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Nomad Break Downs on the Road
When I first started living as a nomad on the road, my greatest fear was that my van would break down and I would be homeless. After all, the van wasn’t just transportation to take me around town it was my home. If you live in a house and your car breaks down you can take the bus, walk, ask friends for rides or even take a cab. But if your car is also your home it’s much worse; where do you sleep while it’s in the shop?
Just this week that happened to me and I’d like to tell you about it.

This was my camp one day last week–I don’t think it will win any awards as prettiest of the year!
This wasn’t the first day I’ve spent sitting in a waiting room at an auto shop, when you’re a nomad living on the road, it’s inevitable. It’s not the end of the world, you just do it. You’re usually in town with internet and a TV so I just take my laptop, chargers and MIFI Jetpack in with me and try to entertain myself as best I can. I’ve never been turned down letting my dog sit with me so we go for walks through the day.

If you are ever in northern Arizona (Flagstaff, Prescott, Sedona or Cottonwood, this is where you want to get you vehicle serviced! You can see my van in the bottom right.
The first thing I said was, “Well, I always carry a tent with me just for this reason, if you will drive me out to my camp I’ll stay in the tent.” Then something totally unexpected happened!!! I mean so unexpected it was shocking to me!! He offered to pay to put me up in the motel that was right next door!
He might as well have said, “Why don’t I fly you to moon and you can camp there” that’s just how shocked I was! This wasn’t his fault! The parts house told him the part was in stock and then they told him later it wasn’t. But he said, no, he kept an account with the motel and whenever his clients were stuck he put them up in the motel and he was glad to do it for me as well. I reminded him I had my dog with me and he said no problem, they took dogs (it did cost him an extra $20).

Cody and I have been together for 18 months now, and this was his first night inside the 4 walls of a building in all that time. He did okay. We found out he loves cat food!
And I hope all of you will remember him as well!! Anytime you are in Northern Arizona (Flagstaff, Prescott, Sedona or Cottonwood) and you need work on your vehicle, take it to Cottonwood Tire and Auto in Cottonwood. You can trust him to do right by you, but more than that, we should all reward good deeds,
It was a very nice Best Western and Cody and I both loved our night in it!! It was a great excuse to splurge on ourselves so I went to the Panda Express close by for dinner and to a convenience store for dog food. They didn’t have any canned dog food but they did have canned cat food! It turns out that Cody loves cat food!!! He is a fussy eater, but there was no doubt about that cat food, he devoured it! Later I realized this is the first night Cody has ever slept inside the four walls of a building since I got him 18 months ago! He seemed to be okay with it!
That should be the end of the story but they next day there was a power outage and they couldn’t get it done again!! But, at least this time they got it all closed up and started it and parked it in the parking lot so I could sleep in it. It was an unpleasant night with all the road noise but I was still very glad to be back in the van. I love living in the van and even if it’s in a noisy part of town I’d rather be in it than anywhere else!

You know what, it was not a great night for either of us. I hate concrete and the noise and nowhere to walk made it unpleasant, But it was just one night out of thousands of wonderful nights so we’re not going to let it negatively impact us in any way. Life is very, very good!
And you know what, as I write this out, I’ve got a big ole grin on my face!! Even when it seems like it isn’t good, or even out-and-out bad–it really is all okay!
The next day I went in and thanked the boss for his extreme generosity; that kind of a good heart just makes the world a better place and I gave him the tip for his crew. Doing good or bad is contagious, and if we will all just work hard to spread the good and ignore the bad, the world can be be a much better place!!!
So, let me give you some hard-earned advice about how to handle unexpected break-downs on the road:
- Always have an emergency fund!! It’s inevitable you will break down or have some other unexpected thing come up. It’s essential you have the funds on hand to get you through that crisis! I didn’t like having to spend all that money, but I had it so it wasn’t a problem. I strongly recommend a minimum of $3000 which should be enough to make emergency repairs, pay for a night or two in a motel and cab fare. Heck, $3000 will buy a decent older van so you can move into it and scrap the old one!
