is little comfort. You can carry a tent or Roof-Top tent, but really that is next to zero comfort if you are full-timing. You can easily do it for a little while, but do you want to do it for the rest of your life? For a few, the answer is “Yes!” I have a friend who lived in a Ford Explorer in Denver, Co and loved it. But for most of us we simply need more comfort.
Large SUV (Excursion or Suburban) 4×4: (Comfort: 3–Back-Country Ability: 8—Score: 11 of 20) The large SUVs aren’t as good off-road as the smaller ones, but they are still pretty good. They will take you wherever most legal Forest Service or BLM roads go. Usually the 4-door models will at least let you stretch out to sleep. There is a story on one of my sites about someone who converted an older Blazer to live in off-road: and it is adequately comfortable for a minimalist. The fact that you can get them with a diesel engine makes them a little more attractive. For serious back-roaders, they are a decent choice.
Mini-Van (Astro AWD, Toyota AWD): (Comfort: 5–Back-Country Ability: 7—Score: 12 of 20) I think Astros are a very good choice because I’ve seen stock models go into some very rough country. You can easily add lift kits and put bigger tires on them so you can go even further if you want to. However, they are relatively small and offer little comfort. I have some very good friends who are a married couple and live in an Astro and love it. If you are on a tight budget they may be your best possible choice. As a bonus they get good mpg.
Mini-truck (Toyota Tacoma) 4×4: (Comfort: 3–Back-Country Ability: 10—Score: 13 of 20) The Tacoma is an outstanding vehicle for the Back-Country and has legendary reliability, but with their short and narrow beds, it simply doesn’t have much comfort or carrying capacity. See a story on my blog about one of the best Tacoma’s I have ever seen and make up your own mind.

Don’t underestimate a standard vans ability to go remote. My good friends Forest and Beth take their Chevy Express into some god-awful places. They are braver than I am!
4×4 Van: (Comfort: 7–Back-Country Ability: 8—Score: 15 of 20) A 4×4 van is by far your best all-around choice, but they are hard to find and expensive when you do. For a few years Chevrolet put AWD in their Express vans, so you may try to find one of those, but it won’t be anywhere near as good as a true 4×4 system.
Pickup 4×4 with shell: (Comfort: 5–Back-Country Ability: 8—Score: 13 of 20) I lived in one of these for 2 ½ years and found it to be an outstanding choice. I was satisfied with the level of comfort and very pleased with it’s ability to go into the back-country. If you look around you can get a high-top shell which tremendously increases its comfort. Here is the story of how I built my own shell: 4-Wheel Campers makes a pop-up with an empty shell that looks very appealing.

The Capri Camper on a 4×4 pickup is my Number One choice of an off-road, go-anywhere rig. It’s small, light, agile and yet very comfortable.
Pickup 4×4 with large camper: (Comfort: 9–Back-Country Ability: 3)—Score: 12 of 20). Full-size campers are so wide, long and tall that their ability to go remote is quite poor. I had always thought they were good in the back-country so I invited a friend to camp with me, but it was extremely difficult for him to get to me, and then couldn’t make it all the way back. To get as far as he did he had to cut down trees on the side of the road and cut limbs from above the trailer so they didn’t rip his rubber roof. A road the vans handled easily he was just barely able to make it through.

Because I have no experience with these off-road pop-up campers, I stole this photo off the net. My apologies (and admiration) to whoever took this photo! These really are go-anywhere trailers and they offer a LOT of comfort when you get there.
SUV or Pickup 4×4 towing a Converted Cargo Trailer: (Comfort: 7–Back-Country Ability: 6—Score: 13 of 20) I’ve been pretty satisfied with where I am able to take my trailer and if I had a 4×4 it would be even better. You can buy cargo trailers specifically designed with high ground clearance which would make it even better. Very good choice.
RVs. It’s obvious the big RVs simply do poorly on bad roads. They are so wide, long and tall that they just can’t go into remote country. But you may think a very small RV would be good. While an 18 foot Class C is better, it is not good. Don’t buy one expecting to go remote.
My Recommendations:
On a Tight Budget: An AWD Astro mini-van is a solid choice for a low-cost, go-anywhere live-aboard vehicle. Save your money and get a lift kit and bigger, aggressive tires and its even better. See these Forums for threads on lift kits:
Best Balance: Nothing beats a standard van for balance. They will take you most places you want to go. But you must be careful of mud, snow and sand and the risk of getting stuck. If you can find a posi-traction rear end, that dramatically helps or you can add a locker to the rear end which will mostly solve that problem. Ground clearance on stock vans is decent and can be improved with a lift kit and bigger tires.

