Born to Be Wild

I CAME ACROSS AN ARTICLE about the impact human recreation — even low-impact activities like sitting on a stump meditating — has on wildlife populations. “We Are All Displacing Wildlife,” it said. But my old man brain changed a suffix, either by mistake or because of...

Where Is Home?

“Home is made for coming from / for dreams of going to / which with any luck will never come true.”   — “Wand’rin’ Star”, from the musical Paint Your Wagon  AFTER NINE YEARS ON THE ROAD I’ve decided, contrary to the popular RV bumper sticker, home is not where you...

Bob Rebooted: How to Live—and Die—Well

This post originally appeared in 2013. May it still inspire and empower you. IN TODAY’S POST I want to talk about a truly amazing woman who set out to find adventure in an RV and ended up living in that RV for the rest of her life, and along the way became world...