- Mental preparation is key! A break down is easily handled because your home is with you where-ever you are. You’ll just work out each problem, one at a time, and in the end it will be no big deal–and in fact become a memory you treasure! The key to that mental preparation is planning ahead and taking all these steps before hand so you can have confidence in your future.
- Always have essential supplies (food, water, fuel, bad weather gear) on hand to last at least a week or two and preferably a month or two. If your trapped by weather or broke down on the side of the road, having supplies on hand will get your through it. If a repair takes all your money, you’ll still have enough to live and to eat until more money comes in. An easy way to build up your essential supplies is when something goes on sale, buy an extra or two and put it in the pantry.
- I carry a tent, sleeping pad and sleeping bag for these reasons: 1) If the van is in the shop I can stay in an RV park in a tent site for the least amount of money. 2) It can also hold my site when I’m boondocking and leave it to run into town. 3) A very few times you’ll be required to set up a tent to camp in a spot–I set mine up, then sleep in the van.
- Strongly consider carrying a bicycle, scooter or motorcycle as alternative transportation. If you have a bike with you when you break down, you can ride for help or use it to get around town. As a great bonus, it will also save you money on gas all the time and help you get exercise and be healthier. An electric bike or motorized bike will make it much more likely that you actually ride it.
- Consider carrying Roadside Assistance like AAA or a plan through your insurance company. There are lots of ins and outs of these: 1) how many tows a year, 2) how far will they take you, 2) does it work nationwide, 3) can they tow your van or a trailer, 4) can they handle an RV, 5) will they go down a dirt road in a National Forest? Do thorough research before you choose one.
- Be faithful to maintain your vehicle! The better care you take care of it, the less likely you are to have breakdowns happen. This could have been a catastrophic failure on the road, instead it happened in town because I saw signs of a future problem and took care of it.
- Most important of all, do good, and good will happen to you! Be good, and good will be all around you! Yes, shit still happens and van parts still wear out; but in the midst of the normal shit of life will be a hidden gem that makes your heart sing.
Today, be the hidden gem that makes someone else’s heart sing!
I’m making Videos on my good friends James and Kyndal’s YouTube Channel. See them here:
I remember when I was a truck driver and being broken down. I traveled by myself just me and my little dog Beauregard. I traveled all over the US and Canada. I know what you mean about being stuck at the garage. I can’t wait to get out on the road again. Happy Trails!
Juanita, the road is the place for me!!
Bob, your good attitude should be a model for us all. The good attitude brings happiness, not the other way around, like so many think.
Desert Rat, you got that so very right!
There are some good people in Cottonwood.
It’s certainly one of my favorite places.
Great advice Bob. Be prepared and follow the Golden Rule!
Glad you and Cody are back home. (I hate motels too).
Cheri, it’s home sweet home to us!
A quote I like that seems to fit this situation, “It is a happy person who can enjoy the detour.” I hope you enjoyed a good, long shower in that motel. 🙂
Linda, I did indeed!! When he said he’d put me on in a motel, that was my very first thought!
Bet the shower was nice, Bob, now a question, did Cody shower also ?? LOL.
My regards, Lucy.
Seems like it’s vehicle break down time. Your friends on enigmatic had vehicle problems too.
Cae, yeah they had bunches. We were just camping together and he is in the middle of one now.
Good post! Keeping a positive attitude keeps others positive.
That really is true Mountain Dan!
Isn’t the universe a funny thing? I was crossing the mountainous part of I5 in southern California today between Castaic and Grapevine when the check engine light came on in my truck. Like you I feared something catastrophic so when I got to Bakersfield where I was planning on stocking up at Walmart I called around and found a repair shop able to get me in right away despite it being 2:30 pm on a Friday (I was fearing being stuck at an RV park all weekend as I didn’t want to continue driving in case it was serious).
G&G Auto Repair was the name of the place. They ran the diagnostics without making me unhitch and discovered the problem was a bad O2 sensor. They were honest telling me it didn’t need immediate attention and as long as the truck was still running normally (it was) I’d be okay until I got to my destination. And get this, they didn’t charge me a penny.