My F150 4×4 was capable of going many more places than I was able to drive it. My fear was our only limiting factor!
Parts and service are super easy to find; with their big hoods the cost of labor is less than a van and there is a giant array of after-market accessories to improve the looks and performance of your truck. Your fuel economy will be much worse than a stock van, but that is the price you pay for versatility and far superior back-road performance.
For More Comfort, Add a Trailer: If you want more comfort with little loss of back-road performance, you can add a trailer. The small, off-road, pop-up trailers are a perfect choice for this or something like my 6×10 converted cargo trailer also works well, but not as well.
Do you think the Capri campers are good quality?
HH, they have been in business a long time and they have a very specific market (rodeo riders)so based on that alone, I think they are. I only know one guy with one and he has had it for 17 trouble-free years.
I have a good friend with one and he has never had any serious problems.
hey now bob,really like that sportmobile, an that little offroad trailer for extra storage togather with the sportmobile now thats a boondocking rig for sure!!!gary
Gary, nothing beats a Sportsmobile! But, I can’t afford it!
Bob, my Suburban 4×4 has proven itself to be very comfortable for sleeping, (thank God for Reflectix!!)however there are definitely drawbacks to taking it just anywhere!! Think I’ll just stay slightly off the beaten path, and enjoy my STEALTH trailer!
John, I am a big fan of the Suburban, I seriously considered getting one instead of the van when I replaced the F150. I finally choose comfort over freedom and I have been regretting it every since.
I’d like to hear more about what you didn’t like about the Suburban.
Bob, what’s a good small tv to run in a van off a 12v system?
Billy, you have really good timing! This week I am going to do a guest post about getting TV for vandwellers. I have a Satellite TV and I just use a cheap 19 inch LED Insignia brand TV. I just run it off of my inverter and I have no problems with it. I’d suggest getting an Energy Star rated TV. Mine draws 24 watts-2 amps. That is so low it is inconsequential with all my solar. I mounted mine on a swing-away wall mount that was very cheap from Amazon.
I’ll cover all this in a post on TV this coming week.
Hi Bob,
On the Capri campers, what are your thoughts about the truck tailgate… Would you get rid of it, store it, or just keep it?
Nothin will get you deeper into nature than this puppy!
Right Rick, but it gets terrible miles per bale of hay!
Meg, you’re very right. Comfort and our individual needs to achieve it are very individualistic. I’m into full-timing for the long haul, and the best advice I can give is for you to continue to just let things soak in your head. Research, and read. Full-timing means different things to different people. For some, it’s getting 40 miles out into the wilderness, with its solitude, and centering on the natural surroundings. For those at the other end, it’s RVing as a platform to sightsee, restaurant, and shop. The thing to let rattle around in your head is to determine what kinds of things YOU want to do, and what kinds of places you want to be in. Even with a ground-dragging old travel trailer, RTRs are not an issue, and so far I’ve been able to get within a pretty short distance of Bob’s other campsites (though I’m about to rebuild a rear skid as a result). I’ve chosen creature comforts over being able to get to more secluded areas, but that’s merely a personal choice that a lot of more outdoorsy folks wouldn’t swing toward. The bigger the rig you boondock with, the more moments you’ll spend stopping to get out and look around at the trail conditions ahead, asking yourself, “can I do that?” and “any places in here I can turn around if things get too rough ahead?”. That’s the price you occasionally pay for comfort on forest roads. I’ve got time and walking shoes. It’s always a little nerve-wracking driving into an unfamiliar trail because my rig is one of the worst offroaders possible, but I look at it as part of the adventure. It’s very rewarding to find a workable site and set up camp. Then again, you may surprise yourself when push comes to shove and you’re able to “go minimal” to a higher degree than you first expected. Some stuff makes a home, and some stuff is just stuff that clogs storage bins. My TT has a furnace and an oven, neither of which I’ve ever used or will use. Let things soak. Take your time, hey?
You are quite right Meg, comfort is a very relative thing. You have to bear in mind the context of the blog; after all this blog is about vandwelling, people who live in vans and our biggest argument is about whether pooping in a bucket or pooping in a port-a-potti is better (I poop in a bucket). So for me, living in a Jeep Wrangler isn’t unthinkable, just something I don’t want to do and living in a huge camper with a slide-out is actually unthinkable because I don’t want all that room.
If you haven’t started your research yet, I have some recommendations: 1) Go camping-find out how much you like nature and how little comfort you can live with. 2) Rent an RV and go for a trip and see if it works for you. 3) Rent a van, throw down a sleeping pad and a bag and go for trip.
It will cost you a little up front but you will learn a lot and maybe save yourself thousands from making the wrong decision and buying the wrong rig.
Afterwards, if you decide you like the freedom of a van, you will be amazed how cheap you can buy a good used van for and maybe your new life can begin earlier than you think
Another excellent post Bob! I love looking at all the different types of campers,Thank you..!
Appreciate this article Bob.
First this article helped me understand I really do want to visit and view the remote places.
Second it helped me narrow my choices down to a Astro Mini Van or a Standard Van.
Thank you.
Glad to help Curtis! Those are both good choices! My only comment is that surprinsingly, the Astro doesn’t get that much better of mpg than a full-size van, but it is a lot smaller.