The place in Castaic I stopped at on a whim two days before when the vinyl cover on my A/C started tearing was also a fantastic. They custom made a new cover for it, replaced the broken clasp, had it all done in an hour, and only charged me $40.
There really are good auto shops out there. 🙂
Becky, the world is choke full of really good people. It’s such a shame we only hear about the few not-so-good ones.
Those tired of paying a mechanic to plug in to the engine computer and merely read a code can get an OBDII code reader off amazon for a few bucks and read the code themselves. The codes are ‘generic’ and few are specific to make or model vehicle. Vehicles made on or after 1996 should have the same connector for the code reader. I bought the CP9125 reader off Amazon, but there are others less expensive that will work as well. Also allows you to turn off the check engine light which can useful if your state does not allow any car inspection to pass if the check engine light is on.
“Your mileage may vary” – Aristotle
BTW – Becky’s blog is another one well worth following.
Jon that’s a great tip about the code Reader, well worth doing! I agree about Beckys blog!!
Huh, I didn’t know this Jon but thinking of it now it makes perfect sense that these devices could be purchased, thanks! Also, I’m glad you’ve found IO enjoyable, thanks for reading. 🙂
Timely post, relevant indeed. although being good is the lesson here, funny how that works, be good and goodness surrounds you. I think someone could run for president with that idea in their heart and head, and I’d vote for em. Keep up the nice work. Regards, Mike.
Mike, that would be such a refrehing change (especially after this year!) I’d vote for them too!
Hey Bob,
As Winston Churchill once said, “Life’s just one dam thing after another.” Love your comment, “no matter what comes my way–it’s going to be okay.” What a great way to approach those “one dam thing after another days.” Safe travels..! David
David, I really have found that attitude to actually chase away those “dam things” so that there are fewer of them.
I love the attitude. Not only did you find enjoyment in the situation, but you extended it by treating the guys at the shop. Most times they don’t get positive feedback on their hard work much less a reward beyond their normal pay. I feel sure they went home that evening and told their families or housemates about your generosity therefore extending the good feelings even further. Thank you for those folks that saw a little extra brightness in their day. Sincerely, David
Thank you David, that’s a very kind comment–and now you’ve done it for me too!
I wish more business people were like this. I had a mechanic down the street like this. He has since retired, and I am apprehensive about finding a new one.
As for Cody’s joy of cat food. Both my sisters dogs love cat food as well. There must be a secret ingredient for dogs in it that lights them up (like MSG [monosodium glutamate] in human food).
Safe Travels and keep the rubber side down,
Mark L.
Thanks Mark, finding a good decent person is such a pleasure it lights up your day! I gotta try to be ore like that!
I like Cody on the bed in the motel it seems he likes TV what was he watching ( ha) ! Hey just be glad you have the cash to get you out of your issue plus it was fun to do something different looks like a nice motel ,by the way did your ball joints give out ? Any way best of luck
Joe, oddly they were still good, a bunch of other stuff did though.
So what was it my guess again is ldler arms also I’d yours AWD
Joe, yes, Idler arms was one thing. I don’t even remember what all they did.
It’s in time of troubles that we really see the good/bad in people. It’s such a treat to read that there are still wonderful people out there. Thanks for sharing.
To elaborate a bit more on the subject of emergency fund I’d like to add that health insurance deductible should be put aside if at all possible. We had a wake up call last week. We thought that my husband was in excellent health. He’s 65 and wasn’t taking any medication. Last week he experience chest pains. Long story short he had triple bypass surgery last Sunday. We were extremely surprise. We were fooling ourselves thinking that we were in absolutely good health and that it would continue that way forever.
My Husband is doing very well all things considered. It’s nice to know that we have enough to cover the deductible. It’s not something we would like to worry about at this point.
Just something to think about
Nicole, it really is an important issue. I have a $6800 deductible!! After that it’s 100% covered. I do have the money to cover it but I figure most of that will be hospital/emergency room bills and they will work with you on payments.
I’m only 60 but I’m living like this is my last year or two on this planet! That’s my advice for everyone!!
John and I are Canadians. We got our green cards in 1996. We never had much to do with hospitals here, so some practices still surprise me. On the 7th day of John being in the hospital someone came to explain that we owed $200/day for the room, for the first 6 days and the rest was being picked up by the insurance. It was asked nicely but the lady wanted to know if we could pay for it now or make arrangements for later. It felt really strange to me to give her my credit card while I was standing at foot of my husband’s bed. As we get older I’m sure I’ll get use to it, since it will happened more often. Nothing wrong with the practice, it’s just very foreign to me.
Nicole, what’s important is he is on the mend!! And you got that.
Nicole, I also must add that we never hear about all the truly great people in this country, but i think they outnumber the jerks by many, many times.
Yep, I agreed a 100%. There are some really wonderful people doing their magic quietly. I wish they made the news more often.
Nicole, all we hear about is the few bad apples, but there is a whole banquet out there of prime apples that make out life so sweet We just have to close our ears to the bad news.
Hey Bob,
Although your Cody loved the cat food I hope you don’t plan to make a habit out of giving it to him. Cody looks like he may be a mutt(?) and they usually have stronger constitutions than purebreds but cat food is not really good for any dog. Here’s why:
Thanks for the link Michele, no, I’m sure this is the only time in his life he will get cat food.
Did the mechanic say whether the front end work was related to a lot of off-road driving, or just overall age and mileage?
Al, he didn’t say, but I just assume it has an impact . Driving on all those bad roads has to have an impact on it. But the van has 183,000 miles so it’s not unreasonable that it needs front end work
My van has essentially the same mileage. The front end seems fine, but I guess that could change. Not soon, I hope.
Al I’m very surprised yo have that many miles on your van. It isn’t very old. You’rs is a lot newer than mine, I think newer are made better.
I bought it with 115K on it. Add about 21k miles a year for three years and there I am.
I’m still planning to be at Alabama Hills on Wednesday or Thursday, see you there!
Does anyone have or know of a roadside assistance insurance that will help you when you are off road? I haven’t been able to find one.
Other boondockers. And it’s usually free. 😉
That’s true Al, but the tow truck driver won’t make fun of you!
Or shoot video of it.
I have Hartford through AARP and they said they’d send someone to me even if I was in the middle of a National Forest.
Thank You Michelle. I will look into that. I am much more likely to be on top of a mountain or snuggled up to a babbling brook some where on a forest service road than on a convenient road.
I can testify to that Cheri!
Michele, that’s very good to know! Have you found them to be competitevly priced?
For me they are. I have baddish credit and the major companies tend to look at that over driving record and give me higher quotes than my SS check will support. The AARP membership is a “gotta do” in order to get Hartford but the fee was only… um, I think $12 for the year.
Michelle, you are right the AARP’s membership is $12/year. The price includes a 6 issues/year online or paper magazine. Hartford car insurance is very reasonable too. The road side assistance is under the AARP’s umbrella also. It is run by GE Motor Club. I just looked it up and it was $58 for our 2015 bill. Like a friend of mine likes to say “I rather pay a little bit up front than a whole bunch later”.
Thanks Nicole!
Thanks Michelle, I should get an AARP membership.
Michelle, I have just skimmed through GE Club’s handbook, and I suggest you do too. Their written policies trump whatever anyone might have told you on to phone to get you to sign up, and I’m not seeing any difference from my own inadequate CoachNet policy. It’s still useful for a roadway breakdown, but run your starting battery down overnight or fail to start on what they consider to be an unmaintained road, and it’s your treat. Since I can’t add a link, the web address of the paper I found is
Thanks for the goo info Doug! Good to hear from you again!
I could see Cody charging up a 500 dollar room service bill
tommy, good thing he doesn’t have opposable thumbs yet!
You are right Al, every time I have needed help there has been a vandweller there ready to help. Love my van family!!! I sometimes park where there isn’t anyone close though and if I need a tow or something my roadside ins. won’t send anyone to help me if I am not on a paved road. Cheri and Tony
Hi Bob, testing to see what shows up when I post hear:)
Thanks for writing about alone time, more of us who claim it hopefully it may become more socially acceptable.
I think there is an argument to be made the more we give to others,the more contemplation, soul-searching, connecting with something bigger than us. All rightoeus leaders did this. I for one am tired of apologizing for who I am, so thanks for saying it! Thanks always!
Hi bob
Above post I should probably just use my first name, although I am opposed to hiding in any form. But in case the masses are right and there are numerous crazy internet stalkers, interested in me and my boring life, I have grown girls I would never forgive myself if they got caught up in one of my making an statement causes! Thanks for all your work!
Thanks Becky, as you are well aware, you never need to apologize for being yourself! You are so right about the more you give of yourself!!
Plan on taking the bull by the horns, Bob. Tho I’ve avoided learning about vehicles in the past, I now own the tech service Manuals, *more than a starter tool set, and I’ve determined some take-along parts.
I’m identifying the exact components of my particular vehicle (parts dealers will sell you anything), and self-educating on ALL aspects of it. As you wrote, its now my home!
Tho, hopefully, there are benefits to [becoming this prepared], I KNOW there will be times that I’ll need service. Four months ago, I had never shimmied under any vehicle; now I have 3T jack stands and an impact driver. Will keep you in mind when I need a tow!
And, after reading this, Bob– buying a small tent! (Would prefer a jungle hammock).
And I always learn something reading your blog!
Craig, that is a great way to do things, learn how to do them yourself! I admire your determination to learn it! I have more money than time, so I’ll keep paying someone else to do it.
BTW, your readers might appreciate knowing what parts to keep on hand– or otherwise how to listen for trouble.
Good on you Bob. The truth is; things are going to happen, thinking otherwise is having faulty expectations.
I’ve found that putting a bit aside is a great habit, after I hit the emergency fund goal the fund just continued to grow. As I need less I find I have more.
Scratch Cody for me. He looks good on the bed.
Thanks Doug, it sounds like you have a great plan there!
Hi Bob!
Good to hear everything went OK with your repair! Is that some type of ladder/footholds along the left rear of your van that you have installed to access the roof? (first photo) Looks interesting, info?
Dasa, no the only thing I added was the Hitch Haul on the rear.
A common weak spot i’ve found with the several chevy truck chassied vehicles i’ve had are the wheel bearings. They don’t seem to last very long unfortunately.
I replaced one in our Tahoe early last winter before hitting the road. Knowing that all of the previous one’s i’d purchased didn’t hold up, I spent a few more bucks for one with a well known name in the world of bearings. Finrgers crossed it’ll last a few years as they aren’t real fun to change.
Scott, I think you are right, I love my Express but it does seem bearing are a problem area. At least it isn’t spitting out spark plugs like the Ford 5.4 (and all the Triton engines) or simply blowing up like the Ford 6.0 diesel.
That’s true Bob and i guess the good thing about the bearing issue is you’ll be able to get down th road somewhere to get it fixed and not likely to be stiuck like the other problems you mentioned.
Apologies for the typos. No edit feature found.
That’s true Scott.
Hi I’ve been watching your video’s and just started reading your blog. Its all so amazing! I can’t wait to start my new life! I am only in the preparing stage but getting closer everyday! Thank you for all you do to help so many people! You are truly a blessing Bob! I will keep reading,watching and learning!
Take Care and safe travels
Thanks so much Shish, I appreciate your kind words!
Cody is living it up with a bed of his own!
That’s what I thought Cody got the better of Bob’s issue I do not think I ever slept on a big bed before
Cody loved it!
Jeff, we were living high on the hog!
No bearing issues with my 97 gmc Savannah with 240000 miles on it. Only thing I have had to fix is a fuel pump and some electronic thing at about 200000
I’m glad it’s been so great for you Allan!